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Coin Forex Max

United Kingdom|1-2 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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The Post Building, 150 Museum St, London WC1A 1PB, United Kingdom


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

VPS Standard
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Previous Detection : 2024-06-03
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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Coin Forex Max · Company Summary

Coin Forex Max Basic Information
Company Name Coin Forex Max
Headquarters United Kingdom
Regulations Not regulated
Tradable Assets Stock, forex and cryptocurrency
Investment Plan Special Package, Premium Plan, Basic Plan, Platinum Plan
Payment Methods Bitcoin and Ethereum payment methods
Customer Support Email (

Overview of Coin Forex Max

Coin Forex Max, headquartered in the United Kingdom, serves as an international financial firm granting traders access to a plethora of financial instruments. Through its varied investment plans, encompassing the Special Package, Premium Plan, Basic Plan, and Platinum Plan, traders can delve into a diverse array of tradable assets, spanning stocks, forex, and cryptocurrencies. However, it's pivotal to acknowledge that Coin Forex Max functions without regulatory oversight, underscoring the necessity for prudence due to the potential risks inherent in unregulated trading.

Overview of Coin Forex Max

Is Coin Forex Max Legit?

Coin Forex Max is not regulated. It operates without regulation, indicating a lack of oversight from established financial regulatory bodies. Traders should approach with caution when considering trading with an unregulated broker like Coin Forex Max, as there may be limited avenues for dispute resolution and potential concerns regarding fund safety and security. Additionally, the absence of regulation may lead to a lack of transparency in the broker's business practices. To ensure a safer and more secure trading experience, traders are advised to conduct thorough research and consider the regulatory status of a broker before engaging in trading activities.

Is Coin Forex Max Legit?

Pros and Cons

Coin Forex Max offers traders the advantage of round-the-clock customer support, ensuring assistance is available at any time. However, it's important to note that the platform operates without regulatory oversight, which may expose traders to potential risks associated with unregulated trading. On a positive note, Coin Forex Max provides a referral commission of 10%. Despite this, the platform's customer support options are limited primarily to email communication, which may hinder timely assistance for traders. Additionally, Coin Forex Max lacks educational resources and transparency regarding company policies and procedures, potentially leaving traders uninformed. Moreover, there's unclear information regarding the trading platform, which could lead to confusion among users. Therefore, while Coin Forex Max presents trading opportunities, traders should exercise caution due to the absence of regulatory supervision and limited support resources.

Pros Cons
  • Provides 24/7 customer support
  • Operates without regulatory oversight, potentially exposing traders to risks
  • Provides a referral commission of 10%
  • Limited customer support options, primarily through email
  • Lack of educational resources or transparency regarding company policies and procedures
  • Unclear information on trading platform

Trading Instruments

Coin Forex Max offers a variety of trading instruments, including stock market trading, forex, and cryptocurrency.

Investment Plans

Coin Forex Max offers a range of investment plans tailored to meet various investor preferences and budgets:

  1. Special Package: Investors in this package can enjoy a return of 5% daily, with a referral bonus option. The investment duration is 1095 days, resulting in a total return of 5475%. This plan is suitable for investments ranging from $10,000 to $19,999.

  2. Premium Plan: With a return rate of 3.3% daily, the Premium Plan also includes a referral bonus feature. Investors commit to a 1095-day investment period, leading to a total return of 3613.5%. This plan is designed for investments between $5,000 and $9,999.

  3. Basic Plan: Offering a return rate of 2.2% daily, the Basic Plan provides investors with a referral bonus option. The investment duration spans 1095 days, resulting in a total return of 2409%. Investors can participate in this plan with investments ranging from $100 to $4,999.

  4. Platinum Plan: This plan offers a high return rate of 14.3% daily, with a referral bonus and a shorter investment duration of 548 days. Additionally, investors receive a total return of 7836.4% plus their initial capital. The Platinum Plan is suitable for larger investments, ranging from $50,000 to $1,000,000.

Investment Plans

Spreads and Commissions

Coin Forex Max provides a referral commission of 10% to clients.

Deposit & Withdraw Methods

Coin Forex Max simplifies the investment process by offering convenient deposit and withdrawal methods, including Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Deposit & Withdraw Methods

Customer Support

Coin Forex Max ensures accessible customer support by offering assistance 24/7 through both email and Telegram channels. Clients can reach out to the support team at for prompt resolution of queries or assistance with any trading-related issues.

Customer Support


In conclusion, Coin Forex Max offers round-the-clock customer support, a notable advantage for traders seeking assistance at any time. However, the platform operates without regulatory oversight, posing potential risks for traders. While the platform provides a 10% referral commission, customer support options are primarily limited to email, potentially delaying assistance. Moreover, Coin Forex Max lacks educational resources and transparency in company policies, contributing to trader uncertainty. Additionally, unclear information regarding the trading platform may lead to user confusion. Traders should exercise caution due to these factors.


Q: Is Coin Forex Max regulated?

A: No, Coin Forex Max operates without regulation, which means it lacks oversight from recognized financial regulatory authorities.

Q: What trading instruments are available on Coin Forex Max?

A: Coin Forex Max offers a variety of trading instruments, including stocks, forex, and cryptocurrency.

Q: What investment plans does Coin Forex Max offer?

A: Coin Forex Max provides various investment plans, including the Special Package, Premium Plan, Basic Plan, and Platinum Plan, catering to different trading preferences and experience levels.

Q: How can I contact Coin Forex Max's customer support?

A: You can reach Coin Forex Max's customer support primarily through email at

Risk Warning

Trading online carries inherent risks, and there's a possibility of losing all invested capital. It may not be suitable for every trader or investor. It's crucial to thoroughly understand the risks involved and acknowledge that the information provided in this review could change due to updates in the company's services and policies. Additionally, the review's generation date could impact its relevance, as information might have evolved since then. Hence, readers are encouraged to verify updated information directly with the company before making any decisions or taking action. The responsibility for utilizing the information provided in this review lies solely with the reader.

Broker Information

Company Name

Coin Forex Max

Company Abbreviation

Coin Forex Max

Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

United Kingdom

Phone of the company








Company address
  • The Post Building, 150 Museum St, London WC1A 1PB, United Kingdom









Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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