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3 pieces of exposure in total


Reveal of the scam FAREACH !

Exposure platform: FAREACH Product: Index, CHINA-N300, HK50 and CHINA-50 Teacher: Cao Fei, Jiang Shan, Niu Gengyun and Yu Hongze Means: Induced operation, limited withdrawal, banned selling-out, manipulation and frozen account In this November, I was pulled into a stock group, in which teacher Cao Fei, Jiang Shan, Niu Genyun and Yu Hongze recommended some stock trading experience. Members all boasted that they are badass and asked for profiting more before New Year. Then the 4 teachers started their plan “Independent Fortune Campaign” and invited us in. They divided their team into small group, up to 100 person in a group. I deposited 100000 RMB and joined the new-comer group.With the order of the owner, I profited a little. Then I lost half of the fund in the next day. The teacher comforted us, saying that there would be a cocking market. So I added another 200000 RMB, but the result was not as good as expected. There was only 50000 RMB left. The teacher blamed the responsibility on the group owner. Then the new group owner told me to add fund, which I refused. So he removed me off the group and asked me to enter a new group and deposit 100000 RMB at least. I wanted to withdraw. But they kept holding off.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-01-02 10:12
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-01-02 10:12

The withdrawal is unavailable after huge losses.

In this November, I was pulled into a stock group, in which teacher Cao Fei, Jiang Shan, Niu Genyun and Yu Hongze recommended some stock trading experience. Members all boasted that they are badass and asked for profiting more before New Year. Then the 4 teachers started their plan “Independent Fortune Campaign” and invited us in. They divided their team into small group, up to 100 person in a group. I deposited 100000 RMB and joined the new-comer group.With the order of the owner, I profited a little. Then I lost half of the fund in the next day. The teacher comforted us, saying that there would be a cocking market. So I added another 200000 RMB, but the result was not as good as expected. There was only 50000 RMB left. The teacher blamed the responsibility on the group owner. Then the new group owner told me to add fund, which I refused. So he removed me off the group and asked me to enter a new group and deposit 100000 RMB at least. I wanted to withdraw. But they kept holding off.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-12-26 15:38
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-12-26 15:38


The gang of fraudsters Cao Fei and Niu Gengyun induced clients to deposit fund by sending profit screenshots, saying that the profit would be 30% at least. With their recommendations, I made all losses.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-12-26 11:20
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-12-26 11:20
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