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8 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

It asked for several fees such as income tax, margin and risk deposit. It was a romance scam.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-08-14 22:47
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-08-14 22:47
Unable to Withdraw

The female scammer Wendy from Hong Kong International Financial Center

Please do not trust her or deposit. You will be unable to withdraw.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-30 15:40
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-30 15:40
Unable to Withdraw

A female scammer Wendy from Hong Kong International Finance Center

She cheated Taiwanese of more than $183,305 in the name of investment and financial management and used MT5 account to launder money. Be careful not to invest with him. Please avoid being deceived. You can't withdraw money after depositing.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-26 09:12
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-26 09:12
Unable to Withdraw

Looking for Ms. Wen Na from Hong Kong Financial Center

Please show up and solve our question. If you see this message, please forward it. Thank you for sharing.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-21 16:59
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-21 16:59
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

I’ve paid a 100% margin while now individual income taxes are required. I borrow money to withdraw funds. But I failed. Please help me.

Malaysia Malaysia 2021-07-06 11:46
Malaysia Malaysia 2021-07-06 11:46
Unable to Withdraw

Intend to get their way, by hook or by crook.

She wanted my family to help me raise money. So I said my dad was in hospital because of this issue. But she said I delayed to pay to withdrawal so my dad was angry. Obviously, she stimulated me but I just ignored her. I should not pay the supposed taxes to withdraw funds. I hope these guys can be brought to justice cuz they ruined our asset security.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-05 23:02
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-05 23:02
Unable to Withdraw

A 20$ income tax has been required when you apply for withdrawal

The withdrawal has to be paid to the platform ~ the 20% personal income tax of the profitable capital of the account fund minus the recharged principal can be withdrawn. The other party is still using emotional factors to complain. At present, they are still delaying because it is impossible to pay. This is just the inability to withdraw the money. One step, there may be a second step and the third step is also unable to withdraw money. Now I only hope to get back the principal invested, otherwise life is very difficult.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-06-17 00:26
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-06-17 00:26
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

Withdrawal needs to pay 20% personal income tax of the profit to the so-called customer service account. In fact, it is impossible to withdraw money regardless of whether it is paid or not. Even if it is paid, there will be various excuses to reject the withdrawal application. After all, there is no regulation. Withdrawals can be easily approved with the normally regulated dealers and all the charge is the bank service charge. It should be noted that during the dealing, all of the people you know are members of the same team (the one that introduces the dealer to you, the so-called deposit customer service, etc.). They pretend to be chat buddies at first and within a week, they would tell you that their avocation is investing and they would like to teach you to make money, tell you what to do when the market moves, they also would tell you to deposits more money to prevent forced selling, etc. Step by step, they emotionally manipulate you to make you deposit more money because they can pretend to be nice looking cute girls by sending you fake photos and tuned voice messages and share ‘hers’ daily life with you to trap you. If you proposed video chat they would deny it by saying they don’t like doing it. Anyway, you should be more cautious and don’t forget to look up their background information.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-06-11 18:44
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-06-11 18:44
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