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17 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

On 2/11, I have a sum of USDT$6,665.66, which has never been credited to the gold account. I need help, thank you!

About Millinium, my account number is 285189, and the person is gone. I have a sum of USDT$6,665.66 on 2/11,, and it has never entered the gold account.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-02-23 19:07
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-02-23 19:07

The regulation number they provided was another company. They cheated users with fake platform.

The regulation number they provided was another company. They cheated users with fake platform and denied it. It was totally a scam. Why did a normal platform did scams?

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-10-08 15:17
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-10-08 15:17
Unable to Withdraw

Account error and margin requirement

At the beginning when I wanted to withdraw money, it showed that there was something wrong with my account. Then I tried it all over again. Later, they said that there was a problem with my order note and it would be detained. Finally after it was processed, they said that the ratio of total assets to deposit did not match, and I need to make up 30% margin to withdraw.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-10-05 11:37
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-10-05 11:37

I can't withdraw money but asked to pay the margin and exchange rate differences.

I met an employer at a platform. Beacause he was in Japan, he had time jet problems and could not operate. He asked me to operate for him. The trial period was five days. Later, his mother suddenly fell ill and he had to go back to Taiwan, so the operation was suspended. So I was introduced to a teacher, who was a professor. Because it has not been able to withdraw funds, I have been asked to pay the margin, exchange rate differences, and transfer fee. He gave me a single number and said I could check with the bank for information. So I prepared for the worst and went to the bank. As it turns out, everything is a scam. The transfer information is attached. The first one is the transfer information with the teacher, and the second one is the transfer information with the professor. I hope no one else will be cheated. I even lost my family's hard-earned money. It is because I believe they will withdraw my money.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-10-02 19:22
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-10-02 19:22


Fraud platform. Zhi Wei and Wei Ting were scammers and changed the transaction.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-09-27 08:02
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-09-27 08:02
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

It required many fees and margins before withdrawal. Beware.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-09-25 00:35
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-09-25 00:35
Unable to Withdraw

Fraud platform

Unable to withdraw. They did not reply my question. It was a scam.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-09-23 15:05
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-09-23 15:05

Unable to withdraw

It asked for many fees before withdrawal, and did not reply.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-09-18 22:13
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-09-18 22:13


They cheated me with fake regulation and took my money away.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-09-09 17:53
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-09-09 17:53

Beware of scams

It cheated you to invest.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-08-28 01:50
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-08-28 01:50


He pretended to be unable to operate the account because he was abroad. After 5 days, he asked me to find Mr Jiang. They would scam you of all your profits and never answer your questions. Their words were same. If you wanted to withdraw, they had a lot of reason to reject. Beware.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-08-07 18:14
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-08-07 18:14

Fraud platform

I could provide evidence and already called the police. Welcome report it together.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-25 02:58
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-25 02:58

Fraud platform. Unable to withdraw.

I deposited 5,000. Someone wanted to operate my account and asked for 50% commission after gaining profits. Does it make sense that I paid him 24,000 at first? 1.I refused to pay him 24,000. 2.My account was blocked. 3.I could not withdraw 5,000. The scammer insisted that I owed him 24,000.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-22 23:36
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-22 23:36

I've called the police.

Do not deposit funds. This is a scam. Margin has been asked when you are going to withdraw funds

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-02 02:17
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-02 02:17

Unable to deposit?

Same as the person in the previous post First of all, because ig found a part-time platform Help someone who was first called Mr. Zhou act as an agent After the operation twice, I was told that their family do not want to spend extra money to hire part-time jobs Later I said that there is a quota that allows me to make money on my own After the assessment by Mr. Jiang, the deposit is 30,000 Mr. Zhou said that there is a bonus of 50%, no white no collar After the first operation, I also remitted about 70,000 commissions on the day After logging in to the account, it says that the transaction volume is insufficient The teacher thinks of a solution After the commission becomes 200,000? ? Send a message saying that it has been confirmed with the customer service that the gold can be withdrawn Too weird It is clear that the certified company is the other person. The Australian website is not at all. The millinium platform of unknown origin can not be found on Google. What kind of trick? Fraud It’s always a loss of 100,000 to learn a class.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-06-19 21:26
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-06-19 21:26

Lock your account without paying commissions

Originally, I saw part-time jobs on the Facebook platform IG. After joining Line, the employer claimed to have reinvested in the foreign exchange platform, but people could not log in to this platform website when they were abroad, so they asked someone to help them, and then cooperated with him to give my commissioner to the other party. After teaching me to follow the instructions, the employer said that because there was something at home, he did not want to continue acting on behalf of others. The commissioner still had a place for me to talk about the rules of the game at the beginning, that is, he ordered me to charge 50% commission after the operation, the model is just Just like I was helping my employer, I asked a bunch of financial conditions and asked me to deposit 20,000 yuan. That night, I temporarily said that I would help me out for the first five times and asked me to give him the account secret. After the other party got it, he would change my password to avoid After I logged in and caused her to lose money, she asked me to pay a 41,000 operation fee to return the account to me, and asked him to withdraw the money for me. He said that they stipulated that it was not possible to receive the commission from the customer before I started. I noticed an abnormality. Anyway, I don’t pay commission and he doesn’t return my account. It’s very bad

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-06-19 18:49
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-06-19 18:49
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

The customer service said I had to pay margin first

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-06-16 20:10
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-06-16 20:10
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