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Value Partners Group

Hong Kong|15-20 years|
Dealing in futures contracts|Chinese market only|High potential risk|


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Hong Kong 5.32

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+852 2880 9263
43rd Floor, The Center, 99 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong


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Company Name

Value Partners Group Limited

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Value Partners Group

Platform registered country and region

Hong Kong

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Value Partners Group · Company Summary

Aspect information
Company Name Value Partners Group Limited
Headquarters Hong Kong
Regulatory Body Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) of Hong Kong
Services - Equities - Fixed Income - Alternatives - Multi-Asset - Quantitative Investment Solutions
Customer Support Email: Phone: +852 2880 9263 Fax: +852 2564 8487
Availability Serves clients across Asia Pacific, Europe, and North America


Value Partners Group Limited is a Hong Kong-based asset management company regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC), ensuring compliance with high financial standards. They offer a comprehensive range of asset management services across various asset classes, including equities, fixed income, alternatives, multi-asset, and quantitative investment solutions, catering to clients across Asia Pacific, Europe, and North America. While they provide multiple contact options for customer support, there have been concerning user comments regarding incomplete withdrawals and app shutdowns, raising questions about their transparency and financial practices. As such, it is advisable for potential investors to exercise caution, conduct thorough due diligence, and verify their legitimacy and regulatory status before engaging with the company.



Value Partners Group Limited is a Hong Kong-based asset management company that is regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) of Hong Kong. The SFC is the regulatory body responsible for overseeing and regulating the securities and futures markets in Hong Kong. Value Partners Group's compliance with SFC regulations ensures that it operates within the legal framework and adheres to the highest standards of financial services in the region. This regulatory oversight helps provide confidence and transparency to investors who engage with Value Partners Group for their investment needs.


Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
- Regulated by the SFC for transparency and compliance with financial standards - User complaints indicating issues with withdrawals and app shutdowns
- Offers a comprehensive range of asset management services - Alleged denial of responsibility for user issues
- Global reach, serving clients across Asia Pacific, Europe, and North America - Concerns about transparency and financial practices
- Multiple contact options for customer support
- Expertise in various asset classes and investment strategies

Value Partners Group Limited is a Hong Kong-based asset management company regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC), ensuring transparency and compliance with high financial standards. They offer a comprehensive range of asset management services with a global reach, providing clients across regions with expertise in various asset classes and investment strategies. Additionally, they offer multiple contact options for customer support. However, there are concerning user comments regarding incomplete withdrawals, app shutdowns, and alleged denial of responsibility for user issues, raising questions about transparency and financial practices. It is advisable to conduct thorough due diligence and verify their legitimacy and regulatory status before considering investments with this company.


Value Partners Group offers a comprehensive range of asset management services for institutional and individual clients across Asia Pacific, Europe, and North America. These services encompass various asset classes and investment strategies:

  1. Equities: Value Partners Group provides expertise in equity investments, allowing clients to invest in individual stocks or equity-based funds. They aim to generate returns by selecting stocks with growth potential or value opportunities within specific markets, industries, or regions.

  2. Fixed Income: This service involves managing fixed income assets, such as bonds and other debt securities. Value Partners Group focuses on optimizing fixed income portfolios to provide clients with consistent income streams and potential capital preservation.

  3. Alternatives: The company offers alternative investment solutions, which can include investments in asset classes beyond traditional stocks and bonds. These alternatives may encompass real estate, private equity, hedge funds, or other non-traditional assets to diversify portfolios and potentially enhance returns.

  4. Multi-Asset: Value Partners Group creates diversified portfolios that include a mix of various asset classes, such as equities, fixed income, alternatives, and more. These portfolios are designed to achieve a balance between risk and return by spreading investments across multiple asset types.

  5. Quantitative Investment Solutions: Value Partners Group employs quantitative strategies based on mathematical and statistical models to make investment decisions. These strategies often involve data analysis and algorithmic trading to identify potential market opportunities and manage risk more efficiently.

Value Partners Group's asset management services aim to align with clients' specific financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment preferences. They provide tailored investment solutions to help clients achieve their desired outcomes, whether it's capital appreciation, income generation, or risk management. Additionally, the company's global reach allows clients in different regions to access these services and benefit from their expertise in various markets.


Customer Support

Value Partners Group Limited appears to provide multiple means of contacting their customer support. They offer an email address ( and a telephone number (+852 2880 9263) for customers to reach out with their inquiries or concerns. Additionally, they provide a fax number (+852 2564 8487) for communication purposes. This variety of contact options suggests that they are committed to offering accessible customer support for their clients and potential investors, potentially facilitating efficient assistance and addressing any issues or questions that may arise in a timely manner. However, the effectiveness and quality of their customer support would ultimately depend on their responsiveness and ability to address customer needs.


Based on the comments provided, it appears that there are serious concerns and complaints about Value Partners Group, suggesting potential issues with the company's financial practices and customer service. The complaints include:

  1. Incomplete Withdrawal: One user reported that after withdrawing $33, only $10 was approved, and the remaining $23 seemingly disappeared, raising questions about the transparency and fairness of their withdrawal process.

  2. App Shutdown and Denial of Responsibility: Another user claimed to have invested a total of 13,500 yuan in the Value Partners app, only to have the app shut down abruptly on the same day. When seeking assistance, the company allegedly denied any responsibility, leaving the user feeling cheated.

These comments raise red flags about Value Partners Group, including potential concerns related to fund withdrawals, transparency, and customer support. It is advisable for anyone considering or currently dealing with this company to exercise caution and conduct thorough due diligence. Consider researching further and seeking alternative investment options to ensure the safety of your financial assets and interests. Always verify the legitimacy and regulatory status of any investment firm before engaging in financial transactions.



Value Partners Group Limited is a Hong Kong-based asset management company regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) of Hong Kong, ensuring compliance with high financial standards. They offer a range of asset management services across various asset classes, including equities, fixed income, alternatives, multi-asset, and quantitative investment solutions, tailored to clients' specific needs. Multiple contact options are provided for customer support. However, there are concerning user comments indicating issues with incomplete withdrawals and app shutdowns, warranting caution and further due diligence when considering this company for investments. It is advisable to verify their legitimacy and regulatory status before engaging with them.


Q1: What is Value Partners Group Limited?

A1: Value Partners Group Limited is a Hong Kong-based asset management company that offers a range of investment services and is regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) of Hong Kong.

Q2: What services does Value Partners Group provide?

A2: Value Partners Group provides asset management services, including equities, fixed income, alternatives, multi-asset, and quantitative investment solutions to help clients achieve their financial goals.

Q3: How can I contact Value Partners Group's customer support?

A3: You can reach their customer support team via email at or by phone at +852 2880 9263. They also provide a fax number, +852 2564 8487, for communication.

Q4: Is Value Partners Group a safe investment option?

A4: There have been user complaints regarding incomplete withdrawals and app shutdowns. It is advisable to conduct thorough research and verify their legitimacy and regulatory status before investing with them.

Q5: Where is Value Partners Group available?

A5: Value Partners Group serves clients across Asia Pacific, Europe, and North America, making their services accessible to a global clientele.

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more than one year
One star is too much for Value Partners Group. I withdrew $33, they approved only $10, and then shut down my account. Where did the remaining $23 go? This broker is a scam. Beware! I'm left wondering why they closed my account after a $30 withdrawal. Now I know it's a fraudulent operation.
2023-12-28 14:21
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