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29 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

Investment held back by tax restored

i traded with Hopfist wealth and made profits but the moment i tried to close one of my heavy positions with decent profit in it the profit order was said to be invalid and unable to withdraw but they only did that to throw me off which prompted me to create solution elsewhere with proof during which the brokers at Hopfist wealth were demanding that i pay tax for international trading which made no sense to me

Canada Canada 2022-11-07 13:38
Canada Canada 2022-11-07 13:38


Hopfist have shown the kind of people they are and i am devastated to be a victim. i have made several deposits to increase my trading portfolio and after so many trades were done, they declined withdrawal. looking at my proofs of deposits attached have shown the several payment going out of my cryptocurrency wallet to their and also what is certifying them to be a scam company.

United States United States 2022-11-07 01:59
United States United States 2022-11-07 01:59
Unable to Withdraw

Withdrawal resolved

I have deposited 25460$ to this broker, and they only deposited 25,200$ into my account. I should have been concerned about this before and withdrawn my money and run away, but not, I still traded for weeks and made some profit and decided to stop trading and requested a withdrawal which they claim will need up to 24h. After 2 days they replied that my profits are deleted and I can’t withdraw my deposit. The Assetsclaimback/com increased my invest ment after I was able to withdraw them I was irritated that this broker doesn't pay client profits!! How dare they! They even called them a regulated broker.

Australia Australia 2022-11-01 18:48
Australia Australia 2022-11-01 18:48
Unable to Withdraw

Scam platform does not allow withdrawals

I invested $50,000, and followed 1 broker's instructions.. currently my account has $70,000.. When I made a withdrawal, the platform forced me to pay $10,000 to verify the account number.. No. I withdraw money.. they threatened to freeze my account

Vietnam Vietnam 2022-11-01 06:41
Vietnam Vietnam 2022-11-01 06:41

When I withdraw $80,000, they asked me to deposit 10% more

When I try to withdraw 80,000 USD, I get the content as shown below, is this means I have been scammed?

Vietnam Vietnam 2022-10-04 01:57
Vietnam Vietnam 2022-10-04 01:57
Unable to Withdraw

Cannot be withdrawn. Must pay tax in the amount of 20-30%

Cannot be withdrawn. You have to pay tax in the amount of 20-30%. Be awared. If anyone is trading or thinking about trading with this broker​ In a month, change the broker from Grand market to lounbox and change to Hopfistwealth​ Be prepared that you have been scammed.

Thailand Thailand 2022-09-22 09:45
Thailand Thailand 2022-09-22 09:45

Fraud website change their URL

Fraud website change their URL. Be careful hopfist

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-08-29 18:31
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-08-29 18:31
Unable to Withdraw

I am so stupid that I choose to trust netizen rather than family

Yes. I am deceived. I was brainwashed by a netizen and joined this broker madly. I deposit all the funds for my children's education and deposit. My family tries to stop me, but they cannot. I even pledge my house and land to pay the ridiculous tax and unfrozen fee. Now, I got nothing but 30 year's loan. I do not know what to do. I only that other people will not be like me.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-07-29 10:56
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-07-29 10:56
Unable to Withdraw

The fraud platform can't get the withdrawal, I hope they can bring me justice

At first, a friend introduced me to this platform. I was embarrassed to refuse it. Then I started to make money. Where and what harmed me, I borrowed more than 800,000 yuan from bank, and my family borrowed 400,000 yuan. After repaying the money, they continued to demand from me. I know that the other party defrauded and now the house and car have been foreclosed, and my wife wants to divorce me! God can give me justice, I usually work so hard and that is what I got at the end to earn!

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-07-06 15:30
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-07-06 15:30
Unable to Withdraw

HOPFIST WEALTH is unable to withdraw

HOPFIST WEALTH claims that regular traders and fake Renxiang Investment Consultants have jointly defrauded investors' hard-earned money. Female assistants used fake ID cards to defraud investors' trust. Then there is no way to withdraw money. At the end of the profit, the customer service said that you must pay 40% of the commission fee before you can withdraw. The female assistant said that you paid 300,000 and the rest, I will pay you first, and I will know that the ID card is fake I will not be deceived and tricked to break the news together

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-07-03 23:48
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-07-03 23:48
Unable to Withdraw

HOPFIST WEALTH platform is disappeared and does not withdraw

I deposit ninety thousands and operates. After making profit, I want to withdraw, but the whole platform is down and disappeared now, causing inability of withdrawal for me.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-06-04 15:37
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-06-04 15:37
Unable to Withdraw

Scam! Just a scam! I was told by the manager that I would need a 20% margin when I made a withdrawal.

It was said that Lizhan Investment Consultant's hedging plan ended and asked us to withdraw all the money, and then told us to pay a 20% deposit. The money was stuck in it without saying it in advance, and there was no extra money at hand to pay the deposit. . I wanted to find out if there is any information on the platform, but I didn't see the deposit required for withdrawal on the platform, the platform customer service was blank, and the customer service mailbox was blank. My friend wanted to say that his deposit amount was relatively low, and he also paid a deposit in the hope of trusting the platform, saying that only with his withdrawal would he be able to help the rest of us withdraw money one by one, but only after paying the deposit did he say we were tied The relationship is determined, and everyone must pay a deposit before the money can be withdrawn! Saying everything after the fact, it is simply trying to cheat money! Now the friend's deposit has been paid, and the account shows zero yuan through MT5, but the account cannot be accessed. Looking at Tianyan's complaints, the managers in other complaint situations all said different standards, some said 50%, some said 30%. Otherwise, after paying the money and saying that the account is frozen and asking for more money, it is a typical routine of fraud! Seeing that other people's complaints have been resolved, I hope to get in touch with the platform, please help us to refund!

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-06-03 21:42
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-06-03 21:42
Unable to Withdraw

The company HOP, together with Renxiang Company, deceived investors, led the operation of gold transactions, paid huge share fees, and could not withdraw after making profits.

The company HOP, together with Renxiang Company, deceived investors, led the operation of gold transactions, paid huge share fees, and could not withdraw after making profits.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-05-25 21:34
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-05-25 21:34
Unable to Withdraw

I was about to withdraw money and was temporarily told to pay a 20% margin before withdrawing money.

We were told that the platform would require us to withdraw all the money, and we had to pay a 20% deposit before giving the money. I never mentioned beforehand that there is 20%, where can I get the extra money to pay the security deposit! Originally, it was coordinated that a friend should pay the deposit first, and then borrow funds to pay the deposit one by one. As a result, after the friend paid the deposit, he said that all of us must pay the deposit before the deposit can be withdrawn. The rest of us have a combined total of $130,247.72. It would have been very difficult for one person to collect the security deposit, but we had to pay up to $26,049.54. Now my friend paid, but because we couldn't pay the money, we couldn't withdraw the money, the account was reset to zero, and the money didn't arrive. Whether it is the 20% deposit or the need to be tied together to withdraw money, it is not mentioned in advance, nor is it mentioned on the webpage, so it is basically a fraud!

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-05-24 21:41
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-05-24 21:41
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw money for various reasons

After the small amount of money is withdrawn for twice(4,000 US dollars and 10,000 US dollars), no funds will be given. It is required to transfer 50% of the total account amount (USD228,151.34) and about 3 million Taiwan dollars as a fund transaction record, so that the account will not be monitored by the bank. , to avoid being found by the Financial Supervisory Commission that both parties have to pay high taxes. I said that as long as the small amount of money is less than 400,000 Taiwan dollars, the bank will not come to inquire. Besides, it is safe for me to withdraw small amounts of money. ) also asks me to borrow money to remit funds for both parties (transfer the remittance to the principal of the account) and then allow me to withdraw a large amount of money for once

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-05-13 14:17
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-05-13 14:17

Said to trade gold, and kept asking me to borrow money to invest, but now I can't get the money back~~~

They just started chatting with me about how I handle gold. During the chat, I told her that I had debts. The so-called "Golden Teacher" suggested me to borrow money. In addition, the so-called "bank manager" gave me the name of a pawnshop to borrow money. In the end, I invested in Taiwan dollars. 5.25 million yuan, they said they would let me experience the membership and lend me 3 million yuan ~ the so-called "gold medal teacher" said that this would help me pay off the debt quickly, and when their so-called "golden period" was about to end ~ they said that the loan should be paid back first and divided into 10 %, otherwise it cannot be withdrawn. This is not right! Why can't it be deducted from the account? You have to pay back the loan and share it first. Why didn't you make it clear when you borrowed money? Can't it be deducted from the account? Can't even withdraw money! This is a scam!

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-05-11 21:29
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-05-11 21:29

You can only withdraw after paying margin

On April 20th, I applied for a withdrawal of $360,684.23. Due to the problem of sharing (the method of sharing was not stated before the deposit), I asked me to pay NT$3,400,000 to the company's designated account. Because of this operation, I had deposited NT1,700,000 beforehand, leaving only NT900,000. For the deposit, after agreeing with the assistant secretary, it is agreed that NT900,000 will be deposited into the account and then withdrawn, and the remaining share will be repaid after the withdrawal is received. I will remit the amount to the account designated by him. A few days later, because I had not received the withdrawal, I asked the assistant secretary again, and the reply asked me to pay another NT1,600,000 as a security deposit for the bank to verify the funds. I have no money left for this payment. They keep delaying the withdrawal and it makes my life in trouble.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-05-09 09:33
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-05-09 09:33
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

Some netizens have already said that they cannot withdraw money, this brokerage may need to be paid attention

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-05-08 09:03
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-05-08 09:03

Overloss was recovered, how should I deal with it?

The broker recovered overloss, but the other party said that it could not be cleared

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-05-06 15:35
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-05-06 15:35

Need to deposit margin to withdraw

On April 20th, I applied for the withdrawal of funds. The assistant secretary said that I need to pay a share of 3,400,000 yuan before I can withdraw the funds. I said that there is no cash at present. Can I withdraw part of the funds first, and then remit the amount to your company? , and then withdraw all the funds. The assistant secretary said that the funds can only be withdrawn after the division is completed. After the two parties negotiate and agree to pay 1,000,000 yuan, the funds will be withdrawn. The 1,000,000 yuan has been remitted to the company's designated account. A few days later, because I did not receive any money, I asked the assistant secretary again. The secretary said that because the account has been listed, a deposit of 4,600,000 yuan needs to be paid. After the bank's capital verification is approved, the money can be withdrawn. The assistant secretary claims to be able to sponsor me 3,000,000 Yuan, I remit 1,600,000 to the company, and then the money can be withdrawn.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-05-05 17:55
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-05-05 17:55
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