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The Securities Commission of The Bahamas(SCB)

BahamasFundada em 1995 Regulado pelo governoRegulamento ForexPSNOrganização Internacional de Regulação


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Nível Regulatório

PSN: Suporte

Proteção ao Investidor: --

Membros: 15

Estabelecido: Fundada em 1995

Aproveite os serviços prestados pela associação

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Instrumentos financeiros regulamentados


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(242) 397-4100



SCB Introdução da Organização

The Securities Commission of The Bahamas (“the Commission”)(SCB) is a statutory body established in 1995 pursuant to the Securities Board Act, 1995. That Act has since been repealed and replaced by new legislation. The Commission’s mandate is now defined in the Securities Industry Act, 2011 (SIA, 2011). The Commission is responsible for the administration of the SIA, 2011 and the Investment Funds Act, 2003 (the IFA), which provides for the supervision and regulation of the activities of the investment funds, securities and capital markets. The Commission, having been appointed Inspector of Financial and Corporate Services in 1 January 2008, is also responsible for administering the Financial and Corporate Service Providers Act, 2000.

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