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Italy|2-5 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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Influence index NO.1

France 2.70

Surpassed 59.71% brokers

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+39 030 2702372
Via del Canneto, 53 25010 Borgosatollo (BS) | ITALY


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 2
Previous Detection : 2024-06-03
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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Bernardelli · Company Summary

Note: Bernardelli official site - is currently not functional. Therefore, we could only gather relevant information from the Internet to present a rough picture of this broker.

Bernardelli Review Summary in 4 Points
Founded 2-5 years
Registered Country/Region Italy
Regulation Unregulated
Customer Support Email, phone, address, social media

What is Bernardelli?


Bernardelli purports to be an online trading platform headquartered in Italy. With its website currently inaccessible, verifying regulatory compliance and overall reliability is challenging. Its unregulated status further amplifies concerns about its legitimacy.

This article aims to provide an all-inclusive review of Bernardelli, scrutinizing various platform aspects. It is essential reading for those considering this service, as it offers comprehensive details. The article wraps up with a brief overview, presenting the platform's primary aspects for easy reference.

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
• Multiple customer support channels • Unregulated
• Website inaccessible
• Lack of transparency

Multiple Customer Support Channels: Becker Crypto Investment provides various ways including social meadia for customers to reach out, ensuring that users can access help conveniently when they encounter issues.


Unregulated: The platform doesn't appear to be regulated. This can lead to a lack of accountable business practices and may pose risks to the security of users' funds.

Website Inaccessible: The unavailability of their website is a cause for concern as it restricts access to essential information about their trading conditions and services.

Lack of Transparency: Opacity regarding their business operations, trading conditions and services suggests unprofessionalism and could pose a potential risk to investors.

Is Bernardelli Safe or Scam?

When considering the safety of a brokerage like Bernardelli or any other platform, it's important to conduct thorough research and consider various factors. Here are some steps you can take to assess the credibility and safety of a brokerage:

  • Regulatory sight: This broker is currently under no valid regulation, which is a cause for concern about its legitimacy and reliability. This situation is further exacerbated by the non-functional state of the broker's website. It's imperative to conduct thorough research and due diligence for any financial organization, especially when glaring red flags such as these are present.

No license
  • User feedback: Reviews and feedback from existing users of the broker can provide valuable insights and can typically be found on reputable websites or discussion forums. It is important to take time to read through these comments in order to gather a comprehensive understanding of the broker's performance and reliability.

  • Security measures: Currently, there is no publicly available information regarding the security measures implemented by this broker.

Ultimately, the decision whether to engage in trading with Bernardelli or not is a personal one, traders should necessitate a careful evaluation of the pros and cons before arriving at a conclusion.

Customer Service

Bernardelli offers an array of customer service channels including email, telephone, and a physical address. They also maintain presence on social media platforms such as Facebook and YouTube, providing their customers with multiple ways to reach out or seek assistance.

Phone: +39 030 2702372.


Address: Via del Canneto, 53 25010 Borgosatollo (BS) | ITALY.


Bernardelli, purporting to be an Italy-based online trading platform, has numerous troubling issues that spark serious doubts about its genuineness. The company's unregulated status poses significant potential operational risk for traders. Further concerns are raised by its inaccessible website which negatively weigh on the platform's professionalism and responsibilities, and thus user experience.

Prospective traders are urged to approach Bernardelli with extreme caution. Recognizing the value of clear operational transparency and regulatory compliance is paramount when choosing a trading platform - potential clients should prioritize those platforms that meet these standards.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q 1: Is Bernardelli regulated?
A 1: No. It has been verified that this broker currently under no valid regulation.
Q 2: Is Bernardelli a good broker for beginners?
A 2: No. It is not a good choice for beginners. Not only because of its unregulated condition, but also because of its unavailable website and lack of transparency.

Risk Warning

Online trading involves significant risk, and you may lose all of your invested capital. It is not suitable for all traders or investors. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and note that the information provided in this review may be subject to change due to the constant updating of the company's services and policies.

In addition, the date on which this review was generated may also be an important factor to consider, as information may have changed since then. Therefore, readers are advised to always verify updated information directly with the company before making any decision or taking any action. Responsibility for the use of the information provided in this review rests solely with the reader.

Broker Information

Company Name

Bernardelli Group

Company Abbreviation


Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region


Phone of the company
  • +39 030 2702372





Company address
  • Via del Canneto, 53 25010 Borgosatollo (BS) | ITALY









Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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more than one year
I've had a less-than-ideal experience with Bernardelli as a broker. The MT4 server is a major drawback - frequent disconnections during trading hours and painfully slow server speed. Loading charts and data feels like waiting for a snail to finish a marathon.
2024-01-12 17:49
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