Global Broker Regulation & Inquiry App

105 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

Can't withdraw money

I received a call inviting me to a closed Telegram and Zalo group about stocks. In the group, there was a person calling himself Teacher Ngo Quoc Hung and his assistant Lan Anh. They say it's a stock group, but they turn to investing in gold on the Oanda platform. Initially, for transactions, you will receive a commission of 3%/profit. Then I asked him to open a personal account, deposit money and trade according to the teacher's orders. I can only withdraw money once, the next time the platform forces me to upgrade to VIP, I have to pay a huge amount of money, if I don't pay I won't be able to withdraw. This is a scam platform and the group of people calling themselves Master Ngo Quoc Hung is also a group of scammers, using psychological manipulation tricks, shouting loudly, in the group, all the green and red troops come in to lure investors. invest money. I hope the authorities will intervene to ease people's suffering.

Vietnam Vietnam 2024-06-03 08:48
Vietnam Vietnam 2024-06-03 08:48
Unable to Withdraw

I can't withdraw money

I was lured into a closed zalo group, initially trading on my behalf, earning 200-400,000 VND per day. Then, enter to open an account on the Oanda app. A person claiming to be a teacher is Nguyen Quang Phuc and his assistant is Pham Khanh Van. When I put in more than $72,000, when I needed to withdraw, they only allowed me to withdraw $3,000, then asked me to deposit $24,000 to upgrade my VIP account to withdraw. I requested to deduct the fee directly from the withdrawals but it was not possible. Now I just hope to get my capital back.

Vietnam Vietnam 2024-04-11 21:43
Vietnam Vietnam 2024-04-11 21:43
Severe Slippage

The slippage caused by human operation is serious.

I shorted AUDJPY at 97.422 at 8:30 pm on February 13, 2024, with the stop loss set at 97.717. At around 9:30 that night, my order was inexplicably stopped loss at 97.967. Later, I looked at other platforms, and the highest price that night was basically around 97.55. Anda JP showed the highest price that night was around 97.81, (but my order was hit at 97.967). I would like to remind those who want to open an account in Japan to note that you can trade with small amounts of money, but think twice before making large amounts of money. When the money is gone, there will be nowhere to get it back.

Japan Japan 2024-02-26 08:45
Japan Japan 2024-02-26 08:45
Unable to Withdraw

Cannot withdraw money

Required to upgrade to VIP package for 3 months for $1,800, while the account has more than $9,000 without a deduction.

Vietnam Vietnam 2024-02-03 09:44
Vietnam Vietnam 2024-02-03 09:44
Unable to Withdraw

The platform pretends to be OANDA and requires payment of taxes when withdrawing money.

The customer service of the platform claimed to be an OANDA company. After the transaction was profitable, the request to withdraw 40,000 U was rejected. The customer service said that because the total assets of the account exceeded the tax regulations of the National Taxation Bureau of the Republic of China, the total assets must be paid within 48 hours. 20%. Later, my account was frozen. If the freeze was lifted within seven days, a penalty of three thousandths per day would be deducted. It has been verified that this is a fake platform and a fake website owned by OANDA Corporation.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2024-01-31 19:45
 Taiwan Taiwan 2024-01-31 19:45
Unable to Withdraw

Oanda does not allow to withdraw.

I need money urgently and want to withdraw money. I was asked by customer service to pay a 25% deposit. If I don’t, I can’t withdraw the money.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2024-01-30 11:58
 Taiwan Taiwan 2024-01-30 11:58
Unable to Withdraw

3 million withdrawal fraud

To get a 2.5 million withdrawal, you have to pay 250,000 in taxes.

South Korea South Korea 2023-12-27 10:41
South Korea South Korea 2023-12-27 10:41
Unable to Withdraw


After many times asking the customer service department, they did not know that the platform I was trading on was their affiliated platform. So am I talking to a ghost customer service department? They didn't let me withdraw money, I had to upgrade my account to VIP, pay 30% to secure the account, and pay the loan capital to the investor with the eternal question: can I withdraw money? I received the answer you got and the conclusion: YOU CAN'T WITHDRAW MONEY. YOU NEED TO PAY AN ACCOUNT SECURITY FEE...etc. They are scammers.

Vietnam Vietnam 2023-12-19 16:02
Vietnam Vietnam 2023-12-19 16:02

Encountered a fake platform and was defrauded

Encountered a fake platform, as shown below. Never open the website provided by customer service, because after you click on the download link provided by customer service, you will not be able to find the download record on your mobile phone. The APP linked to the dealer's website via the foreign exchange platform is the correct one. Be tempted to place an order and earn more before depositing your money. As a result, your position was wiped out and you didn't even get the money to withdraw money, and you still had to cover your position. When you want to withdraw money after making money from covering up your position, customer service says that you have a liquidation record and you need to pay US$15,000! Only then can you withdraw money! It will be automatically refunded to your account after three months. Scam.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-12-07 21:01
 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-12-07 21:01
Unable to Withdraw

I cant withdraw my fund and i dont invest at that

I cant withdraw my fund and dont invest at this time.

India India 2022-12-15 13:56
India India 2022-12-15 13:56
Unable to Withdraw

Keep denying withdrawal by various reasons

Keep asking you to deposit and denying withdrawal by various reasons. There will be other reasons to deny your withdrawal after paying it.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-07-18 13:02
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-07-18 13:02

System issues

System doesn’t allow to place order although the sell stop order already being placed.

Malaysia Malaysia 2022-02-10 16:05
Malaysia Malaysia 2022-02-10 16:05
Severe Slippage

i want withdraw my s 1.56255 exposure profit that

$1.56255i want withdraw my s 1.56255 exposure profit that

Nigeria Nigeria 2021-12-30 20:24
Nigeria Nigeria 2021-12-30 20:24
Severe Slippage


On September 22, 2021, GBP/NZD price increased to 1.94949 and 1.94275, withe the stop surplus at 1.95036. It rose 664 and 5841 at 5:58 September 23. After a week, my orders suffered losses due to the severe slippage which was changed by the platform. The exchange rate should be 1.9446 and I contacted the platform. I thought I should make profits at 11:00 when I did not close the order. Although the delivery failed, the losses it caused was terrible. After 1 week, they wanted to change the history. I never met this situation in my transactions of 20 years with several accounts.

Japan Japan 2021-10-04 07:29
Japan Japan 2021-10-04 07:29
Unable to Withdraw

I was unable to withdraw the coins they sent to me

My friend introduced me to an agent who works with Oanda, I discussed with the agent and I paid to them, they sent me the coins I requested for, but uptill now I can't withdraw those coins they sent to my wallet. I advice others not to use Oanda.

Nigeria Nigeria 2021-09-13 09:31
Nigeria Nigeria 2021-09-13 09:31
Severe Slippage

manipulate market

you can compare the chart with others. is not same, this broker was cheating

Malaysia Malaysia 2021-09-09 15:04
Malaysia Malaysia 2021-09-09 15:04
Unable to Withdraw


I sent money for registration after couple of days I was able to meet the required minimum cash out but unable to for more than two days

Nigeria Nigeria 2021-09-07 15:39
Nigeria Nigeria 2021-09-07 15:39

Why isn't my EA running and making trades?

I have looked at everything for a few weeks and cannot figure out WHY after a few days my EAs (all of them, this is the latest) stop trading. The only thing I can figure is that my MT4 (OANDA) has some limit on trades and I'm not sure how to change it.

Philippines Philippines 2021-08-27 17:35
Philippines Philippines 2021-08-27 17:35
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to log in

I registered and deposited 20.000 pesos. I tried to enter the data in the email but they said it was wrong. They could not operate it.

Mexico Mexico 2021-08-25 22:16
Mexico Mexico 2021-08-25 22:16
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

OANDA is a big scammer, I can't withdraw my money....I complained but no reply from the customer care service

Nigeria Nigeria 2021-08-17 19:11
Nigeria Nigeria 2021-08-17 19:11
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