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5 pieces of exposure in total


Lure investors on trading Stock and receive dividend. Advisor guide on highrisk forex with large order cause account to burn

Constantly calling by sale: Linh Nguyen - 097186165 to receive dividends and high profits from buying shares of Pfizer, Moderna, Siemens, customer account photos with high profits. After depositing 5000 USD, 30% bonus, consultant named Thanh Dat - 0911742404 I entered the order, made a profit and then placed a larger order than my account: Lot 1, Lot 5, forex pairs such as: WTI, USDPLN. When the account is negative, it is almost out of money, they ask the investor to place a rebalance order to keep the account and ask for more money to save the $5000 investment rescue. After I deposited $20,000, they guided and helped to make a profit of $25,000, then asked to bet order size 20, 30 on WTI, USDPLN and these orders jumped negative and burned the account. Buy Indication messing around leading to negative accounts and then blaming the bad market Need to create a group to hire a lawyer to take this Qbiginvest platform to court for criminal fraud because they have a financial consulting office in Vietnam

Vietnam Vietnam 2022-04-05 13:47
Vietnam Vietnam 2022-04-05 13:47
Severe Slippage


The buying price zone is different from the time with different pips. Consulting support platform dodges and do not explain.

Vietnam Vietnam 2022-01-11 09:54
Vietnam Vietnam 2022-01-11 09:54

buy zone spread

The price is in a zone. I buy on the platform by pip difference, so it's farther. Evasive consultants do not analyze it.

Vietnam Vietnam 2022-01-11 09:42
Vietnam Vietnam 2022-01-11 09:42

To entice, seduce, suck the blood of investors

Juicy broker, after creating an account, provides others instructions on how to place orders, enter dangerous orders that do not match the assets in the account, ... not responsible for investors. Indications to buy haphazardly lead to negative account and then blame the bad market,.... 1 too bad experience, one $1000 lesson.

Vietnam Vietnam 2022-01-06 22:17
Vietnam Vietnam 2022-01-06 22:17

The support staff read the wrong order, causing the customer to burn tk

I participate in trading on Qbiginvest exchange. When I first started, I did not have much experience with gd and told the support staff when they would say I was safe. but the support staff read the wrong order for me many times and guided me to balance the 2nd order, causing my account to burn. By the time I lost all my money, the staff refused to take responsibility. I texted and called him, but he didn't answer. I contacted people who made promises to me but they all denied responsibility. I deposited $5500 and lost it all

Vietnam Vietnam 2022-01-06 16:27
Vietnam Vietnam 2022-01-06 16:27
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