Global Broker Regulation & Inquiry App


Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Entry Time 2020-03-24

Time Machine

2024 years 5 Month
Time2024 years 5 Month
Time2024 years 5 Month

Teletrade · Company Summary

General Information and Regulation

Teletrade is an online broker, offering a range of products to their clients including a wide variety of tools, investment products and financial instruments, excellent trading education, expert market analysis and dedicated client support. There is no clear license or registration on the website. They also have an affiliate program to gather more clients and get paid for them.

Their partners will benefit from a completely new commission structure. Each partner gets paid daily for customer registration and verification, trading account replenishment, and trading activity. They were able to incorporate all of the benefits of currently available affiliate programs on the market in this way. It allows their partners to get compensated for each new client they bring in.

They offer you a percentage of the money your clients earn for the firm if you know how to find the best traders and generate fresh ideas. Depending on the market you're targeting and your activities, they'll offer you customized terms.

Market Instruments

This broker offers instruments trading on Forex, CFD on stocks, futures and metals

Spread's and commissions

Traders are charged spreads of 30%.

Trading Platform

Deposit and withdrawal

Deposits ares set at two different rates. For verified clients its 20$ and fro active clients its 500$. Payouts happen daily 24/7.

Customer Services

There is no clear customer care line, only an email and messaging board.

Select Country/Region
United States
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You are visiting the WikiFX website. WikiFX Internet and its mobile products are an enterprise information searching tool for global users. When using WikiFX products, users should consciously abide by the relevant laws and regulations of the country and region where they are located.
consumer hotline:006531290538
Mobile Phone Number:234 706 777 7762;61 449895363
Telegram:+60 103342306
Whatsapp:+852-6613 1970;
License or other information error corrections, please send the information