Global Broker Regulation & Inquiry App


Entry Time 2019-07-31

Time Machine

2020 years 3 Month
Time2020 years 3 Month
Pyramid scheme complaint
Unable to Withdraw

Can’t withdraw funds in Forexfx

I registered in Forexfx via a net friend called “ Chen Hua”. He may be a shill of this platform. I said I didn’t understand forex and I didn’t wanna invest. But he asked me to deposit 1,000. And I followed his instructions and profited 100. But I was still not interested in it. But he insisted. I thought the money can be withdrawn so it didn’t matter. I deposited 50,000 at 19:00, on January 4. He taught me to apply for proceeds. But I didn’t know what it was. The customer service said I had to deposit 100,000 after I applied for proceeds. But withdrawal failed after I deposited cuz the turnover was less than 80% and I was suspected of money laundering. I applied for withdrawal of 30,000. So I had to deposit 30,000 and the turnover should reach 80%. I deposited 30,000 at 15:54, on January 5 and the turnover was up to 80%. But my application for a withdrawal was rejected again for wrong bank card number. So I should top up 62,847 which is equal to the withdrawal amount to withdraw funds. But I’ve already memorized my card number cuz I should bind the bank card every time I wanna withdraw funds. And I checked it twice. It can’t be wrong. I deposited 62,847 to modify bank card number on January 6. But the customer service told me that my account is at risk cuz I operated wrongly twice and I need to add 30% of my account balance. I am so worried and I can’t get so much many within one day.

2021-01-07 07:23


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