Global Broker Regulation & Inquiry App

13 pieces of exposure in total


Difficulties in refunding malicious platforms

I sent an email to kaiher global ltd requesting a refund of my funds which had been frozen 4 times, but there was no response. In today's world, even if the official platform invests in foreign currency, it is difficult to make money. Even worse, it's difficult to get a refund on a malicious platform without solid and absolute proof.

Japan Japan 2022-11-03 16:29
Japan Japan 2022-11-03 16:29

Correction of license registration certificate attachment

I posted that the license registration certificate attachment of kaiher global ltd and the license registration certificate attachment of glo finance limited are exactly the same, but I confirmed the msb registration and attached the certificate of kaiher. The sooner the correction, the better, so I will correct it.

Japan Japan 2022-11-02 13:33
Japan Japan 2022-11-02 13:33

Frozen Funds Direct Refund Requests to Malicious Platforms

I registered on the kaiher global ltd website and received an email from kaiher on the 27th. Without noticing, I sent a reply e-mail requesting a refund of 181,550 yen, which was frozen yesterday, on the 29th.

Japan Japan 2022-10-30 06:48
Japan Japan 2022-10-30 06:48

The platform maliciously freeze funds

Kaiher has frozen my funds of 181550 yen in accordance with the relevant provisions of the ordinance on cross-border remittances, even though remittances have been made three times through cross-border transactions. Kaiher has lost the authority to register licenses and general registrations,

Japan Japan 2022-10-28 06:40
Japan Japan 2022-10-28 06:40

Affiliates with Freeze Funds

Kaiher's certificate of license registration contains Glo finance Limited's information in the column that should be stated by kaiher. The same applies to floors and addresses. It is abnormal that the contents of another company are listed in kaiher's license registration.

Japan Japan 2022-10-22 22:26
Japan Japan 2022-10-22 22:26

Fund freezes and cross-border transactions

Cross-border transactions conducted across borders have cross-border fees. Cross-border fees are chargeable currencies, including yen. For other currencies, a fee will be charged. I have had three withdrawals (remittances) from Kaiher global ltd so far. It was exactly the amount I requested from Martina manager. I have had 3 normal remittances so far, and I don't understand why the funds were frozen this time. Remittance name: Nishihara Yuuki, Moriya Yuuki (twice)

Japan Japan 2022-10-18 12:14
Japan Japan 2022-10-18 12:14

Relations with funds freeze

Kaiher global ltd and okwis global ltd seem to have the same address in England and China, so they are considered to be the same company or a related company.

Japan Japan 2022-10-11 13:34
Japan Japan 2022-10-11 13:34

freeze funds

Kaiher's Martitna manager withdrew my funds but froze them. 181,550 yen, plus a 50% deposit was required. 90775 yen, relevant provisions of the UK Local Financial Regulations Article 27 Ordinance on Cross-border Transfers. Kaiher is registered in the UK but has a fictitious address and is actually based at 101500 Beijing, China. Please refund me the frozen funds as soon as possible as UK law does not apply. By the way, I don't trust Kaiher, so I didn't pay the security deposit.

Japan Japan 2022-09-27 09:24
Japan Japan 2022-09-27 09:24

Freeze Funds and Security Deposits

Withdrawal was refused by Kaiher's Martinan manager. The frozen funds are 181,550 yen, the security deposit is 90,775 yen, and if you pay the total amount of the frozen funds and the security deposit, they will be credited to my account later. I can't trust you, so I refused to pay. The frozen funds of 181,550 yen have not yet been refunded to me. Kaiher said the relevant provisions of Section 27 of the UK Local Financial Regulations Ordinance on Cross-Border Transfers.

Japan Japan 2022-09-26 21:39
Japan Japan 2022-09-26 21:39
Unable to Withdraw

I have a profit, but I can't withdraw

I was told that if I made a deposit and made a profit, I could not withdraw unless I paid money to withdraw.

Japan Japan 2022-09-03 03:16
Japan Japan 2022-09-03 03:16

Withdrawal rejection and margin

Withdrawal was refused by Kaiher's manager, and when I requested and applied for withdrawal, the fund of 181,550 yen was frozen due to remittance across the UK border, and I was asked to pay a deposit of 90,775 yen, which is 50% of the fund. After paying the deposit, they say they will return the frozen funds and the deposit to my account. Actually 181550 yen has not been refunded to me. I checked and found that there is no security deposit for UK cross-border payments.

Japan Japan 2022-08-19 12:29
Japan Japan 2022-08-19 12:29

I requested a withdrawal, but the withdrawal was refused.

I requested a withdrawal from Kaiher's manager, but he refused the withdrawal for no reason.

Japan Japan 2022-08-03 09:12
Japan Japan 2022-08-03 09:12
Unable to Withdraw

This website is fake

This is a scam where you can't withdraw money, confirm fraud, take money from the other party without spending money on fees or withdrawals,

Japan Japan 2022-07-15 19:59
Japan Japan 2022-07-15 19:59
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