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27 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw


This broker opened an unauthorized license on my account and caused a loss of 2660 dollars

Iran Iran 2023-12-26 02:21
Iran Iran 2023-12-26 02:21
Unable to Withdraw

Withdrawals declined without reasons

The broker has retained the money of several people without reasons, they deny the withdrawals for more than 6 months.

Colombia Colombia 2023-11-03 19:18
Colombia Colombia 2023-11-03 19:18

IronFx - Scam - Mobile App and Metatrader 4 incompatibility

At around 10:55 am on 24/07/2023, I opened 1 transaction of 0.15 lot from the product USOİL_U3. Everything was going well. After 20 minutes the screen and the program did not respond. When I tried to reconnect to the application, I failed. I notice that there is software error and infrastructures are incredibly weak. It's definitely not what they promised. I immediately reported the situation to the Ironfx representative on Whatsapp. He said he would take a screenshot and let me know. Shoook! After the meeting, the Ironfx mobile application was opened after many attempts. Unfortunately, my transaction in the Transactions section was missing. When I soon opened the Metatrader 4 program, I confirmed that the same situation was there and shared it with the representative. Around 13:30 pm, both metatrader 4 and mobile applications did not respond again. The proceedings are still ongoing. But this time I can't login to the server. Everything was normal and smooth on my part. On the Ironfx side, it was obvious that there was a problem and when I talked to their representatives about the issues, he said he will inform me when I ask in the evening. I asked in the morning and he said he will inform me. It's 12:15 at noon 25/7/2023, they will still inform. IronFx, as a mobile application and management, although it seems to be approved, it is just a SCAM. There is a typical scam. Whether they accept it or not. No record of any of the actions you can see on the screen. Not in transactions. Unfortunately. I'll take a screenshot just in case. This is the case even though we bought it.. IronFX, stay away!!!

Turkey Turkey 2023-07-25 17:19
Turkey Turkey 2023-07-25 17:19
Unable to Withdraw

I couldn't withdraw money

My account has been suspended and my withdrawal has been deleted. bonus terms and conditions are excused. However, I have never used a bonus. I made a profit. despite this, the profit I made was deleted. Despite my request, the customer representative did not return. It is very surprising that a company that seems trustworthy does this. If my problem is not resolved, I will also complain to the companies they have licensed.

Turkey Turkey 2023-05-04 21:18
Turkey Turkey 2023-05-04 21:18
Unable to Withdraw

Black platform blocked the withdrawal apply and its account manager did not explain the reason

After making a few USD/JPY transactions, the client found the spread was extremely large. And the rebates were rare. So he planned to withdraw all the funds. The customer service of the platform replied that the account was abnormal. That's all we got about this thing. No respond from the company. All transaction records of mt4 were deleted. Withdrawal was always in processing status. This is purely a black platform with poor service attitude and does not allow investors to withdraw funds.

South Korea South Korea 2023-05-01 18:10
South Korea South Korea 2023-05-01 18:10
Unable to Withdraw

Scam that cannot withdraw

At the beginning, it was said that the account was changed, and then it was said that the account was not correct and need to pay the unfreeze fee, which lowered the credit score and then increased the credit score, step by step tricks, it is too difficult to withdraw funds

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-01-11 09:09
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-01-11 09:09
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

It is said that my information is expired and then said that my name and account number cannot match, then it ask me pay fees to unfreeze the account. Just a scammer.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-11-25 07:34
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-11-25 07:34


I have deposited in IronFX 491 euro and they deposited on my account 471 euro claiming fees where there are no fees for deposits, that's the first sign that something is not right. After trading for a few days I made a profit of 1253.94 euros. Without notice, upon trading my account got disconnected and disabled when I was trading US session. They took all my profits off and don't respond to my emails. This is definitely a SCAM BROKER!

Portugal Portugal 2022-10-24 11:35
Portugal Portugal 2022-10-24 11:35
Unable to Withdraw


IRONFX deleted my profits and suspend my account. when i request more information replying to the same email they do not answer. they are a scam artists, if you lose money you are ok but if you win they suspend your account and dont pay. Also i deposited 500$ and they send me back 450$. STAY AWAY

United States United States 2022-09-06 03:50
United States United States 2022-09-06 03:50


I have deposited in IronFX 491 euro and they deposited on my account 471 euro claiming fees where there are no fees for deposits, that's the first sign that something is not right. After trading for a few days I made a profit of 1253.94 euros. Without notice, upon trading my account got disconnected and disabled when I was trading US session. They took all my profits off and don't respond to my emails. This is definitely a SCAM BROKER!

United States United States 2022-08-12 11:21
United States United States 2022-08-12 11:21

scammer IronFX confiscated my money

hello, I invested 500 usd in ironfx. After 3 transactions, I made a profit of 521 usd. I want to withdraw my profit but they deleted my profit. I was getting the reason, they said they would send their answers by mail for 2 weeks. They are closing the chat with my chat in chat. They give you 1:1000 leverage and then they take your money with a future. See you twice before investing in ironfx.

Turkey Turkey 2022-07-02 21:02
Turkey Turkey 2022-07-02 21:02

scammer IronFX confiscated my money

hello there, IronFX i invested 500 usd in . after 3 transactions, i made a profit of 521 usd. i wanted to withdraw my profit but they deleted my profit. when i asked why, they did not answer, they said they would send an e-mail for 2 weeks. when i join live chat they close the chat. they give you 1:1000 leverage and then they say you made a risky trade and take your money. IronFX think twice before investing in .

Turkey Turkey 2022-07-02 00:34
Turkey Turkey 2022-07-02 00:34

fake bonus

customer area saying there is an indelible bonus. then when you stop out. an institution that deletes the bonus and asks for money

Ukraine Ukraine 2021-11-04 15:57
Ukraine Ukraine 2021-11-04 15:57

IronFX denied profits

based on all the negative feedback on IronFX did not want take a chance so started of with 100$ investment 19th aug 2021. on 20th aug i was understanding that my ea was performing in conformance with back test results.. here is the chronology of events: account number:20101081 ( IronFX) funded: 100$ 19th aug 2021 profit made 251$ 20th aug 2021 received mail from IronFX stating that my account is suspended and profits reversed : 20th aug 2021 8:00 pm checked my account and observed that all.

Pakistan Pakistan 2021-09-27 17:11
Pakistan Pakistan 2021-09-27 17:11

IronFX denied profits , reversed all my profits &

based on all the negative feedback on IronFX did not want take a chance so started of with 100$ investment 19th aug 2021. on 20th aug i was understanding that my ea was performing in conformance with back test results.. here is the chronology of events: account number:20101081 ( IronFX) funded: 100$ 19th aug 2021 profit made 251$ 20th aug 2021 received mail from IronFX stating that my account is suspended and profits reversed : 20th aug 2021 8:00 pm checked my account and observed that.

Nigeria Nigeria 2021-08-29 01:01
Nigeria Nigeria 2021-08-29 01:01

Profits reversed.

Funded: 100$ 19th Aug 2021 Profit Made 251$ 20th Aug 2021 Received Mail from IronFX stating that my account is suspended and Profits Reversed : 20th Aug 2021 8:00 PM Checked my Account and Observed that all profits have been Reversed : 20th Aug 2021 8:15 PM

Bangladesh Bangladesh 2021-08-23 16:44
Bangladesh Bangladesh 2021-08-23 16:44
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

I shared my experience of investment for your reference. I first entered this industry on IronFX about 60 years ago. I spent $100 and tested the bole system. But my friends told me it was a scam so I wanted to withdraw. It took almost 5 months to withdraw $100, which finally failed. I gave up and continued transactions until the port broke down. Do not apply this blog. I was confused that why its license was still effective.

Thailand Thailand 2021-07-29 22:32
Thailand Thailand 2021-07-29 22:32
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

It took me 3 weeks to withdraw and finally failed.

Thailand Thailand 2021-07-27 22:24
Thailand Thailand 2021-07-27 22:24
Unable to Withdraw

Lots of complaints.

It has been more than one month since a client requested for withdrawal and still they are processing. The client has called this broker a scam.

Bangladesh Bangladesh 2021-07-09 16:30
Bangladesh Bangladesh 2021-07-09 16:30
Unable to Withdraw

scammm !!!!!

scammm !!!!! unable withdraw my fund back. 31 may 2021 "waiting for processing" 19 jun 2021 still "waiting for processing" Don't transfer your money to this company.

Thailand Thailand 2021-06-19 14:52
Thailand Thailand 2021-06-19 14:52
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