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2 pieces of exposure in total


A fraud platform that cannot withdraw funds

This platform deceived me with fee reduction and deposit bonus activity。let me go bankrupt now,Please remember these two liars Liu Zhenhua and Wang Shundong,Moreover, many of the people in their chat software are actors who invited them, all act,The purpose is to deceive us good people,These people are unscrupulous and do not commit evil. I hope those who are still being deceived will wake up soon。I hope these liars can learn from their mistakes and stop , to do this kind of tricks.,There is an old saying in China that people do what the sky is watching to see if the report is not yet time.When the time comes, you can not run away even if you want.。Finally, I want to persuade Liu Zhenhua and Wang Shun East. You don't want that kind of it, you need to take morality for your own future generation.。Everyone remembers this woman, she was the one who led me into this cheater's den, everyone sees her true colors, don't be fooled again, shout as soon as possible the police, in this case it is possible to get back the lost money and cheated, otherwise you really throw yourself into the abyss. I hope that the brothers who were deceived like me see this news, the abyss early rein in and stop believing what they say.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-01-12 11:43
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-01-12 11:43

God forbid, Liu Zhenhua, Wang Shundong, liars.

In the middle of the year, a woman and my friend took me to speculate in stocks, followed by him, Liu Zhenhua and Wang Shundong. Learn to speculate in stocks, and follow them to speculate in gold. At the beginning, they can still cash out. Later, the account was deliberately hedged and locked by them. They can't cash out. They asked the customer service that they need to make up the margin before they can cash out. They didn't make up the money in the next two days. The chat account was forced to be cancelled, and the trading software was also disabled. I hope that the brothers who saw the news will join together to find the cheater and return our hard-earned money.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-01-10 00:25
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-01-10 00:25
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