Global Broker Regulation & Inquiry App

5 pieces of exposure in total


And I'm not going to put any m

And I'm not going to put any money in. It can't be withdrawn.

Brazil Brazil 2024-05-29 19:39
Brazil Brazil 2024-05-29 19:39

Good evening, I want to report

Good evening, I want to report this application because they made me make deposits to increase my profits by making investments In coinmarket cap To which of the moment First they deposited me then they asked me to invest more otherwise I couldn't withdraw my money I had to pay VAT taxes personal in which they made me deposit more and more deposits of 3000 that I had to continue completing the tasks to be able to withdraw my money in which they vulgarly scammed me saying that I had to pay the taxes in which I accepted it and deposited around all the deposits of almost 14,000 bolivianos that had 32,000 bolivianos in profits and in which up to now they ask me to deposit on a supposed tax so that I can withdraw my money in which they made me borrow money from several family members that I was going to withdraw in That moment and like that they started to turn me around and they even kidnapped my son because of the money debt that I had and until that moment I don't know about my poor son or anything I wanted to ask him please help me they were all in spurts and I They left me with practically nothing. I'm from Bolivia. It's hard to work here. I'm a single father. My son is only 5 years old and I don't know anything about him. Because of this, some scammers don't know anything about them and they want me to deposit more money with the proofs.

Bolivia Bolivia 2024-05-19 11:13
Bolivia Bolivia 2024-05-19 11:13

They made me pay 110 reales to

They made me pay 110 reales to start with and now to throw away the money I earned they want to make me pay 550 reales. Before paying the 110 reales I asked the girl how to withdraw the money and she always changed the subject.

Brazil Brazil 2024-05-04 02:05
Brazil Brazil 2024-05-04 02:05
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

Claim to be high return exchange. It requires endless deposit to withdraw.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-05-23 16:44
 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-05-23 16:44


I was scammed by one of Fakazi he ended up paying my money's into Christo account at CITI bank. I never received a cent and paid over 50k wit no profits received .

South Africa South Africa 2023-02-09 01:48
South Africa South Africa 2023-02-09 01:48
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