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148 pieces of exposure in total


Scam. Address|: 6th Floor, No. 150 Xi Road, Daliao District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

Receive agency commissions, lett customers pay all the money, just don’t help u handle thing after you have paid the money, and now cheat customers to deposit money before giving the money. As soon as a complaint, change the WeChat avatar official website customer service note email to ignore it. There is no bottom line.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-02-01 21:21
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-02-01 21:21

Bottomless Scam

The salesperson in USG and MOGA scams. Unable to withdraw since July 10 last year, otherwise your capital should be deducted. I think of a way to withdraw money and consume the principal as a commission. I lost more than four thousand U.S. dollars, just leass than $700 left. But I still can't withdraw funds. I can't get my money without putting in thousands of funds into MOGAFX. They treat us like jackasses

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-01-28 13:35
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-01-28 13:35

USG is a Ponzi scheme

I can't withdraw funds last year, just as most investors. The business manager asked me to scalp to earn commissions last November. And the commissions can arrive in 1-3 days. I earned $680 with the capital of over $3,400. But I can't get my money for over two months. Now the salesman asked me to invest in MOGA and only in this way can I get my money in USG. I wanna ask if they belong to teh same boss. I should deposit 1,000 to wirhdraw 200. I dare not do it again for their bad reputation.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-01-26 11:56
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-01-26 11:56
Unable to Withdraw

MOGAFX cleared my account

I deposited $3,600 and withdrew after profiting several hundred dollars. But the platform just deducted my profit and principal. This is a fraud paltform

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-12-18 23:25
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-12-18 23:25
Unable to Withdraw

Nimisha Madanaka

Scammer 1000 USD asking Money for irs when i start withdrawing my money. She still recruiting people here in the philippines CRYPTOVEST HERE COMPANY.

Philippines Philippines 2020-11-10 06:36
Philippines Philippines 2020-11-10 06:36
Unable to Withdraw

Can’t withdraw

The platform didn’t return the profit which is supposed to be returned in this trade.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-11-03 15:11
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-11-03 15:11
Unable to Withdraw

Compensate the loss.

MOGAFX didn’t return the profit.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-10-28 15:37
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-10-28 15:37

A fraud platform. Can’t withdraw my funds of $100. Don’t be cheated

I lost money here but I still can’t withdraw.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-10-23 13:37
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-10-23 13:37
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