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Is ZYQHBCE formal?Why its teacher’s order recommendation often causes forced liquidation?

I recognize a person who claimed to be a stock investor in a stock group. Later, I was invited to a communication group where there was a adviser gave lessons about stock and recommended stock and analyzed stocks market! At the beginning, the adviser recommended several stocks to me and I earned a little. Later, the advise said that it was not easy to trade stocks now, but trading onZYQHBCE must made money. He asked me to trade together on the platform. Since I have not done this before, but the teacher did take me to gain profits. The teacher promised that I could make money even a few times a week. So I agreed and the teacher urged me to open an account. Under the urging of the teacher, I considered for one night and opened an account on the ZYQHBCE, and took out more than half of the 340,000 yuan, which was saved for many years. However, I traded several times following the guidance of the adviser, but my account suffered a huge loss. After that, he also let me rest assured, saying that he would double the lost money back. However, I still kept losing money. In a week, the loss was 290,000, and the remaining 50,000 was not allowed to withdrawn by the platform with various reasons.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-10-25 18:07
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-10-25 18:07

Is ZYQHBCE formal? What if losses were caused by the adviser’s order advice?

I recognize a person who claimed to be a stock investor in a stock group. Later, I was invited to a communication group where there was a adviser gave lessons about stock and recommended stock and analyzed stocks market! At the beginning, the adviser recommended several stocks to me and I earned a little. Later, the advise said that it was not easy to trade stocks now, but trading onZYQHBCE must made money. He asked me to trade together on the platform. Since I have not done this before, but the teacher did take me to gain profits. The teacher promised that I could make money even a few times a week. So I agreed and the teacher urged me to open an account. Under the urging of the teacher, I considered for one night and opened an account on the ZYQHBCE, and took out more than half of the 340,000 yuan, which was saved for many years. However, I traded several times following the guidance of the adviser, but my account suffered a huge loss. After that, he also let me rest assured, saying that he would double the lost money back. However, I still kept losing money. In a week, the loss was 290,000, and the remaining 50,000 was not allowed to withdrawn by the platform with various reasons.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-10-17 18:03
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-10-17 18:03
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