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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


China|5-10 years|
MT5 Full License|Regional Brokers|High potential risk|


Rating Index

MT4/5 Identification

MT4/5 Identification

Full License

Server Name
RelyInternational-Server MT5
Server Location Hong Kong


The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

VPS Standard
No restriction on the broker account. Support service provided by WikiFX

Single Core



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Broker Information


Company Name

Rely International Limited

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Pyramid scheme complaint


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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 2
Previous Detection : 2024-06-02
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The number of the complaints received by WikiFX have reached 21 for this broker in the past 3 months. Please be aware of the risk and the potential scam!

WikiFX Verification

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Pyramid scheme complaint

Rely International is a scam company

Lady named Haley asked me to input deposit from 5k sgd till I deposited 13k sgd. She mentioned she is the VP of the company and managed my account on my behalf. She mentioned the trade is in HKD against gold trade and managed to win my earnings to 100k for 3 months, then lost everything in one night. The chart was heavily manipulated and not against the actual gold market chart.

2020-12-04 04:16

Unable to Withdraw. Induced Fraud

I saw a picture of a person with the account name goodwillhunting.90s buying and selling Bitcoin on Instagram. Through communication, he recommended me to buy and sell in RELY and would teach me how to buy and sell. Deposit 200,000 in RELY on December 30, 20, and start trading Bitcoin on RELY on the mt5 platform on December 31. Under the guidance of this person, buy and sell at the same time, and the profitable party closes the position. Then I bought it again. One hour after I started the transaction, I suddenly couldn’t make the transaction. I asked the WhatsApp contact person of RELY, Cherrie Lee. I replied that my security deposit was insufficient, so my account was frozen and I had to deposit 335,000 Hong Kong dollars to unfreeze. At first, I felt that it was my mistake and deposited 350,000 Hong Kong dollars to unfreeze. Afterwards, I successfully unfrozen on January 6th. I continued to trade. How did I know that my account was frozen again after 1 hour, and I asked her again, also saying that my security deposit was insufficient for the same reason. This time I need to deposit 200,000 yuan to unfreeze. I think I can get it back after unfreezing. Because as far as I know under normal circumstances, even if I deposit how much money, if I don’t trade, I can get it back. Why don’t I know that when I told him to withdraw the money, she told me to reach a certain These conditions are sufficient. Because there are no such restrictions under normal circumstances, I think I was scammed by this company. I can’t get this money back and I don’t want another victim

2021-01-21 21:34

    RELY · Company Summary

    Registration China
    Regulated No effective supervision
    Years of establishment 2-5 years
    trading products unknown information
    Minimum Initial Deposit unknown information
    maximum leverage unknown information
    minimum spread unknown information
    trading platform MT5
    Deposit and withdrawal method unknown information
    customer service email/phone number
    Fraud Complaint Exposure have

    Note: Currently, due to the company's official website (http://www. RELY ) does not open properly, we can only get a rough idea RELY · RELY Case.


    General Information and Regulations

    RELY· RELY Registered in China, currently appears to be a scam broker without any reliable supervision, and its history is not more than 5 years old. Unfortunately, we could not find any more detailed information about this broker on the internet. Therefore, we recommend that you do not start trading with such low-information brokers, be sure to consult wikifx and have at least a basic understanding of a broker.

    When choosing a foreign exchange broker, you should know that a regulatory license does not necessarily guarantee the reliability of the broker, because it may be an expired or cloned regulatory license, but a broker without any regulatory license is likely to be Unreliable.

    Customer Support

    RELY· RELY The support services offered by the company are not very extensive. It can only be accessed via email and phone number. Since the company's website is not currently live, we don't know if it offers other services such as live chat, callback, FAQs, 24/7 or 24/5 assistance, etc.

    Below are details about customer service.

    Email: info@ RELY

    Phone number: 39507660

    user exposure

    We have not received exposure to fraudulent behavior at this time.


    common problem

    Is this broker regulated?

    No, it is not currently regulated effectively and you are advised to be aware of its potential risks.

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    more than one year
    This site has closed, this is an unregulated broker and many people are unable to withdraw funds. If you are looking for a trusted broker, it is recommended that you choose a regulated broker, who are more likely to offer a better trading experience and more reliable customer support. At the same time, be careful with trading platforms that claim to make you easy profits, as investing is always risky.
    2023-03-27 15:14
    more than one year
    Damn, this company website has turned into some kind of gambling website, and there are still many people exposed on wikifx... The bad thing is that I see that many people's problems have not been resolved so far. Is it possible to recover the money cheated by foreign exchange scammers?
    2022-12-14 11:06
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