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4 pieces of exposure in total


Fraud platform newsolid induced deception which caused significant losses, hope to assist in the recovery of related losses

QQ group in the gang, make use of the platform to lure me deposit, and make me pay a high price through overseas buying, MT4 account history data can no longer be checked, which should be the fake data from fraudsters and fake platforms. Please assist in recovering related losses, the bank has a record of remittances to scammers.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-05-24 23:38
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-05-24 23:38

Newsolid is unable to withdraw

I requested a withdrawal on 12.16, but it hasn't arrived on 12.23. It keeps showing that it is being processed. No further solution. Keep saying in the queue. Normal one day out of the. Temporary amount involved 41,058 yuan.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-12-23 15:53
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-12-23 15:53

Newsolid: fraud platform

Do not deposit to the accounts of Zhang Tianjing, Lai Zhengrong and Yang Ling. They were scammers. Beware and do not trust them.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-08-04 10:11
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-08-04 10:11

Fraud platform. Newsolid scammed me 200,000

I followed a person called the shopkeeper Liu talks about stocks on Weibo in the early 2021. Because he often analyzed the stock market, it showed me a very professional illusion. So I entered his Weibo group. Later, he switched to the qq group and recommended the NewSolid. It was said that this platform was of good returns from foreign exchange speculation. He promised that as long as we follow him, the income would be doubled. Some people in the group posted a large number of profit orders every day. After several rounds of psychological offensives, I was sceptical and relaxed. When I saw a large number of profit orders, I really believed in the ability of the professor to take the order. So I started to invest on NewSolid recommended by the professor. He called out the order at the right time through the newly-built WeChat group. At first it was profitable. Under the constant advocacy of the professor, he said that he could make $30,000 for us to earn back previous losses, so I increased my capital investment, and then the teacher gave me an empty XAU/USD order and gave me a heavy position operation. Even if the market was reversed, he did not allow me to stop the loss. In less than two days, my account lost 200,000,956 yuan! At this time, he was still comforting me that it was a market problem that his operation was correct. However, the loss list was just tens of thousands of dollars! I realized at this time that I might have been deceived!

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-08-03 16:40
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-08-03 16:40
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