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Unable to Withdraw

Unable to make withdrawal transactions

It's been more than 1 week that there is no answer from the VanomFX admin and it's been 1 week that I can't make withdrawals

Indonesia Indonesia 2022-01-19 17:41
Indonesia Indonesia 2022-01-19 17:41
Unable to Withdraw

Withdrawals has not arrived my BCA Bank account

I am a rookie trader from Bandung at Indonesia. I only deposit 300 dollars in VanoxFX. Two weeks ago, I withdraw my money and the status shows "Withdrawal verification" till now and the fund has not arrived my BCA bank account. Please help me from VanomFX.

Indonesia Indonesia 2021-11-18 02:17
Indonesia Indonesia 2021-11-18 02:17
Unable to Withdraw

The balance decreased

As before, I also had $11000, but after a while, my account was closed by vanom for internal reasons. After I made a withdrawal report, it was closed and cancelled by the company without any information. After that, my account balance was deducted and my deposit amount of $256 was refunded. Can the company take action before prior notice?

Indonesia Indonesia 2021-11-15 15:01
Indonesia Indonesia 2021-11-15 15:01
Unable to Withdraw

My profit balance was cut and couldn’t withdraw

i get profit up to $15.700, but vanom only give me $3136 in to my wallet, they said its because i get in to bit coin while bitcoin has the wrong price but everyone thats lost in bitcoin was not refund, but all the profit i get was cut and also all my trading history was delete by the vanom fx broker. Please help regarding my issue i just want to take all my profit and balance

Indonesia Indonesia 2021-11-15 15:01
Indonesia Indonesia 2021-11-15 15:01

Even with a balance of $2200000, my account has been deactivated

I didn't come in the next day after I raised the balance of $5000. I raised the balance of $5000 and didn't go in. I knew it was just disabled. The balance in my vanom.fx wallet was $120000, and there was only $600 left. I just continued to send e-mail for maintenance reasons. I don't think it's meaningful. Such complaints don't just happen to me, It also happens to other traders. Please return my profit right. If you are a professional broker, you should be responsible for any errors in the system and do not continue to lose customers' profits. If you have been trying to collect profit results, you know, you only give a solution returned from customers' initial balance, which is very unfavorable. You have collected profit results, Why do you withdraw the balance until you have never withdrawn it? The account has been deactivated. Please return my profits to vanomfx. Thank you.

Indonesia Indonesia 2021-11-14 18:34
Indonesia Indonesia 2021-11-14 18:34
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