Global Broker Regulation & Inquiry App

3 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

I felt disappointed

I trust them but they disappointed me. I gained $175 and left it on my desk. I saw an advertisement that I would lost 7% of my balance if I did not deposited in 24 hours. The rubbed me without any reason and stole money from me. They sent an email in another language that I could not understand finally.

Colombia Colombia 2021-10-25 13:06
Colombia Colombia 2021-10-25 13:06

Warning IB scam C&c Broker

The first time it gave me 3k usd burned. I don't know how to play, so I accept it. The second time This guy cheated me 7500$ Very sophisticated action. Initially, it helped me get a deposit receipt to my MT4 trading account, but I did not expect it to trick me into editing the content of the receipt and the amount of $7500 was transferred directly to its IB Account, I reported it once. and asked the floor to help get his money back. It denied that it was cheating, but when the incident was revealed, it transferred to the floor 6500$ to return it to me, and the remaining 1000$ it said to delete the post and ask the C&C floor testify so I believe it again to see how the situation is 1 week and then return it to me, but when I deleted all the posts and it's been 1 week now, it has blocked my phone number and has no intention of paying. This guy is very smart. vi everyone be careful IB C&c Broker, everyone. its sdt :0373855092

Vietnam Vietnam 2021-09-14 12:06
Vietnam Vietnam 2021-09-14 12:06
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw funds within two months

I've waited for two months. BUt they still don't handle my withdrawal application.

Macao Macao 2021-06-04 03:49
Macao Macao 2021-06-04 03:49
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