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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 3
Previous Detection : 2024-06-03
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The number of the complaints received by WikiFX have reached 8 for this broker in the past 3 months. Please be aware of the risk and the potential scam!

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Pyramid scheme complaint
Unable to Withdraw

Scam, unable to withdraw money, defrauded of 500,000

I saw a club with a childcare subsidy of 12,000 and became a member. There was a CEO and a secretary. They induced us to make profits and change our lives. At first, we went to the physical store to buy coins and deposit them in OKX. Later, we were asked to open an account in GDS to transfer the money to deposit. Then he said that the super operation technology requires us to advertise the group to invite more people. Later, he showed us the profits. He was still immersed in the situation of getting the money. When you want to apply for withdrawal, he asked us to pay another tax. So that I can't get a dime back.

2024-01-03 22:25
Unable to Withdraw

I was scammed and wish I hadn't experienced this.

Let me tell you the ins and outs of this case. Okay, now the fraud has also been upgraded. In the beginning, I won’t even talk to you about investment in the private messages. They only chat about everyday things, making you really think that he and you are friends. Wait until he thinks you would be deceived, he will show you screenshots of his assets, saying that he has further research projects, and then slowly brainwash you to make you think that they make profits from transactions with poor information, and then he will say that he has recently There is a foreign exchange company who is researching when the price will rise. He will post the website to you and tell you what kind of foreign exchange it is. After reading the website, you will probably believe 50% of it, and then he will ask you questions and tell you that you can come after it is online. See if you don’t invest, you can be defrauded. The current value is tens of thousands of NT dollars. Now by March 5th, it has risen to more than 800,000 NT dollars. I’m really in pain and can’t get it out. I’ve been paying it every day for the past two weeks. I'm crying. Why have I made my life like this? I don't know what to do next. That's why I posted here. I hope netizens can give me some direction. Please. I'm trying my best to run takeaways to hold on, but I know this is not the case. It’s a good way to save money on daily meals. My salary is only a little and I live in Taipei and I have to pay rent. I was defrauded overnight. It’s really sad. I’m unemployed. How can I improve the current situation? I’m afraid of being poor so I believe in gangsters now. I really regret that people say that you can only make money by doing business. I really want to give it a try, but you have to have money to support it at the beginning. Now I have no money. How do I start over? I almost collapsed. Can’t contact him at all now.

2024-03-15 15:12
Unable to Withdraw

Scammed out of over 700,000…

I join a ticket lottery group. That group handles baby product selection, job introduction, ticket activities, and investment in high-profit plans. Then the CEO it will induce you to borrow a loan to participate in the investment plan, and you will see profits. , when you want to withdraw money later, it will be said that you made a mistake in withdrawing money and cannot withdraw the money. The customer service of this platform will ask you to join the fake customer service of the Financial Supervisory Commission, using the proper term "Special Law for Overseas Fund Remittance" to ask you to pay 20% tax, I continue to defraud you of your money, and in the end you lose all your money!

2024-03-07 22:06
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw funds. High profits, many people in the group share successful cases to induce deposits.

Use the selection of baby-related goods to induce mothers to join the group. It seems to be a simple group, but there are many job matchmaking, investment profits, project success sharing, etc., to induce the onlookers to believe. Many moms share that the CEO helps make profits by investing, and then shares photos, deposit profit information, and videos to gain the trust of other victims. Then the mother will take the initiative to go to the "CEO" to learn more. Once it is confirmed that she wants to invest in the project, the CEO will kick you out of the group (because someone has previously borrowed money from the mother who has successfully made profits in the group) For this reason, the people who are going to participate in the project will be kicked out of the group. After participating in the project to perform long-term operations to help you make profits, you will be asked to add GDS Line to withdraw funds. Once you want to withdraw money, you will be asked to "request proof of funds by the Financial Supervisory Commission" at the beginning. You need to use 10% of the withdrawal as proof of funds to still be able to withdraw money, and 10% of the funds will be returned to you after the withdrawal. Once you complete the proof of funds, there will be various reasons for not withdrawing money, such as paying taxes, being found to have problems with cash flow, freezing funds, deposits, etc. As soon as you finish, other reasons will appear! When you are panicked and scared, the CEO will comfort you, give you support, help you find a solution, and even say that he will lend you money to gain your trust in him. There will also be a secretary who will chat with you in the same way and make assumptions for you from your perspective so that you can feel at ease and be wary and step into their tricks step by step...! After you have invested millions, you realize that there may be nothing you can do about it. They will disappear and you will not be able to contact them or read their messages! Extremely abominable!

2024-02-03 03:22

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