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Arbah Capital

Saudi Arabia|5-10 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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Influence index NO.1

Saudi Arabia 3.44

Surpassed 41.59% brokers

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+966 13-831-6444
8th Floor, Saad Al Muammar Business Center, Al Khaleej Road, P.O. Box 8807 Dammam 31492, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

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Previous Detection : 2024-06-02
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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Arbah Capital · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country/Area Saudi Arabia
Founded Year 2019
Company Name Arbah Capital
Regulation No regulatory oversight
Services Real Estate, Corporate Investment, Asset Management, Brokerage, Wealth Management
Trading Platforms Trader Workstation (TWS), Pro 9 Application
Customer Support Telephone, Email, Fax


Arbah Capital, founded in 2019 and based in Saudi Arabia, operates without regulatory oversight. Despite this, the company offers a diverse range of financial services including Real Estate, Corporate Investment, Asset Management, Brokerage, and Wealth Management. Traders benefit from sophisticated trading platforms such as Trader Workstation (TWS) and the Pro 9 Application, enabling efficient market participation. Additionally, clients can access customer support through various channels including telephone, email, and fax, ensuring prompt assistance when needed.



Arbah Capital operates without regulatory oversight, making it susceptible to potential risks and lack of accountability. This absence of regulation could expose investors to uncertainties regarding the management of their funds and the adherence to industry standards. Without regulatory scrutiny, Arbah Capital's activities may lack transparency and leave investors vulnerable to fraudulent practices.


Pros and Cons

Arbah Capital offers a range of financial services across various sectors, providing clients with opportunities for investment and wealth management. However, the absence of regulatory oversight poses potential risks for investors, including uncertainties regarding fund management and adherence to industry standards.

Pros Cons
  • Comprehensive financial services offered
  • Lack of regulatory oversight
  • Expertise in real estate investment
  • Potential risks for investors
  • Selective investments in promising entities
  • Lack of transparency in activities
  • Emphasis on long-term relationships with clients
  • Vulnerability to fraudulent practices
  • Sophisticated trading platforms available
  • Comprehensive customer support services

The pros include Arbah Capital's comprehensive financial services, expertise in real estate investment, selective investments, emphasis on long-term relationships, sophisticated trading platforms, and comprehensive customer support. However, the cons encompass the lack of regulatory oversight, potential risks for investors, lack of transparency in activities, and vulnerability to fraudulent practices.


Arbah Capital offers comprehensive financial services across various sectors:

  1. Real Estate:

  • Expertise in real estate investment across GCC, UK, and USA.

  • Offers real estate development and income-yielding investment products.

  • Specializes in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and Sharia-compliant real estate investments.

  1. Corporate Investment:

  • Selective investments in entities with growth potential.

  • Focus on industries such as Education, F&B, Oil & Gas, etc.

  • Offers Private Equity, Corporate Finance & Advisory, and Islamic Structured Finance.

  1. Asset Management:

  • Portfolio management, research, and innovative product development.

  • Actively manages investment strategies with a long-term focus.

  • Offers Investment Funds, Discretionary Portfolio Management, and Capital Market services.

  1. Brokerage:

  • Provides tools and services for trading in the Saudi Arabia stock market.

  • High-tech platforms for trading and monitoring.

  • Offers Shariah-compliant margin trading and mobile trading applications.

  1. Wealth Management:

  • Focuses on preserving and growing clients' wealth.

  • Provides bespoke investment services for high net worth individuals, family offices, and businesses.

  • Offers Family Office services tailored to individual family needs and global interests.

Arbah Capital emphasizes building long-term relationships with investors based on trust and understanding of their unique financial goals and circumstances.


Trading Platforms

Arbah Capital's trading platform offers sophisticated features tailored for active traders:

Trader Workstation (TWS):

  • Designed for sophisticated clients.

  • Provides professional trading capabilities comparable to top brokerages worldwide.

  • Facilitates instant transactions with live streaming prices and real-time market updates.

  • Enables clients to capitalize on price fluctuations and market volatility efficiently.

Pro 9 Application:

  • Offers access to a comprehensive range of statistical and analytical data.

  • Supports accurate analysis and research for informed decision-making.

  • Complements the TWS platform, enhancing the trading experience for clients.

Overall, Arbah Capital's trading platform empowers active traders with advanced tools and resources to navigate dynamic market conditions effectively.

Trading Platforms

Customer Support

Arbah Capital offers comprehensive customer support services to address various inquiries and concerns:

Contact Information:

  • Address: 8th Floor, Noura Tower, Building Number 6311, Prince Turki Street, Corniche District, Al Khobar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

  • Telephone: +966-13-831-6444 (within the kingdom: 800-433-7777)

  • Fax: +966-13-887-0150

  • Email:

    • Customer Care:



      Security Incidents:

Overall, Arbah Capital's customer support system is designed to ensure accessibility, responsiveness, and efficiency in addressing clients' needs and concerns.

Customer Support


Q1: Is Arbah Capital regulated?

A1: No, Arbah Capital operates without regulatory oversight, which may pose risks to investors.

Q2: What services does Arbah Capital offer?

A2: Arbah Capital provides a wide range of financial services including real estate investment, corporate investment, asset management, brokerage, and wealth management.

Q3: Where does Arbah Capital specialize in real estate investment?

A3: Arbah Capital focuses on real estate investment opportunities in the GCC, UK, and USA regions.

Q4: What trading platforms does Arbah Capital offer?

A4: Arbah Capital offers Trader Workstation (TWS) and Pro 9 Application for sophisticated traders.

Q5: How can I contact Arbah Capital's customer support?

A5: You can reach Arbah Capital's customer support through telephone, email, or fax using the provided contact information.

Risk Warning

Online trading carries substantial risk, potentially leading to the total loss of invested funds. It may not be appropriate for all traders or investors. It's crucial to fully comprehend the associated risks before engaging in trading activities. Additionally, the content of this review is subject to change, reflecting updates in the company's services and policies. The review's creation date is also relevant, as information could have become outdated. Readers should confirm the latest information with the company prior to making any investment decisions. The responsibility for utilizing the information provided herein lies exclusively with the reader.

Broker Information

Company Name

Arbah Capital

Company Abbreviation

Arbah Capital

Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

Saudi Arabia

Company website
Phone of the company
  • +966 13-831-6444

  • +966 800-433-7777



Company address
  • 8th Floor, Saad Al Muammar Business Center, Al Khaleej Road, P.O. Box 8807 Dammam 31492, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.







Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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