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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


Australia|5-10 years|
Suspicious Regulatory License|MT5 Full License|Regional Brokers|Australia Appointed Representative(AR) Revoked|High potential risk|


Rating Index

MT4/5 Identification

MT4/5 Identification

Full License

Server Name
ITFXGroup-Sun MT5
Server Location Japan

Plaza Buliding 4 87-95 Pitt St, 2000 Sydney NSW Australia
The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


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Single Core



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Company Name

Investment Technology FX Group

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Pyramid scheme complaint


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This platform is a Ponzi Scheme. Please stay away! 4
Previous Detection : 2024-06-03
  • This broker has been verified to be illegal and all of its licences have expired, and it has been listed in WikiFX's Scam Brokers list. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The platform is a Ponzi Scheme, which refers to the use of "principle of value multiplication". In the form of rolling or static fund circulation, it uses the money of next member to pay to the present one, which is essentially a pyramid scheme with the distinction of hidden, deceptive and socially harmful. By calling common person's desire for money, fraudsters in the platform begin raising funds underground. Since this kind of platform mostly will abscond after 1 or 2 years, the fund-raising mode just can exist less than 3 years.

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Pyramid scheme complaint
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw and already abscond

ITGFX has not been able to withdraw funds since I deposit on March 7th, everything is a scam. On March 25, I went to the studio to ask for money, but the head of Changsha, Chen Xiaohong and Liu Aiwen, never returned the money. After fooling me for a few months, now Chen Xiaohong and Liu Aiwen have run away. ITGFX is just a Ponzi scheme that harms the common people and defrauds my hard-earned money. Please punish them with the law!

2022-08-19 22:03
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw. Itgfx is a fraud foreign exchange platform for fake transactions! ! !

In the early morning of 7.20, it was found that the data of all investors on the Itg platform became negative overnight. Hacking for this lousy reason! After the accident, he made a big cake for the deceived investors to delay time, and even threatened to cut off the relationship with anyone who called the police! Before the accident, these "backbone" excellent brokers often lobby for brainwashing on WeChat and online conferences, offline studios and various asset allocation meetings, swearing that the company is reliable and the income is stable! After the accident, they shrank their heads and tortoises one by one, blocked and deleted everyone's WeChat, and made it clear that they were liars! The backbone of the liar can defraud 300,000 to 400,000 yuan a month, buy houses one by one, change luxury cars again and again, and shamelessly pretend to be victims to report to the police! How many people have been indebted by these liars, making life difficult to sustain! There are many victims across the country, including Zhuhai, Zhongshan, Shenzhen in Guangdong, Hunan, Hubei, Henan, Shanghai, Jiangxi, Jiangsu and other places. The amount of money defrauded is huge, totaling billions of RMB. [d83d][de21][d83d][de21][d83d][de21] And these rampant liars opened a new disk starting with V as early as around April this year and continued to deceive people!

2022-08-26 18:12

The scammer, Jason Fang, from ITGFX specializes in cheating Chinese

The scammer, Jason Fang, from ITGFX specializes in cheating Chinese. Changsha studio Chen Xiaohong and Liu Aiwen used my bank card to charge me 810,000 yuan and put it in my pocket. After I found out that I was cheated, I went to the studio to ask for money. They procrastinated and made various excuses. After the swindler's goal was achieved, they ran away. ! Now that the police have been reported, let the law punish the two liars!

2022-08-21 12:28
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw. Itgfx is a fake foreign exchange and fraud platform for false transactions, it is a ponzi shceme!

In the early morning of 7.20, it was found that the data of all investors on the Itg platform became negative overnight. It was said a hack! After the accident, he made a big cake for the deceived investors to delay time, and even threatened to cut off the relationship with anyone who called the police! Before the accident, these "backbone" excellent brokers often lobby for brainwashing on WeChat and online conferences, offline studios and various asset allocation meetings, swearing that the company is reliable and the income is stable! After the accident, they shrank their heads and tortoises one by one, blocked and deleted everyone's WeChat, and made it clear that they were liars! The backbone of the liar can defraud 300,000 to 400,000 yuan a month, buy houses one by one, change luxury cars again and again, and shamelessly pretend to be victims to report to the police! How many people have been indebted by these liars, making life difficult to sustain! There are many victims across the country, including Zhuhai, Zhongshan, Shenzhen in Guangdong, Hunan, Hubei, Henan, Shanghai, Jiangxi, Jiangsu and other places. The amount of money defrauded is huge, totaling billions of RMB. [d83d][de21][d83d][de21][d83d][de21] And these rampant liars opened a new disk starting with V as early as around April this year and continued to deceive people! [d83d][de4f][d83d][de4f][d83d][de4f] would like to call the shots for our victims! At the same time, I also hope that everyone will actively follow up with the police, never give up, bring these liars to justice as soon as possible, and recover the hard-earned money of our victims!

2022-08-26 21:41

    ITGFX · Company Summary

    Risk Warning: This broker has been verified to be illegal and all of its licenses have been expired. Besides, this broker has been listed in the WikiFXs scam broker list. Please be aware of the risk.


    General Information

    Registered in Australia, ITGFX presents itself as an online forex broker providing forex trading-related services. As this forex brokers official website cannot be opened for now, we could not obtain more essential details about this trading instruments, leverage, spreads, commission, minimum deposit and more.

    ITGFX has been verified to be illegal and is a Ponzi Scheme, in the form of rolling or static fund circulation, it uses the money of next member to pay to the present one, which is essentially a pyramid scheme with the distinction of hidden, deceptive and socially harmful.

    Market Instruments

    As ITGFX presents itself as a forex broker, we assume that this broker at least providing trading on forex pairs. The availability of other trading instruments are not disclosed.


    Trading leverage cannot be found anywhere. Since leverage can magnify gains as well as losses, it can also cause serious fund losses, especially to inexperienced traders. Therefore, it is wise for beginners to choose the smaller size no more than 1:10 until they gain more trading experience.

    Trading Platform

    ITGFX provides access to the industry-leading MT5 trading platform allows one-click operations for opening and closing trades, setting stops and entry limits, placing direct orders, setting and editing limit and stop loss, as well as a robust charting package.

    Customer Support

    Worryingly, ITGFX left its clients no contact information for clients to get in touch with them, which can be served as further evidence that this broker is an unreliable one to trade with.

    Negative Reviews

    Quite a few traders shared their awful trading experience, saying this platform is a fraud one purely targeting for defrauding innocent investors. Come to the WikiFX to see the whole story and be aware of the potential risk.

    Risk Warning

    Trading leveraged products such as forex, cryptocurrencies and derivatives may not be suitable for all investors as they carry a high degree of risk to your capital. Please ensure that your fully understand the risks involved, taking into account your investments objectives and level of experience.

    The information presented in this article is intended solely for reference purposes.

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    more than one year
    A lot of information is missing, not provided
    2022-09-28 18:33
    more than one year
    lTGFX foreign exchange platform defrauded my hard-earned money, led by Fang Jason, can the principal be recovered?
    2022-09-27 13:30
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