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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!

ICX Capital

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines|2-5 years|
White label MT5|Regional Brokers|High potential risk|


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White Label

Server Name
ICXCapital-Live MT5
Server Location Hong Kong


+852 94111007
The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

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Single Core



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Traditional Chinese(HK)

+852 94111007

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Company Name

ICX Capital Ltd

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ICX Capital

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Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

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Pyramid scheme complaint


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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 2
Previous Detection : 2024-06-11
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The number of the complaints received by WikiFX have reached 14 for this broker in the past 3 months. Please be aware of the risk and the potential scam!

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Pyramid scheme complaint
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

I applied for the withdrawal on the morning of May 6th. 2 hours later, the service told me that related regulator is investigating into since someone is engaged in money laundering. The daily limit is $2500. The withdrawal is unavailable during 15th to 25th. The service is out of contact.

2020-05-25 18:19

Fraud ICX Capital

Teacher: Chen Qianlong(Nickname: Long Ye). I joined the Patriotic group, in which he recommended some stock. Later, he asked us to participate in and earn the 300% profits. At first, he appealed for fund-raising to help reorganize the enterprise. He announced that 230 thousand was raised, and another 290 thousand needed to be collected. Chen Qianlong and Tang Weiguo showed their profit on London XAU/USD, with a 80% profit within 2 days. Many members were attracted. Since I committed to fulfilling all requirements, I joined a 9-peroson group, albeit not willing to. Seeing others’ profit screenshots, I wanted to experience and earn some. He told us to close position when it should be profitable. I wanted to exit, while the service kept asking me to add position, at which time, my prepaid was negative. The teacher claimed the the market only occur once 10 years. Since it hasn’t come to the point, I dared not to close the position. At about 23:00, the trend go reversely, leading to forced liquidation. There was only $2577.53 left now, with loss percentage being up to. Before the trading, he hasn’t mention any risk or setting the stop-loss and take-profit. Method: through livestreaming room Chen and Lin gave recommendations through WeChat. All members were asked to add their contacts.

2020-06-17 23:47


Teacher: Tang Weiguo and Chen Qanlong Assistant: Song Ting Account-opening director: Wang Wei I was accidentally pulled into a group named Stock Patriotism Group, which was changed into Qianlong Patriotism Group. The teacher asked us to trade London gold since the fund for the second share. He recommended us ICX Capital , ensuring a 80% profit. He opened the account for and asked me to deposit by 2 times. I deposited $8020 and $30800 namely, which was gone in wake of liquidation. There was only $2000 or so left, with a loss rate of 94.5%. The teacher blocked me. I remembered that he mentioned nothing on risk, let alone setting the stop-loss or take-profit price. Method: through WeChat I was required to send screenshot from time to time.

2020-08-07 14:44
Unable to Withdraw

Experience on the scam of ICX Capital

Exposure platform: ICX Capital Method: Through group and liverstreaming room Teacher : Tang Weiguo Account administrator: Direct Wang Wei Assistant: Le Le In this September, a stranger, who self-proclaimed as the customer service of a security company, recommended me some stock, which was quite high of profit.He claimed that a teacher taught him and shared his card to me.This is the first time I contacted with him,of which I felt professional.Then he pulled me into a stock exchange group,in which he taught lessons.Some members required him to set live -broadcasting room to give detailed analysis.On the next day,the teacher did so.After a half month,he recommended us to trade in ICX Capital , saying that the stock market was volatile.  Gradually, I found that he was really professional since the market recommended was always cocking. Then he recommended us an account administrator, saying that he would guide us to open accounts and deposit fund. So I also opened an account. At first,the teacher told us to operate with 10% to 20% position.I made one thousand or so profits twice before.Later,the teacher told us to buy shares largely.By his deliberate reverse order recommendation,my 300000 RMB all lost.The teacher told me to add 450000 RMB to recover the losses.I lost my mind and add another 450000 RMB.With his guidance,my account became forced liquidation overnight.But the teacher still urged me to add fund.I felt something wrong and argued with him.He explained ambiguously and vaguely,and even didn’t respond anymore. At that time, I realized that it was a scam. The group members were fraudsters, to scam all my fund!

2020-04-29 19:29

Tang Weiguo and Chen Qianlong scammed victims in the guise of giving aids during covid-19.

Of a day in March, I read an article about legendary trader, below which there was a contact attached. I added him, whom is named Tang Weiguo. He was in good manner and invited me into a WeChat group. As a trader retired from the market, he claimed to set up an organization named Stock patriot Group, in which the profit would be donated to virus-racked enterprises. Then he nearly gave livestreamming 3 times per day, with one or two lot trading seldom. During that time, in addition to Tang, Chen Qianlong(Long Ye), Leader Lin and MR. K taught us on stock trading. Then Tang and Long Ye took us to trade in London gold trading market to achieve the second KPI of the goal. We all trusted them. I deposited 450 thousand RMB in the platform, resulting in forced liquidation. Posting this, I caution you against this scam.

2020-05-14 23:25

In the guise of covid-19, Tang Weiguo and Chen Qianlong scammed clients through adverse recommendation.

On this February 25th, Tang added me and told me that his student would guide me on stock trading. Then I entered a livestreaming room recommended by Wu Ge and assistant Qiqi, in which Tang gave analysis on stock. In early March, he recommending investing Jinshi Technology, Songlin Technology and Zhongliang Technology, which all brought about losses. Fortunately, I didn’t buy the stock. Then he asked us to buy Rifeng Share, the price of which cocked up. At this, Long joined, together with his so-called comrade-in-arms. We were asked to send the screenshot to the assistant before having the class which began at 9:00 everyday.The period of the livestreaming was 13:00 to 15:00 and 19:00 to 21:00. Tang Weiguo, Chen Qianlong, Coach Lin and Mr. K gave brainwashing by turns. After giving out the order of buying, the price stopped, in wake of which many members failed to buy in. They set the drop-stop price during 9:15 to 19:59 to attract investors. The assistant asked members to sell a portion of the share, which I hadn’t been engaged in. At this time, Tang claimed to re-organize the team to remove those who opened position casually, divulged the secret or disobeyed the rules. He said that only by passing the trading exam and acquired the certificate, can we be positioned to trade the second stock. With the excuse of survey, Long told us to trade the second stock owned by director Wang’s company to enable its market valve elevated, thus, the company could attract foreign investment. Wang chose Long as the chief commander, which wasn’t approved. So Tang and Long had a competition. In wake of 3 higher pip, Long won. Tang scolded the fairness of the competition, resulting in the replay of the competition. Long lost and shifted to the London XAU/USD, making Tang far lagging behind on the third day. They all had one supporter, Coach Lin and Mr. K respectively. Wang claimed a dogfall, saying that Long has a wide scope with investment while Tang advances in trading skill. Competition again, Tang won. Long claimed that he exit the competition on his own. Long threatened that if we didn’t join in the London XAU/USD, he would removed off the group. So I opened an account and deposited 600 thousand. Having made some profits during April 27th to May 1st, we suffered all losses within one day. Long said that he need hospitalization and asked us to join Tang’s team. Tang told us to add fund to recover loss. I borrowed 200 thousand, resulting in all lost within 10 days. It is a rip-off. All my savings is gone!

2020-05-21 12:15

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