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26 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

ORBEX is a fraud platform

Induce me to add money all along without allowing me to withdraw. I was cheated of above ¥10,000. How can I get my money back?

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-10-14 05:46
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-10-14 05:46
Unable to Withdraw

It’s a fraud platform. I can’t withdraw because of wrong card number. I have to pay the same amount as my balance to unfreeze my account

I knew a guy on Internet and chatted with him for a long time. He said he taught me to invest. In fact, it’s a scam. At first, ask you to deposit ¥500 at least. Next day, I deposited ¥1,000. On the first two days, I profited. But on the third day, I was asked to deposit ¥10,000, 20% interest. However, I can’t withdraw then. Is it necessary to go out of your way to swindle me out of ¥10,000??? Let alone the customer service in the platform, totally a fraud. I believed the customer service at first when the customer service told me to add fund because of entering wrong card number. But I sensed that something was wrong. What if I invested large amount of money? Scam

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-10-13 14:44
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-10-13 14:44
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

It was said that my card number was wrong when I withdrew. The number can’t be changed although I offered the right number of my bank card. I must pay margin of 30% of my account balance for recertification. Now my funds are frozen and I can’t withdraw.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-09-03 15:48
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-09-03 15:48

Internet fraud

The fraud asked me to invest via WeChat. He said the teacher would gave me recommendations after deposit. I have no access to foreign exchange so I fell into the trap. I profited but can’t withdraw. They said the card number was wrong and I was asked to pay the margin of 220,000 after offering ID card information and bank card to withdraw. However, I don’t have enough money to invest. I realized that I’m swindled after investigation.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-09-02 14:38
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-09-02 14:38


The platform scammed me over 0000 RMB and absconded.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-12-05 00:21
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-12-05 00:21


My request for withdrawal was declined twice by the reason of wrong number of bank card and insufficient credit score.After charging the fee,I was asked to pay it again.After so that,the platform is disabled.Fraud ORBEX .

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-11-03 11:22
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-11-03 11:22
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