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Unable to Withdraw

Warren Bowie & Smith is scam, possibly

I request your help because I received several calls from a supposed adviser who assured me that he could produce profits for me if I invested 200 dollars. After I transferred the money, they did not contact me again and I have not been able to withdraw the money. I appreciate your attention and any help you can give me.

Colombia Colombia 2023-06-02 09:08
Colombia Colombia 2023-06-02 09:08
Unable to Withdraw

They don't want to give me my money back

I transferred 200 dollars, but then I was informed by Youtube and Google that they are scammers. Now I don't know how to get my money back.

Peru Peru 2023-05-31 05:18
Peru Peru 2023-05-31 05:18
Unable to Withdraw


I decided to invest 12,000 first, then they lured me with words and I deposited 20,000, then it turned out that they asked me for another 20,000 to withdraw my money, so they basically stole more than 50,000 Mx pesos from me. I hope no one else to fall into a scam like I did, be careful. Can you help me get my money back. I got this email but I'm afraid of providing data seeing that it's a scam. I have many bank captures but I only send them if you help me on this platform, thank you.

Mexico Mexico 2023-05-25 13:34
Mexico Mexico 2023-05-25 13:34
Unable to Withdraw

Won't let me withdraw

They told me to deposit 200 dollars and I could but after a while they said they were helping me to operate but they just liquidated my account and now they want me to deposit another 200 dollars. Besides that they asked for my data to be able to withdraw. I sent them but nothing.

Mexico Mexico 2023-05-24 11:01
Mexico Mexico 2023-05-24 11:01
Unable to Withdraw

Latent fraud

I can't withdraw my money because they need to verify my identity... but how can you deposit there if they don't ask you to be verified. I attach the screenshot of my deposit.

Mexico Mexico 2023-05-24 00:54
Mexico Mexico 2023-05-24 00:54
Unable to Withdraw

They asked me for 200 dollars and won't let me withdraw it

Good afternoon, today May 16, 2023 they called me to invest in shares and they spoke to me very well and won my trust and I need that money because it was for my school, I paid with the digital card and they asked me for my data, and I tried to dial and they did not answer and sent me ah number does not exist I really need that money, because it is for my future school.

Mexico Mexico 2023-05-17 01:53
Mexico Mexico 2023-05-17 01:53
Unable to Withdraw

I can't withdraw my money

Hello, on May 6 I saw an ad for that Warren Bowie platform. I registered so that they could contact me. They called me on May 10. A guy named Leonardo who was an advisor to the company convinced me to invest with them, and they sent me the link by mail. I made my account and all that, until they told me to recharge $200 dollars, which in Mexican pesos is 3,690. And when I intend to withdraw, the company does not let me do this, saying that it is not a business day. So far I have not received any calls, and they also asked me for documents. I uploaded my bank statement. Please help me get my money back. I am attaching some proofs.

Mexico Mexico 2023-05-12 11:02
Mexico Mexico 2023-05-12 11:02
Unable to Withdraw

scam with this company does not allow withdrawal

This company called Warren Bowie & Smith called me a woman named Dalila to deposit 200 dollars in the account to invest in the financial market. I made the deposit and they sent me some documents to sign a contract and my personal data, the thing is that I requested a withdrawal and it has not arrived to my account. then they told me to invest in Amazon shares for an amount of 300 dollars then the account was compromised and they told me I had to deposit more to not lose my assets, then it was 600 dollars more and in total it was 1100 dollars that I fear to lose.

Colombia Colombia 2023-05-07 22:53
Colombia Colombia 2023-05-07 22:53
Unable to Withdraw


After I made my deposit and sent my data I wanted to work with them but they never talked to me and then I want my "invested" money back and they won't let me withdraw it, I have a great urgency and I need that money and this is the moment in which I have had this scam.

Mexico Mexico 2023-05-05 06:05
Mexico Mexico 2023-05-05 06:05
Unable to Withdraw


Today I wanted to withdraw my invested money and it tells me that I cannot access my money because my request was rejected, and I have been trying to communicate with the advisor who called me and they have not responded and until now I have not been able to get my money. And I don't know if the money can be recovered?

Mexico Mexico 2023-04-30 01:55
Mexico Mexico 2023-04-30 01:55
Unable to Withdraw

Warren Bowie and Smith

Hello good afternoon my name is Maria Guadalupe Rodriguez unfortunately I fell into this scam of warren bowie and Smith I want to recover my $200 dollars since I was told very well of this investment company I am a person who does not have enough resources and wanting to get out of my economic situations I fell. I hope with all my heart that you can help me.

Mexico Mexico 2023-04-25 08:37
Mexico Mexico 2023-04-25 08:37

Account liquidated

Today they liquidated my account. I invested $1200 of which I had already generated a profit of $1100 and today at 8:47 am they took everything from me and I can't get in touch with anyone. Please help me

Mexico Mexico 2023-04-15 03:13
Mexico Mexico 2023-04-15 03:13
Unable to Withdraw

Inability to withdraw my money

Good afternoon , my name is Victor Marcelo didimo cauper yengle , I am a person who works minimum wage and I have many responsibilities , one day I saw an ad of Warren bowie Smith that could help me financially , I signed up for a survey and a few days later I was called by a young man who told me his name was Andres vera , He told me that I had to start by investing 200$ and that I had to take the risk that I would make a good investment, I would not lose anything, I risked investing 200$ in parts because I did not have enough money, I had to wait for them to pay me to be able to complete, then after investing he told me that he would call me an advisor to give me advice. I tried to communicate with the customer service number by call and by whasssp where they did not help me and they did not give me any answer, now I just want to get my money back but they deny me the withdrawal request please I need help to get my money back please I am a person with low resources I need my money please how can I do?

Peru Peru 2023-04-14 07:48
Peru Peru 2023-04-14 07:48
Unable to Withdraw

Warren Bowie & Smithit won't let me withdraw my money and scammed me

yesterday my number called me from piura-peru a person who told me his name was ayde martinez and he talked to me about the platform Warren Bowie & Smith he convinced me to deposit 200 dollars of capital to start, he told me that it was a safe platform for my capital, i would be safe there, then he told me that i could start without previous experience and that they were going to provide me with an advisor so that he could help me start investing in the stock market, then he told me that if i had the amount to make the deposit and i told him that i had it in cash, he told me to make a payment to a service called safatypay, once once the payment was made through my card, i received another call from another person named emma rangel who was in charge of verifying my id and my debit card and to send her a signed contract with the date, my name and my signature. after that, my advisor marcela ortiz called me so i could start investing in the platform, and she explained how it works and all the basics, there were some things that she did not want to teach me and she told me that it was for the next class, and that he would only talk to me for calls, after that he told me that he was going to cut me off because he had other calls to attend to and that i should see knowing the platform, i spent about 2 hours on the platform seeing how it worked and after a while it appeared to me that my the session had expired and i had to log in again so i entered again and only my personal account appeared but i could no longer see my capital, the symbols of the shares, raw materials, currencies, etc. and at that moment i thought it could be my internet and i decided to wait, but then i checked and my connection was fine, so i decided to call my advisor and she didn't answer me, nor did the other two people who answered me, that's when i had a doubt and i recently looked that it was a scam, all this happened on 04/10/2023 and now i have been calling for hours and they do not answer me.

Peru Peru 2023-04-12 07:14
Peru Peru 2023-04-12 07:14
Unable to Withdraw

Inability to withdraw

I invested in this platform and i have been waiting for more than 10 days to get my money back and they don't answer me, i invested 200 dollars which is what they asked me for but i asked for a refund and they told me it would take 5 to 10 business days and it's been more than that time and the emails don't exist anymore and the number i put in the images they don't answer me and the time they answered me they ask me for personal information. please help me with the recovery of my money.

Mexico Mexico 2023-03-29 06:58
Mexico Mexico 2023-03-29 06:58
Unable to Withdraw

They won't take it back or answer my messages

I was robbed 200 usd I tried to withdraw it and they don't answer or call me they scammed me.

Colombia Colombia 2023-02-04 23:20
Colombia Colombia 2023-02-04 23:20

Warren Bowie & Smith won't let me withdraw my money and cheats customers

A few days ago, an unknown number called me and mentioned about investing in a platform called Warren Bowie & Smith, he convinced me to make a deposit of $200, he told me that the platform was safe and not to worry. When I told him that I did not have that amount on my card and that I had it physically, he told me to go to an agent to deposit the money in a service payment called Safatypay, once the payment was made another call came in where Mr. He tells me about the deposit that was made and that I had to send some documents, which were: the photograph of my ID both sides, photograph of my payment baucher, a photograph of a proof of address that is in my name, and the Photo of the Warren Bowie & Smith contract, where it is signed. That is where I look for information about the platform on YouTube and I am surprised that this platform was a complete scam and that they do not usually return the money. after that I make a request to withdraw money. but it remains pending and when I ask customer service, they inform me that it was necessary for me to send all the documents that they requested. That is why I contacted the person who called me, to give me an explanation of why he had not mentioned anything to me about it, and that I did not have proof of payment in my name. He tells me to contact Mr. Dante, who is the person who made the second call and tells me that he gives me two options: the first is that I open an account at the bank and send him a photo of the contract and the second was that I go to the nearest prosecutor's office to make a letter of residence, and that I send the documents that I have, such as the photo of the DNI, the baucher and the signed contract. I managed to send him the photo of my ID, the baucher and a photo of the first page of his contract through his WhatsApp, but seeing that he had not read the messages I decided to delete them. since it did not seem right to me that they forced me to send all those documents just so that they can accept my application. Until now they keep calling me. and I would like to get my money back before more time passes. since that was Friday 12/02/22

Peru Peru 2022-12-08 08:00
Peru Peru 2022-12-08 08:00
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