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26 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

Cannot withdraw at all

Both the line customer service and the person who cheated me blocked me. I couldn't actually get the money when I withdraw the money! Just look at the screenshots, please don't be fooled!

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-06-04 17:42
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-06-04 17:42
Unable to Withdraw

I want to apply for a withdrawal, but I receive an official email notification that I need to pay income tax!

Starting from 2/18, about 240,000 USD were deposited successively, and until 5/15, the accumulated income was about 260,000 USD. During this period, there were attempts to withdraw 3,100 USD, and all of them were withdrawn normally. As a result, due to capital requirements, the application for withdrawal of 10,000 USD was made. , but received an official email notification the next day, requiring payment of 20% of the income, more than 50,000 USD, and then the progress of the withdrawal was stuck in processing. After contacting and inquiring according to the official line account paid in the letter, the reply is that the tax payment certificate is required for the withdrawal application process before the withdrawal. It is suspected of scam on the fraud platform, please help to retrieve the funds.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-05-23 11:21
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-05-23 11:21
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to witthdraw. You must pay income tax first

I made a withdrawal on 5/15, and I didn’t get any money by 5/16 the next day. After I asked the customer service, the customer service said that my profit exceeded the international standard, so I would be charged 20% profit tax, but I had no idea what to do. I do not know that there are taxes

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-05-17 16:19
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-05-17 16:19

Unable to withdraw after deceiving deposit, and unable to operate by stealing the account

The kangda website is completely a scam website. Firstt hey find someone to let you deposit with Binance, and then let you withdraw a little bit to earn your trust. Then, the next thing is that you want to withdraw money and they will ignore it completely, and then lock your accout and prevents you from operating mt5, and then steals your account to do bad operations when you are not paying attention, causing you to lose money, and finally transfer your large sum of money away. These operations happened when I asked for help and got a screenshot by me. The point is that there is no information on the wallet that where the circulating funds go on the website. It’s ridiculous. My account is only more than 30,000 dollars. You can create three withdrawals of 30,000 dollars and then pass all of them. The late withdrawal is withdraw first is so bad, and they don’t let you withdraw multiple times. For a withdrawal, as long as you fill in the same withdrawal application, it will be locked and you can no longer fill it out.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-12-09 16:17
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-12-09 16:17

The person who deceived my deposit admitted that kangda is a scam website

Like the title, I was deceived to deposit. The entire website is a fraud investment and the account is also a virtual account of mt5

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-12-09 10:42
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-12-09 10:42
Unable to Withdraw

The application of withdrawal on December 5 has not been reviewed until December 8

Application of withdraw has not received any notification until now. There is no response from the official Line

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-12-08 12:27
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-12-08 12:27
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