Global Broker Regulation & Inquiry App

32 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

totally a scam group

I invested 100,000 and made a profit of 400,000, so I inquired about withdrawal, but I was told that I could not withdraw without deposit of 250,000. ️ Even if you transfer it, there is a possibility that you will request some funds again. I called to inquire about it, but it didn't go through and it seems to be fictitious. Also, the address and email address are fictitious. Registration information is correct and unreliable.

Japan Japan 2022-08-07 22:31
Japan Japan 2022-08-07 22:31
Unable to Withdraw

winter snow is just like every other fake brokers

after investing and making usdt transfers from my Binance , trades were done and profits were made absolutely. It was time to withdraw and I was slammed with the tax fees which sounds sketchy because that is the way to go with every other broker. my skepticism made me research deeply into this broker and this made me stumble on some many related cases of denied withdrawals. furthering my search also led me to Fintrack/org where I submitted my complaints for a chargeback and in a span of 3-4 working days , withdrawal was made possible . wintersnow actually thought they could get away but I guess I’m way smarter than them .

Australia Australia 2022-08-05 18:14
Australia Australia 2022-08-05 18:14
Unable to Withdraw


I invested over $60,000 to wintersnow via their online platform during the time I was investing there, but to my surprise I was unable to withdraw. I filed a chargeback under Assetsclaimback/com, and my deposit was promptly sent to my wallet. One thing that has always baffled me is how the account manager executed trades without my knowledge I guess is because they use backend to manipulate trade, yet when I requested to withdraw the proceeds, they either blamed my bank or accused me of money laundering and tax evasion.

Singapore Singapore 2022-08-05 15:49
Singapore Singapore 2022-08-05 15:49

They are manipulating the forex data

After a trading signal they modify the background data and it seems everybody in the viber group win but in reality they just playing on a modified demo server. They work on the domain too. I attached wintersnowx data and the plus500 data to see the modification.

United Kingdom United Kingdom 2022-08-04 23:05
United Kingdom United Kingdom 2022-08-04 23:05

The online PUA male liar tempted me to deceive my feelings and cheated me of 2.5 million RMB. I invested in digital currency on the black platform and could not withdraw money.

I lost more than 360,000 US dollars by a gang of online economic fraud. The incident started on June 21. A PUA man in Los Angeles, USA, calling himself Chen Xin CHENXIN, found me on WhatsApp on June 21, 2022. After chatting to make friends, I was deceived and brainwashed by his professional communication skills and psychological control. He tricked me into registering the fake trading platform of MT5 international currency through the link he gave (original address http: // search wintersnow forex) to register and log in, then bind it in MT5, and induce me to transfer a total of more than 360,000 US dollars from my HSBC in Hong Kong through various methods to buy virtual currency for trading. , the money started from July 5th to the end of July 19th, and it has all been credited to the different personal Hong Kong accounts sent to me by the platform customer service that said it was a currency merchant, until the liar CHENXIN asked me for private photos, which caused me a lot of trouble. I was disgusted and applied for withdrawal on July 27, but was told by the platform that my funds were suspected of being involved in money laundering and had been detained, and I had to pay another 30% deposit of more than 120,000 US dollars to withdraw the money. I knew that I had been deceived. This is the tuition fee for my children. Now all the cheating is gone. I am very sorry and shameless. Because I don't understand this thing, if I know this app can check whether the platform is regulated before I trade, I won't lose so much money. Now it is exposed here, learn lessons, invest prudently, and hope that the police will solve the case and capture the criminal gang as soon as possible.

Spain Spain 2022-08-04 16:11
Spain Spain 2022-08-04 16:11


I registered with wintersnow forex because I was told that I could trade with confidence because it was a transaction delivered to the Japanese Financial Services Agency by manipulating words skillfully with TikTok. I invested about 1,000,000 and made a profit of 1,400,000. I tried to contact the securities company by phone for confirmation, but the phone number was fictitious and was not used. I tried to send an e-mail, but there was no reply and it seems to be fictitious, so I need to be careful when dealing with this securities company.

Japan Japan 2022-08-04 05:07
Japan Japan 2022-08-04 05:07
Unable to Withdraw

I was induced by a scammer to invest in virtual currency and was defrauded of $360,000

I lost more than 360,000 US dollars by a gang of online economic fraud. The incident started on June 21, and was found by a PUA man in Los Angeles, USA, possibly under the pseudonym Chen Xin CHENXIN, who found him on WhatsApp on June 21, 2022 I, chatting to make friends, was later brainwashed by his professional communication skills and psychological control, and tricked me into registering the fake trading platform of MT5 international currency through the link he gave ( The original address is for wintersnow forex) to register and log in, then bind it in MT5, and induce me to transfer a total of more than 360,000 US dollars from my HSBC in Hong Kong through various methods. The virtual currency was traded, and the money started from July 5th to the end of the 19th, and it has all been credited to the different personal Hong Kong accounts sent to me by the platform customer service that said it was a currency merchant, until the scammer CHENXIN asked me for nude photos. I was very disgusted that I applied for withdrawal on July 27, but was told by the platform that my funds were suspected of being involved in money laundering and had been detained, and I had to pay another 30% deposit of more than 120,000 US dollars to withdraw the money. I knew that I had been deceived. This is the tuition fee for my children. Now all the cheating is gone. I am very sorry and shameless. Expose here to prevent more people from being victimized.

Spain Spain 2022-08-03 20:01
Spain Spain 2022-08-03 20:01
Unable to Withdraw


Don't invest in this company; it is a fraud. After I invested a significant amount with them, they blocked my account when I tried to withdraw, blocking all of their contact information. Don't squander your money with this company, I applied for a r fund with assetsclaimback*com. This is a major scam. company, you'll never get your principle money back, let alone any profit.

United States United States 2022-08-03 16:39
United States United States 2022-08-03 16:39
Unable to Withdraw

Absolute scam

i was confused when i made money on the platform but could not get to withdraw that money from my account when i wanted to, i even requested a part withdrawal that wasn't approved I have reported their attempt to do away with my investment and requested a withdrawal that came through under the fintrack/ org recovery authority Beware of companies like wintersnow limited because in all likelihood, it is a sam

United States United States 2022-08-03 12:18
United States United States 2022-08-03 12:18
Unable to Withdraw

Fake, Scam Broker

I had deposited $20,000usdt with Bohua Technology ltd broker. I did many Crypto trades and was able to withdraw a small amount. When I wanted to withdraw a larger amount, they rejected this, customer service banned me after complaining and my account was frozen. I contacted Wintersnow limited broker via their website and registered with them. I told them about Bohua technology Ltd and that they are no longer on MT5 platform. Wintersnow limited said that they would migrate my account from Bohua Technology Ltd broker and said that I will be able to deposit, trade via MT5 platform and withdraw. I tried to withdraw $35,000usdt which was rejected. Then I tried to withdraw $25,000usdt which was also rejected, then I tried $35,000usdt again which was successful, debited from my account but never received and not credited back to my account. I contacted customer service who said funds will be released if I paid 5% of my account balance to guarantee payment to my crypto wallet. I believe that Bohua Technology ltd and Wintersnow limited are the same broker who allow people to deposit funds, trade but refuse to let people withdraw without some kind of extra payment. please someone help me to recover my account balance and I am willing to pay someone 20% of my account balance if successful. Screenshots attached as proof

United Kingdom United Kingdom 2022-08-03 02:08
United Kingdom United Kingdom 2022-08-03 02:08
Unable to Withdraw

Wintersnow should prove that is fake broker or not

When I use Trading service at the first time, I registered in Boloni Created FX Co ltd.(as attached 1) After used that Broker for a while, they email me to inform the change of Broker to be Wintersnow(as attached 2) After that, when I requested to withdraw money, Wintersnow asked me to pay taxes(as attached 3,4) and no withdraw happened even I paid some as they asked. If Wintersnow is not a fake broker, they should make a normal withdraw process.

Thailand Thailand 2022-07-29 18:06
Thailand Thailand 2022-07-29 18:06
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw via Broker

I tried to withdraw money from my accounts via Wintersnow. But they said that I should pay some taxes and I should make 1 more trade even within period they set. I trusted what they said, so transfered USD to pay taxes as they asked(As attached 1st,2nd) and tried to trade as they mentioned. But nothing happened. After that, they asked more USD for taxes again(As attached 3rd) without Withdraw process as I asked. Is there any way I can go forward to fix this situation?

Thailand Thailand 2022-07-28 18:22
Thailand Thailand 2022-07-28 18:22
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