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24 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

I ask for help, can I send my

I ask for help, can I send my wrong balance back to my account again?

Indonesia Indonesia 2024-05-22 19:55
Indonesia Indonesia 2024-05-22 19:55

They stole my account

When I check the account monitoring in Singapore, I check back my actual IP again. I can't withdraw money from August 27, 2021.

Indonesia Indonesia 2021-11-02 20:37
Indonesia Indonesia 2021-11-02 20:37

ring financial is scam

ring financial same like Mexico financial.Both platforms are the same scam company

Singapore Singapore 2021-10-31 08:10
Singapore Singapore 2021-10-31 08:10
Unable to Withdraw

They stole my money

They hold my money from August 27, 2021. I tried to trade on mt5 but could not withdraw. They did not provide any help. Return my money.

Indonesia Indonesia 2021-10-30 07:59
Indonesia Indonesia 2021-10-30 07:59
Unable to Withdraw

They cheated investors

They updated the website but ignored the withdrawal. I did not receive any message of withdrawal from August 30, 2021 because I did not pay the tax.

Indonesia Indonesia 2021-10-29 09:15
Indonesia Indonesia 2021-10-29 09:15

Emails were blocked

The scammer closed all the ways of visiting and took my money away.

Indonesia Indonesia 2021-10-28 17:30
Indonesia Indonesia 2021-10-28 17:30

Ring financial limited was a scam

They had two same names and did a scam. Never trust them.

Indonesia Indonesia 2021-10-28 16:15
Indonesia Indonesia 2021-10-28 16:15
Unable to Withdraw

I lost my money

I lost all my money in my wallet. They took it away. I was not sure there was money in the mt5. please return my money.

Indonesia Indonesia 2021-10-27 17:21
Indonesia Indonesia 2021-10-27 17:21
Unable to Withdraw

Balance locked

My balance was locked from August 30. I could not withdraw. Did I lose my money? Stay away from this broker and its team.

Indonesia Indonesia 2021-10-27 13:03
Indonesia Indonesia 2021-10-27 13:03

No application

They shared on the link of mt5 but not the application. Stay away from this broker. They had no proper system but only a bad website.

Indonesia Indonesia 2021-10-26 08:21
Indonesia Indonesia 2021-10-26 08:21

Only deposit but not withdrawal

It opened the address for deposit but closed that for withdrawal. Return my balance.

Indonesia Indonesia 2021-10-25 20:21
Indonesia Indonesia 2021-10-25 20:21

If you could deposit, it was hard to withdraw

They opened the jaringan TRC20 when depositing but closed it when we withdrew.

Indonesia Indonesia 2021-10-25 13:06
Indonesia Indonesia 2021-10-25 13:06

Investors are seen as garbage

Their service center allows investors to become spam in each of their service centers. They will never receive any information from every email, online service and WhatsApp

Indonesia Indonesia 2021-10-24 08:45
Indonesia Indonesia 2021-10-24 08:45
Unable to Withdraw

Return my money

They kept silent for 2 months and answered that the system was being repaired.

Indonesia Indonesia 2021-10-20 07:47
Indonesia Indonesia 2021-10-20 07:47

Unable to withdraw

Never deposit on this broker.

Indonesia Indonesia 2021-10-19 13:52
Indonesia Indonesia 2021-10-19 13:52
Unable to Withdraw

Give me back my balance

They froze my balance, arguing that I have to pay taxes. Never pay the taxes they ask fo. Your money will not come back, stay away from this broker, this broker is a SCAM!!

Indonesia Indonesia 2021-10-07 09:43
Indonesia Indonesia 2021-10-07 09:43

Rejecting the withdrawal

They cheated you when you wanted to withdraw and required 20% tax when you wanted to withdraw, which was a part of the scam. Do not trust this broker. Stay away.

Indonesia Indonesia 2021-10-01 21:42
Indonesia Indonesia 2021-10-01 21:42
Unable to Withdraw

Scam under the guise of tax

You will be asked to pay a tax of 20% when making a withdrawal. So, please stay away from these fraudulent brokers, they will drain your money again, again and again.

Indonesia Indonesia 2021-10-01 16:34
Indonesia Indonesia 2021-10-01 16:34

Unable to withdraw

I wanted to withdraw $30,097.74 but they asked me to pay 20% taxes. Then they blocked me from whatsapp and email.

Indonesia Indonesia 2021-09-17 16:12
Indonesia Indonesia 2021-09-17 16:12


It locked my balance and cheated me. They told me to pay 20% of the balance but I refused. Then they disappeared and blocked me. Stay away from it.

Indonesia Indonesia 2021-09-17 12:19
Indonesia Indonesia 2021-09-17 12:19
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