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Bangkok Bank

Thailand|2-5 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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(66) 0 2645 5555


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Bangkok Bank · Company Summary

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General Information

Bangkok Bank Review Summary
Registered Country/Region Thailand
Regulation No regulation
Services transfer services, payments and top-up services, currency exchange and foreign instrument services, branch services
Customer Support 24/7 mail address, telephone, online messaging

What is Bangkok Bank?

As a service bank, Bangkok Bank offers a wide range of financial products and services, catering to both individual and corporate customers. Its diverse offerings include savings and current accounts, fixed deposit accounts, foreign currency deposit accounts, as well as various market instruments such as transfer services, payments, and currency exchange. The bank's commitment to customer service is evident through its 24/7 customer service hotline, online messaging support, and multiple communication channels.

Bangkok Bank's home page

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
• Diverse of services • Lack of oversight and regulation
• Variety of account types
24/7 support

Is Bangkok Bank Safe or Scam?

It's crucial to consider the lack of banking regulations and the safety of any financial institution can change over time. To determine the current safety and legitimacy of Bangkok Bank, it's essential to refer to recent information from reputable sources, such as official government banking regulators, financial authorities, or independent financial ratings agencies.


Bangkok Bank offers a range of services to cater to the diverse needs of its customers. These services encompass various financial products aimed at facilitating transactions, investments, and risk management.

  • Transfer Services: Bangkok Bank offers domestic and international money transfer services, allowing customers to send and receive funds locally and across borders efficiently and securely.

  • Payments and Top-up Services: The bank provides payment solutions for various purposes, including utility bills, online purchases, and mobile top-ups, ensuring convenient and seamless transactions.

    • Transfer Services and Payments and Top-up Services
  • Currency Exchange and Foreign Instrument Services: Bangkok Bank facilitates currency exchange, enabling customers to convert one currency to another at competitive rates. It also offers services related to foreign instruments, such as foreign currency accounts and foreign currency denominated investments.

  • Branch Services: The bank's branch services include a wide range of financial products like deposits, loans, credit cards, and personalized financial advice from experienced professionals.

    • Currency Exchange and Foreign Instrument Services and Branch Services


Bangkok Bank offers a range of accounts tailored to meet the various financial needs of its customers. Here's a general summary of the types of accounts offered by Bangkok Bank:

  • Savings Account: This type of account is designed for individuals and allows them to safely deposit their money while earning interest in their balances. Savings accounts typically offer easy access to funds for daily transactions and often come with features like ATM cards and online banking.

  • Current Account: A current account is primarily intended for business customers and individuals with higher transaction volumes. It offers the convenience of frequent withdrawals and deposits without significant limitations on transactions.

  • Fixed Deposit Account: A fixed deposit account provides customers with the opportunity to earn higher interest rates by depositing a fixed sum of money for a specific period. The money is locked in for the duration of the fixed deposit, usually ranging from a few months to several years.

  • Foreign Currency Deposit Account: This type of account allows customers to hold funds in foreign currencies. It is beneficial for those who frequently deal with foreign currencies or want to hedge against currency fluctuations.

Customer Service

Customers can interact with Bangkok Bank's customer service team through online messaging platforms. This allows for convenient communication and quick responses to queries and concerns.

And you can reach out to the bank via traditional mail by sending their inquiries or feedback to the specified address: Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited, 333 Silom Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500, Thailand.

Bangkok Bank offers a dedicated customer service hotline for customers in Thailand, which can be reached by dialing 1333. For international customers, the bank provides a different telephone number: (66) 0 2645 5555.

The service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week

online messaging
contact details


In conclusion, Bangkok Bank offers a comprehensive suite of banking services to meet the diverse needs of its customers. Its extensive history, widespread presence, and commitment to customer service position it as a reliable partner for individuals, businesses, and foreign customers. The bank's range of accounts and market instruments, including savings and current accounts, fixed deposit accounts, and foreign currency services, exemplify its dedication to meeting the evolving financial requirements of its clientele.

However, tha bank currently has no valid regulations, it is essential for customers to stay informed about the bank's current status, regulatory compliance, and offerings by consulting official sources and reputable financial authorities.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What services does Bangkok Bank provide?

A1: Bangkok Bank offers a wide range of services, including savings and current accounts, fixed deposit accounts, foreign currency deposit accounts, transfer services, payments and top-up services, currency exchange, and foreign instrument services.

Q2: Is Bangkok Bank regulated?

A2: No, Bangkok Bank currently has no valid regulations.

Q3: How can I contact Bangkok Bank's customer service?

A3: Bangkok Bank provides customer service through various channels, including online messaging, phone (1333 in Thailand or +66 0 2645 5555 from overseas), and traditional mail at their address: 333 Silom Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500, Thailand.

Broker Information

Company Name

Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited

Company Abbreviation

Bangkok Bank

Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region


Phone of the company
  • (66) 0 2645 5555









Company address










Customer Service Email Address


Company Summary

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