Global Broker Regulation & Inquiry App

6 pieces of exposure in total


Suddenly, I was disconnected from MT4, and the FUNRATS homepage disappeared.

Today, when I entered MT4, my account was disconnected. When I looked at the FUNRATS homepage, it was displayed in Chinese that it was stopped by the administrator and I could not proceed. I haven't been able to trade on MT4 for a few months now, and now I don't even know the money.

Japan Japan 2022-01-26 18:05
Japan Japan 2022-01-26 18:05
Unable to Withdraw

When I try to withdraw, they request a deposit and I can't withdraw.

When you request a withdrawal, it is said that a deposit is required to withdraw, and even if you make deposit, you will be required to make a further deposit. I can't get in touch with the other party because I can only contact LINE and I don't get a reply.

Japan Japan 2022-01-10 13:39
Japan Japan 2022-01-10 13:39
Unable to Withdraw

I can't access my account and I can't afford to pay.

One day, I suddenly couldn't get into my account. When I try to log in, it just says that there is no company and I can't proceed. I can't even contact the person in charge, so I would like to withdraw the full amount of my account to my bank account.

Japan Japan 2021-12-29 07:34
Japan Japan 2021-12-29 07:34
Unable to Withdraw

Suddenly, neither the transaction nor the account is confirmed. I want to withdraw money.

One day, I suddenly lost access to my FUNRATS account and couldn't even apply for withdrawals. I can no longer contact the person in charge. When I check with MT4, I have money in my account, but I can no longer trade. I want to withdraw money from my FUNRATS account to my bank account.

Japan Japan 2021-12-26 08:21
Japan Japan 2021-12-26 08:21

scam be careful.

this lady Amber or Chen Ruxue if is that the real name is telling me the account is going to be automatically in 2 week, and is giving me some excuses for why the broker is not registered. complete scam.

United Kingdom United Kingdom 2021-07-14 21:02
United Kingdom United Kingdom 2021-07-14 21:02


the broker only allows 1:300 leverage, and a minimum deposit of 1000 USD, the description says one thing but the reality is very different, they claim to be a world know broker but if you search is almost impossible to find information about it or reviews, I did trades with a women called Amber, real name Chen Ruxue, (not sure) and she said she is receiving data from the broker and all other non sense and suspicious stories, that make you think of an 100% success rate.

United Kingdom United Kingdom 2021-07-14 20:41
United Kingdom United Kingdom 2021-07-14 20:41
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