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7 pieces of exposure in total


They can't even pay a ridiculous amount like 500 usd.

I invested 1500 USD in this institution. Afterwards, I made a profit of 500 USD from my transactions. The institution made various excuses for my transactions and did not even pay this amount. See how helpless they are and decide on investing accordingly. You can review the transaction screen.

Montenegro Montenegro 2023-12-19 17:30
Montenegro Montenegro 2023-12-19 17:30
Unable to Withdraw

Scam Company!!!No money withdrawal

Hello. This company does not approve my withdrawal for about 12 days. 12 days ago I sent a withdrawal request for 3000 usd. Then they asked me again for the financial documents I had previously provided. Although I sent these documents, they sent the part of the money I deposited, which was 1088 usd, with the usdt crypto payment system, and they said that they would send the remaining part, ie 2000 usd, through the bank. They asked for a bank account statement about this and I sent it. Despite sending all kinds of documents, they do not send me the 8188 usd part of my profit. They do not approve my 8188 withdrawal request that I sent 5 days ago. I can't reach the company at any contact number. They don't provide any feedback. This company is a fraudulent company stay away !!!

Turkey Turkey 2023-10-23 20:17
Turkey Turkey 2023-10-23 20:17

Unable to Withdrawal

Scam Alert I open account with DB Investing and deposit $1010 Started Trading when i need money and want to withdrawal They Declined my withdrawal and cut $50 fee.Now they are deducting fee on Montahly basisSo i recommend  everyone to stay away from this scammer broker. Their Regulation mention on the website is also Fake.Proofs are attached

Pakistan Pakistan 2023-10-06 04:27
Pakistan Pakistan 2023-10-06 04:27

account suspend and funds stop

hi everyone i want to aware all of them that this broker is real scammer i have deposit with them 1000$ 4 5 months ago and doing trading with them 15 to 18 lots since my deposit. but 4 5 days ago i was trying to login my client portal but it was not login and give error that your account suspend then i did email to support to open my access they said that your account is terminate by complaince due to not co operate or reply our email so i email them and apologize that i dint check email on that time so please open my access i will reply and co operate but its more then 4 5 days now they are not responding also my any email and all of my funds stuck in this broker please help me in this issue and release my funds to this scammer broker.

Pakistan Pakistan 2023-07-29 05:00
Pakistan Pakistan 2023-07-29 05:00

scammer broker

hello,this is hiba ali from pakistan i made an account with db investing 4 months ago and deposited 1000$ in my account and i do trading on it in this tenure actively and i have also trading history screenshot i do atleast 9 to 12 lots may be in this tenure suddenly i need some money  for the treatment of my daughter so i decide to made a withdrawal from my account with my profit amount 1234$. then they ask me multiple irrelavent documents for last 1 week i provide all required documents to them but in last they send me 940$ they ate my all profit and also less from my principle amount 60$ so i suggest to everyone please dont work with these type of scammers brokers because when you start work they verify your account with just id and proof of address but after then if you make a withdrawal with them then you have to face so much issues and also your money is in too much risk i am also attaching screenshots here of our conversations in this tenure.

Pakistan Pakistan 2023-07-29 03:54
Pakistan Pakistan 2023-07-29 03:54

Unable To Withdrawal

Scam Alert... Hello My name is Nazish Kouser. I open Account With DB Investing and make deposit I experienced High spreads and very bad trade execution they cut trades in loss. Than i decided to take withdrawal and requested for withdrawal they started asking me for further verifications just to delay my withdrawal i provided all my verification documents and now they are not processing my withdrawal its more than 7 days and my withdrawal is still in pending. proof are attached . i ask you everyone to not open account with scammer broker to lose your hard earned money. i am trying to get in touch with them but they are not responding 

Pakistan Pakistan 2023-06-19 20:23
Pakistan Pakistan 2023-06-19 20:23

Withdrawal declined

Hello Everyone! DB Investing is a Scammer broker please stay away from this broker. I opened an account with them and made a deposit of $505 I started trading there were huge slippages and higher spreads. Then i decided to make the withdrawal i did and started asking me for additional verification I sent them all the required documents They asked me for my private account details i also sent them and now 5 days have passed. They didn't respond and withdrawal is pending. Today they cut a fee of $25 twice for an inactivity fee. Please I recommend everyone to stay away from this scammer broker they are just playing with clients hard earned money. Thanks

Pakistan Pakistan 2023-06-03 05:35
Pakistan Pakistan 2023-06-03 05:35
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