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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


Australia|5-10 years|
White label MT4|Regional Brokers|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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White Label

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HsunTrading-Demo MT4
Server Location United States


852 8197 9258
The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


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852 8197 9258

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Pyramid scheme complaint


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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 3
Previous Detection : 2024-06-03
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The number of the complaints received by WikiFX have reached 7 for this broker in the past 3 months. Please be aware of the risk and the potential scam!

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Pyramid scheme complaint
Unable to Withdraw

The SUN-H gives no access to withdrawal,finding excuses to put off it.

At first,a salesman,claims to take you to make money,will ask you to register account and deposit money in it.Then the technician will teach you forex purchasing and ask you to add fund to upgrade your account.When you withdraw your money,he will tell you that your password is wrong to ask for margin by 35%.After you pay down it,they will continue to tell you that your credit score is not enough to withdraw money and you shall raise it by paying 1500 yuan for each score.It is the pitfall in this fraud platform.Goddamit,these bloody fraudsters.With 200000 yuan lost, a woman who is more than 8 months pregnant was annoyed and admitted to the hospital.The agent and customer service never ever give any reply.

2019-09-05 10:29


In June of this year, a stranger added me, invited me to enter a stock exchange group, where mentor He Guozhong and mentor Jin Bangzhu were giving lectures and recommending stocks. Since I invested in stocks regularly, I would watch their lectures. Mentors often recommend bullish stocks. At first, I didn't care about them at all, but the mentor gave me some stock recommendation messages every once in a while, and occasionally compared them with the market. I didn't expect the accuracy rate of the stock recommended by the mentor to be quite high! Later, I also chatted with him later, and the mentor recommended some stocks to me. This mentor gave me the feeling of being a character who has been in the stock market for many years and is very professional. He added me into his stock group, and regularly recommended stocks in the group every day. Many people in the group were following the mentor's operations, and also posted various profit orders. It didn't take long for the mentor to reveal in the lecture that the stock market is not easy to make profits now and recommended London gold trading, etc. and then introduced me to this platform: Use less capital and quickly obtain higher investment returns! Many people were coaxed to make big money with the mentor. I was so excited that I opened an account on the platform he recommended and registered. At first, I didn't dare to invest too much money. I invested 80,000 yuan for trial, all are profitable. Later they urged me to increase the deposit, so that the profit could be doubled. I started to lose money after I continued to invest 100,000 yuan. After the loss became serious, they urged me to continue to invest every day, and promised to earn back to the previous loss. Because of the excessive loss, with the mentality of earning back, another 200,000 yuan was invested. The final loss caused my balance remain less than 10,000 yuan. The mentor told me not to panic, the market fluctuations would make my investment profitable, and continued to let me deposit. I listened to the mentor's words and invested another 200,000 yuan. As a result, under his continued guidance, all capital were lost in less than a week. At this time, the mentor still let me continue to deposit money. I have no money in the end. The mentor seldom responded to my messages and no one in the group has ever posted a profit order since then, so I realized that I might have been scammed.

2020-07-17 15:45

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