Global Broker Regulation & Inquiry App

4 pieces of exposure in total


The exchange does not allow withdrawals

I invested in the exchange, when there was a profit, I made a withdrawal order several times but to this day it was still rejected, that's not the same as with the previous commitment, I invested nearly 6000$, they only let me withdraw when my capital is low, and always push me to upgrade my capital to make consistent trading profits reach over 50%, until there is no more capital to deposit, they start to block withdrawal orders , hope the agency representatives help .

Vietnam Vietnam 2023-04-29 01:45
Vietnam Vietnam 2023-04-29 01:45
Unable to Withdraw

Do not withdraw

When the platform says that I'm not qualified for the most transaction in the diner; But forced me to join you; After a 100-rate , I'm going to have to prove financially with all that interest money: 8.525 USD for withdrawal; Or I'll lock my account. As of now, I've been locked up and pulled out of the contract and security of the platform to me, I'll have a decision at any moment. I'm sorry, but now I'm not calling it off. I suggest the platform of the transaction platform to open my resources again. My login account, 207281; Arming Armies; CC087071000315 (abnormal income is 10.840-40 to load and 8.525...forcing me to load.

Vietnam Vietnam 2023-01-10 10:20
Vietnam Vietnam 2023-01-10 10:20
Unable to Withdraw

Not for withdrawal

Not for withdrawal. asked to remove the platform so more people got stuck.

Vietnam Vietnam 2022-12-26 22:22
Vietnam Vietnam 2022-12-26 22:22
Unable to Withdraw

scam that does not allow withdrawal

I lost with these scammers 3 months ago with the amount of 58000 USD, hope the police will step in so they don't cheat workers like me.

Vietnam Vietnam 2022-12-12 02:12
Vietnam Vietnam 2022-12-12 02:12
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