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Japan|1-2 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 3
Previous Detection : 2024-06-03
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The United StatesNFA regulation (license number: 0557966) claimed by this broker is suspected to be clone. Please be aware of the risk!

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PNC · Company Summary

PNC Review Summary in 10 Points
Founded 2023
Registered Country/Region Japan
Regulation NFA unauthorized
Market Instruments Forex, Stocks, Crypto
Demo Account Not Available
Leverage Not disclosed
EUR/USD Spread Not disclosed
Trading Platforms Web-based platform
Minimum Deposit Not disclosed
Customer Support Email, Contact us form, Live chat, Social media

What is PNC?

PNC, a brokerage firm headquartered in Japan, extends its services to traders, offering a diverse selection of market instruments, including Forex, Stocks, and Cryptocurrencies. However, a significant point of concern revolves around its NFA unauthorized regulatory status. This status raises legitimate apprehensions regarding the broker's ability to provide the security, transparency, and adherence to industry standards that traders typically seek and expect from regulated brokers.

PNC's home page

In our forthcoming article, we will conduct an extensive examination of this broker, evaluating its features comprehensively from multiple angles. Our goal is to present a well-organized and succinct account of the broker's characteristics. If you find this topic intriguing, we invite you to stay engaged and read further. At the end of our analysis, we will provide a concise summary, offering a rapid overview of the broker's unique attributes.

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
• Educational resources available • NFA unauthorized
• Unprofessional website with limited info regarding accounts/spreads/leverage/commissions on its website
• No MT4/5 platforms

PNC presents a mix of advantages and disadvantages for potential traders:


  • Educational Resources: PNC offers valuable educational resources, which can benefit traders of different levels by enhancing their understanding of the financial markets and trading strategies.


  • NFA Unauthorized: One significant drawback is PNC's NFA unauthorized status, which may raise concerns about its regulatory compliance and the security it offers to traders.

  • Unprofessional Website: The broker's website appears unprofessional and lacks essential information about account types, spreads, leverage, and commissions. This lack of transparency can hinder traders' ability to make informed decisions.

  • No MT4/5 Platforms: PNC's absence of widely used trading platforms like MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5) may limit traders' access to familiar and feature-rich trading tools.

Traders should weigh these pros and cons carefully when considering PNC as their trading platform, ensuring that the broker aligns with their specific trading needs and preferences.

Is PNC Safe or Scam?

When considering the safety of a brokerage like PNC or any other platform, it's important to conduct thorough research and consider various factors. Here are some steps you can take to assess the credibility and safety of a brokerage:

  • Regulatory sight: its regulatory status is NFA (National Futures Association) unauthorized with license no. 0557966 which leaves PNC without the assurance of being a secure platform for financial services. This regulatory vacuum raises doubts about the platform's safety and adherence to industry standards when it comes to trading and financial transactions.

unauthorized NFA license
  • User feedback: Read reviews and feedback from other clients to get an understanding of their experiences with the brokerage. Look for reviews on reputable websites and forums.

  • Security measures: PNC prioritizes security through the implementation of a privacy policy. This policy serves as a protective measure to safeguard sensitive user information and data by outlining how user data is collected, used, and protected.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to trade with PNC is a personal one. You should weigh the risks and benefits carefully before making a decision.

Market Instruments

PNC boasts a comprehensive selection of market instruments designed to cater to the diverse needs of traders:

Forex: The Forex market, known for its high liquidity, offers traders the opportunity to engage in currency pair trading such as USD/EUR, GBP/USD, etc.

Stocks: With PNC, traders can tap into the world of equities by trading stocks from various global exchanges, whether it's investing in well-established companies or emerging market.

Cryptocurrencies: For those interested in the burgeoning cryptocurrency market, PNC offers access to digital assets. Traders can buy, sell, and speculate on the price movements of popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more.

Market Instruments

Trading Platforms

PNC appears to provide a web-based trading platform along with mobile versions that are presumably available for download on both iOS and Android devices.

However, it's noteworthy that the links on the broker's main page to download seems to be non-functional. For traders interested in exploring these platforms, it is advisable to contact the broker directly for guidance on accessing and utilizing their trading tools effectively. This direct communication helps interested individuals navigate any technical issues and ensure a smooth trading experience on the PNC platform.

Deposits & Withdrawals

According to the information provided on their webpage, PNC suggests that cryptocurrency is one of the available payment options. However, for a comprehensive understanding of the complete range of payment methods they offer, traders are encouraged to establish direct contact with the broker so they can gather detailed information on payment options, ensuring they have a clear picture of the available choices and can select the one that suits their needs best.

Customer Service

PNC takes a multi-faceted approach to customer support by offering a variety of communication channels to cater to the diverse needs of their clients.

Traders can reach out for assistance or inquiries through email, a convenient contact us form, live chat for real-time responses, and social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Github.


contact details


PNC extends its commitment to trader education by providing a blog as part of its educational resources.

This blog serves as a valuable platform for traders to access relevant and up-to-date information, market insights, and educational content. Through articles, analysis, and expert opinions, traders can stay informed about market trends and developments, helping them make more informed trading decisions.



Based on the available information, PNC presents itself as a Japan-based brokerage firm with a diverse range of market instruments, including Forex, Stocks, and Cryptocurrencies. However, a critical aspect to consider is the broker's NFA unauthorized status, which raises immediate concerns. Traders contemplating PNC as their trading platform should exercise caution and conduct thorough research. It is advisable to explore alternative brokerages that operate within established regulatory frameworks, known for their unwavering commitment to transparency, security, and accountability.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q 1: Is PNC regulated?
A 1: No. It has been verified that this broker is currently under NFA unauthorized condition.
Q 2: What kind of trading instruments does PNC offer?
A 2: PNC is a Japan-based brokerage firm offers Forex, Stocks, Crypto as market instruments to traders.
Q 3: Is PNC a good broker for beginners?
A 3: No. It is not a good choice for beginners because of it is not properly regulated.
Q 4: Does PNC offer the industry leading MT4 & MT5?
A 4: No.

Risk Warning

Online trading involves significant risk, and you may lose all of your invested capital. It is not suitable for all traders or investors. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and note that the information provided in this review may be subject to change due to the constant updating of the company's services and policies.

In addition, the date on which this review was generated may also be an important factor to consider, as information may have changed since then. Therefore, readers are advised to always verify updated information directly with the company before making any decision or taking any action. Responsibility for the use of the information provided in this review rests solely with the reader.

Broker Information

Company Name


Company Abbreviation


Regulatory Status

Suspicious Clone

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Company website
Phone of the company










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Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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