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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


United Kingdom|2-5 years|
White label MT5|Regional Brokers|High potential risk|


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TokenMarket-Live MT5
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+852 3706 9586
The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


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Pyramid scheme complaint


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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 2
Previous Detection : 2024-06-03
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The number of the complaints received by WikiFX have reached 5 for this broker in the past 3 months. Please be aware of the risk!

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Pyramid scheme complaint

USDT Fraud

I recognize the introducer in the fb society to find part-time work, join line group about 300 people to help the company operate USOIL U.S. crude oil orders. 1 week after the announcement of the plan to allow staff to invest money into USDT money remittance to the company, the supervisor to assist in providing data to earn profits, 5% of profits to pay the technical fee, 5% donations to charitable organizations, the idea that you can make money can also be a good cause, the group there are a lot of staff have been successful in receiving money! I also shared my experience, I also invested 1 million dollars. However, the process failed and I was very nervous to get my hard earned money back and asked what could be done! Supervisor told that the company can be asked to operate as an agent but need to invest funds to 2 million, but can receive higher profits! But I don't have that much money, so I listened to the supervisor's instruction and invested another 2 million dollars by borrowing to earn back the capital. Notification of successful operations want to get back the funds to pay off debts, but told to pay 20% of the total profit, that is, more than 4 million in technical fees in order to receive the profit. But I don't have that much money, and I have been asking the company to provide other ways for me to get my money. Subsequently, the company was willing to let me have as much capital as possible to pay the technical fee first, and agreed to remit the money to me on the same day of payment. Originally, the company said that it had to pay 300,000 yuan in advance, but there was only 100,000 yuan, and asked whether it could allow me to collect the corresponding profit repayment, and the supervisor told me that it could be collected in advance, but the remittance did not take place for one day. When I asked, they backtracked and said that the company had agreed to pay 300,000 dollars before I could claim the profit.

2023-09-30 20:17
Unable to Withdraw

imtoken e-wallet Simple SOHO platform cannot withdraw money and was defrauded

When applying for a job on Facebook, I encountered an e-wallet with a fraud amount of about 69,236 USDTimToken. I then took the money and went to a physical store in CoinWorld to deposit USDT to buy USDT. After I bought it, he taught me how to use the e-wallet to transfer usdt currency. Finally, he transferred the currency to Taiwan dollars to Simple Soho ( 1. On the platform (website:, create an account and password that belongs to me, and ask me to come in and see if the amount is correct. If the amount is correct, I will be invited to join Helen Mentor Lai told him. I want to join the class with a guaranteed capital of 1.93 million. After the instructor asked for basic information, he started the operation. The operation time is about 3 hours. After the operation, please go to the platform to see if the profit amount is correct. If there is no problem, go to the simple SOHO platform to set up a bank account. Withdrawal, after I withdraw through the platform operation, I have to rely on online text customer service to tell me how much I want to withdraw, and then the customer service will help with the withdrawal. During the withdrawal process, customer service asked me if my member account was wrong. When I saw it, the account number was wrong. 1 code, and immediately let me know if the account can be modified. At this time, when I entered the Simple SOHO platform, my bank account could not be seen at all. The customer service replied that if I wanted to change my account, I had to report it to Jinliu Fang. Finally, Jinliu Fang replied that the account was frozen. If you want to change your account, you have to pay 10% of the profit and a setup fee. Later, I told the editor-in-chief Winnie that my account was frozen and I couldn’t withdraw it, so I had to pay 10% of the profit and a setup fee. He asked me to go with him first. My friend borrowed money, and then he would help me pay some out. On the night of December 22, he asked me how much I had borrowed. I said it was currently 390,000, and he said he had 2.7 million (e-wallet). He would also help me deposit money as a guarantee without giving up the amount. I was kicked back. At noon on December 23, I asked if I could use 290,000 of the 390,000 to repay the agency fee. He said no. How can you use it to pay the agency fee? How can you use the money to deposit? If you and your husband can’t borrow it, The 40 million was gone. He said I already helped you with 2.7 million. You have to work hard. Otherwise, how about relying on her?? He also asked to borrow money from relatives and friends in other ways. After all, they didn’t understand, so don’t talk about it. There were too many, so I just followed his way. However during the borrowing process, my friend said that you were cheated, and then he asked if the store had made a reservation. I said that I had asked and it hadn’t opened. He said that Taozhu Miao had asked Taipei I also asked, but in the end, I said he didn't open it, so he asked me to deposit money by transfer. He wanted to ask customer service how to do it. I said I couldn't transfer too much of my transfer limit, and he taught me how to increase the transfer limit, and finally asked me to join. One group said that there was an accountant in it, and he asked Mengmeng Accounting for a long time before he was willing to help. The accountant said that he would help me find a currency dealer that I could meet with in person, and then asked me not to answer randomly. If the currency dealer asked me, I would take a screenshot and show it to him. , teach me how to tell the currency dealer that I want to meet in person. The dealer confirmed that my ID card was fine and asked me where I wanted to meet in person. When I first started, I said 12/24 morning, but the editor-in-chief Winnie said it couldn’t be tonight. Why don’t you delay? The amount of rebates that were deducted was hundreds of thousands per day, which was exaggerated. I asked the currency dealer again and he said that it was possible tonight, but the drive to my home would take more than two hours. Winnie asked me to wait and he would wait with me. At about 23:00 on 12/23, he asked me if the currency dealer had arrived. I said so, and Winnie said that he would wait for me to make an appointment with the currency dealer in person. After the interview, he asked me to transfer money to him in the electronic wallet, and he would notify customer service. Transfer the money to the cash flow party as a guarantee. Is this good? Winnie said that the temporary profit department will be rebateed. There is still 930,000 left. She asked me to continue working hard because my friends kept saying that I was cheated, so on 12/24 In the morning, I went online to check the news about the account being locked on the Simple SOHO platform. As expected, I found the same case, so I called the 165 fraud hotline. After asking, they told me that I had been cheated and asked me to report the case. I also When I went to the police station to make a record, Chief Vinnie kept asking me if there was any progress on the funds. I said no. I have no money now and my friends don’t want to borrow money. Then my friend and the loan officer kept asking me for money. I didn’t know what to do. He said I have helped you so much, why do you want to give up on yourself like this? I said this money makes me very stressed, and Winnie said I have helped you to this extent, and you said you want to give up only after Are you kidding me?? I helped you with a lot of money. Winnie called me the e-wallet address of my transfer: 1.TTkJfKQsVn42dHTxpznKnB759sZtvSxQTD2.TUSRm14eZ23GgVZKTgV7LWwVs46hn9ismC

2024-02-03 17:55

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more than one year
This company is pretty solid. The platform is user-friendly, no complaints there. The fees are surprisingly low, which is a plus. What else can I say? You get a daily email with your activities and investment advice.
2024-01-18 18:15
more than one year
Watch out for TOKEN trading platform! They start off friendly on IG, teaching you blockchain trading. But be careful—they'll lure you in, activate your account without explanation, and gift you 1888 USDT that you can't touch. They say you can only withdraw after reaching 58888 USDT, restricting your access. Despite pleading for flexibility, customer service stays firm.
2023-12-27 17:32
Emmanuel Godwin
more than one year
well that is a good project though
2022-12-07 01:26
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