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Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw money. After paying the commission, it will be said that there is money laundering in the account. No withdrawal is made, but a relative deposit must be paid.

I can withdraw money from the beginning, but I won’t be able to withdraw money now. I was defrauded of 3.2 million. It’s a complete scam.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-12-21 00:04
 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-12-21 00:04

This is too much.

I was defrauded. There was a large group of about 70 people, all of whom were talking about gold market trading. They said one could earn more than NT$100,000 a day. Then when I started, there was a girl who chatted with me every day and said, it was very profitable, and he asked me to quickly invest money to make money with her. At first, I didn’t agree. Later, when I saw the high profits every day in the group, I hesitated. After I invested NT$120,000, there was a high profit in the beginning. High profits are then divided into levels and commissions are collected according to the levels. Bronze team 1~1 million, 1 million~3 million silver team, and so on. It would be said that if you invest in the silver team as soon as possible, you will make more than 5 million profits. Being obsessed with money, I jumped in. I invested a total of 1 million 4 times. The first time I withdrew 100 US dollars, the second time I withdrew 3,200 US dollars. However, because of the second withdrawal, I was notified that The stored value amount was deducted first and then the profit was deducted. I started to feel strange that it was all my money and it was divided into stored value and profit, so I started to want to side-invest, so I wanted to withdraw money once for the third time. I got back a little more, amounting to 17,000 US dollars, but it was not approved until 21:30 in the evening. Previously, it would be approved before 18:00. Then one of the girls in this group of 70 people, Xinru, invited me to a small Group, it is said that this small group is all making money by operating Bitcoin, and there is no need to share. Then in this small group, before entering the operation, a girl Xinru called me and informed me that I was going in to have sex. You asked me how much money I had on hand? Then I was led by a man named Xing Guo to operate Bitcoin. As a result, I lost all 1 million (more than 35,000 US dollars). The 17,000 US dollars I withdrew the next day, all of them were invalid. A large group is divided into small groups, and then find one person to chat with you every day. The purpose is to understand your investment situation and to know your thoughts.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-12-15 22:53
 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-12-15 22:53
Unable to Withdraw

Aden markets platform is a scam

I opened an account at Aden markets, my introducer is and my assistant is After a period of trading, I was able to withdraw The amount is 100usd, which is fine. But the second time I want to withdraw money, I can't withdraw it. When I contact customer service, they say they only allow one withdrawal. If I want to withdraw, I have to upgrade to a VIP account with the amount of 38,880usd. Every 3 months, you can withdraw as much as you want. Meanwhile, the money I deposited for trading is more than 45,000 USD and the money in the trading account is more than 165,000 USD. I did not agree to upgrade to a VIP account, so far my account has not changed. My transaction has not been processed nor can I withdraw money. My account(ID 301233).

Vietnam Vietnam 2023-12-15 13:34
Vietnam Vietnam 2023-12-15 13:34
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