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Unable to Withdraw

Its broker ran away and crm account is also gone

Yesterday, the night of September 13 was still normal, but today the account authorization failed, and the broker suddenly canceled

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-09-14 13:32
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-09-14 13:32

Hongli led a single fraud gang to induce gold deposit mt5 gold operation has run away

The cause of the incident is like this. About a month ago, a person named "people are not saints" contacted me on Twitter to get familiar with me first, and then about August 4th, I recommended a teacher to give lectures in the easy lecture hall. The website is https: // Live broadcast every night from 20:00 to 21:00 The teacher said that there will be a month of theoretical explanations. From September, the live broadcast of practical teaching said that it is no problem to earn 4 times. In August, it is to give theoretical courses and analyze the currency circle every day. The daily market and the fundamental news that occur every day interpret the news. The teacher's explanation is indeed not completely nonsense, but there is something real in it. The 7-2 rule, the wave theory, the golden section line, the moving average theory, and other knowledge, and will focus on operating some data The market is indeed a person who makes people feel very credible, and indeed I have learned a lot of things, but these are the methods of the fraud group, and he claims to be the Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, who studied with Professor Zhou Jun and went to Columbia University to study for a Ph.D. Joined Goldman Sachs Group as a modeling analyst and then went to Guangdong through the recommendation meeting of my father and teacher Let people find flaws and doubts. The script created ""very wonderful"" Then the live teaching will start in September and ask the students to go to the mt5 platform to operate the gold and ethereum varieties. Check the dealer platform recommended by the teacher and find the registration time of the domain name The website page on August 24th is very simple and very unsafe, which makes me vigilant. However, I am also a novice and only recharged a small amount of money to test the water. Then I follow the teacher to operate the so-called data at 3:00 pm and 8:00 pm every day. The market or European and American stocks open gold fluctuations. The profit is about 10 points per day. This has gradually relieved my doubts in my heart. At present, it may be that there is a background behind the market that can control the market, or there are traders operating behind the scenes. During the process, the teacher and the recommender frequently asked me how much funds I currently have, so I can seize the opportunity to add as many positions as possible. I didn't listen to it, and I became more suspicious. Then I operated a wave of data market cpi long and short according to the teacher's request last night. I set a stop loss for double-opening and long orders, but it did not trigger the long order, which led to the liquidation of the long order. Later, I contacted the customer service of the website to ask what happened All saints and sages have been lost. The trading platform cannot log in to the website of the live broadcast room, and the teacher has been unable to access the teacher. Let the students use Ingmar and cloudchat to chat privately with the teacher. There is no group chat information record. I am engaged in the computer architecture of the e-commerce Internet. Teacher, the IP of the other party has been initially locked. Because of his cautious personality, he has recorded the live broadcast courses, voices, and character characteristics of the fraud gang. At present, he has contacted the Beijing Public Security Bureau to help with the investigation. In addition, he has contacted a friend of SlowMist. Carry out address tracking on the chain, and contact the exchange to temporarily ban the account associated with the exchange. The police said that if the amount is relatively large, it will be upgraded The case level does not rule out carrying out transnational law enforcement activities. I hope that the vast number of deceived friends will contact me. There are many people and powerful people, and they will extensively collect evidence of their fraud, and they will be brought to justice! Reminder: Do not trust any teacher with a single. Traders must choose traders carefully, choose mainstream brokers, and safety is always the first.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-09-14 13:32
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-09-14 13:32
Unable to Withdraw

Fraud platform that cannot withdraw

A stranger recommended a man named Hongli through Weibo. He shared his experience with live broadcasts every day. Step by step, he deceived people to go to mt5 to operate gold. By using cpi, he could make money and let people increase their deposits. Now the website is closed, and the account cannot be logged in or withdrawn

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-09-14 11:00
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-09-14 11:00
Unable to Withdraw

Liar. Can't withdraw money. Can't log in account

Luckily, I was alert, I just withdraw part of my deposit

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-09-11 02:11
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-09-11 02:11


A stranger privately chatted with me on Weibo, chatted with me, and brought me to know a teacher with rich experience. The teacher has a strong ability to lead orders, but he asked to go to mt5 to play, and he will bring practical courses for free. He will teach you ether points during live broadcast , but it takes you gold in actual combat, why? Because many people have never been in contact with gold, you must come to this platform if you want to play. You will gain money after you deposit, so you are greedy, and you want to earn more by depositing money. Suddenly one day the teacher's strength declines, causing you to liquidate your position. At this time, you regret it. ,late. Because mt5 can operate in the background to skyrocket or plummet, so if you encounter this situation, be cautious

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-09-03 16:01
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-09-03 16:01
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