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6 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

Fraud platform

I tried to withdraw $10000 but the customer service told me to pay 10% personal tax because the balance was too high. But I still failed to withdraw and could not contact with them.

Malaysia Malaysia 2021-09-18 16:50
Malaysia Malaysia 2021-09-18 16:50

EthBtc Investment Limited I lost over $7,000

Due to having 0 experience in trading, I did not realize that the next phase of the plan is where I would have my money stolen. She put me through to a "broker" whose Whatsapp account had the MetaTrader 5 logo on its display picture and introduced themselves as "Customer Service". Over the course of the following days, I "registered" with a brokerage that calls itself "EthBtc Investment Limited" and sent over $7000 of funds from my bank account via Debit Card.

Nigeria Nigeria 2021-08-29 01:38
Nigeria Nigeria 2021-08-29 01:38
Unable to Withdraw

A Taiwanese beauty solicitor. Is Hoshie a pseudonym?

They are very kind to me. You will be solicited by this broker to fill your account with the missing funds and to sign your trades. It will be profitable for a while, but eventually it will ask for additional funds. Correspondingly, the transaction became large, and when it came time to withdraw, I was guided not to withdraw, and I set up a big transaction and lost a lot. When I said that I had lost myself, I was told to squeeze in and return the loaned money, and when I said fraud, it disappeared somewhere.

Japan Japan 2021-07-12 19:19
Japan Japan 2021-07-12 19:19


This is a scam company that will cheat you and stop picking up your calls. All they asked for is more money.

United Kingdom United Kingdom 2021-06-02 20:59
United Kingdom United Kingdom 2021-06-02 20:59

unable to withdraw

this broker is scam. It cannot withdraw.

Thailand Thailand 2021-06-02 19:18
Thailand Thailand 2021-06-02 19:18

scammer 100%

The withdrawal is so slow

Thailand Thailand 2021-05-30 00:30
Thailand Thailand 2021-05-30 00:30
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