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United Kingdom|Within 1 year|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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+44 203 974 51 42
Finsbury Business Centre, 40 Bowling Green Ln, London


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 2
Previous Detection : 2024-06-03
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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TradeZoom · Company Summary

TradeZoom Basic Information
Company Name TradeZoom
Headquarters United Kingdom
Regulations Not regulated
Account Types Gold, silver, bronze account
Minimum Deposit $250
Customer Support Email ( (+44-203-974-51-42)

Overview of TradeZoom

TradeZoom, headquartered in the United Kingdom, serves as an online trading platform catering to traders by providing financial instruments. Traders can choose from account types such as Gold, Silver, and Bronze, aligning with their individual preferences and expertise levels. Despite its commitment to flexibility and accessibility, it's crucial to acknowledge that TradeZoom operates without regulatory oversight.

Overview of TradeZoom

Is TradeZoom Legit?

TradeZoom is not regulated. It's crucial to emphasize that TradeZoom operates without any valid regulation, indicating a lack of oversight from established financial regulatory bodies. Traders should approach with caution and recognize the associated risks when contemplating trading with an unregulated broker like TradeZoom. These risks may include limited avenues for resolving disputes, potential concerns regarding the safety and security of funds, and a lack of transparency in the broker's operations. To ensure a safer and more secure trading experience, traders are advised to conduct thorough research and carefully assess a broker's regulatory status before engaging in trading activities.

Is TradeZoom Legit?

Pros and Cons

TradeZoom offers traders the advantage of selecting from three account types, providing flexibility to cater to varying trading preferences and experience levels. However, the absence of regulatory oversight poses a significant concern, potentially exposing traders to increased risks due to the lack of supervision from recognized financial authorities. Furthermore, challenges such as difficulty accessing the website and a lack of transparency regarding company policies and procedures may hinder traders' overall experience. Additionally, unclear information on the trading platform adds to the ambiguity, making it challenging for traders to make informed decisions.

Pros Cons
  • Provides three account types
  • Operates without regulatory oversight, potentially exposing traders to risks
  • Unable to access the website
  • Lack of transparency regarding company policies and procedures
  • Unclear information on trading platform

Account Types

TradeZoom offers a range of account types tailored to accommodate varying trader preferences and investment levels. These account tiers include gold, silver, and bronze. The gold account, requiring a minimum deposit ranging from $25,000 to $100,000, is designed for traders seeking higher investment thresholds and enhanced features. The silver account, with a minimum deposit ranging from $5,000 to $25,000, caters to traders with moderate investment capabilities. For traders with smaller investment budgets, the bronze account is available, requiring a minimum deposit ranging from $250 to $5,000.

Account Types

Customer Support

TradeZoom offers customer support primarily through email at, providing traders with a direct and convenient channel to address any inquiries or concerns they may have. Additionally, traders can seek immediate assistance by contacting TradeZoom's customer support hotline at +44-203-974-51-42.

Customer Support


In conclusion, TradeZoom offers flexibility with three account types, catering to various trading preferences. However, the absence of regulatory oversight poses risks, along with challenges like website accessibility issues and a lack of transparency in company policies. Additionally, unclear platform information complicates decision-making. Traders should exercise caution and research thoroughly before engaging with TradeZoom for a safer trading experience.


Q: Is TradeZoom regulated?

A: No, TradeZoom operates without regulation, lacking oversight from recognized financial regulatory authorities.

Q: What account types does TradeZoom offer?

A: TradeZoom provides various account types, including gold, silver, and bronze, catering to different trading preferences and experience levels.

Q: How can I contact TradeZoom's customer support?

A: You can reach TradeZoom's customer support primarily through email at Additionally, traders can seek immediate assistance by contacting TradeZoom's customer support hotline at +44-203-974-51-42.

Risk Warning

Trading online carries inherent risks, and there's a possibility of losing your entire investment. It's essential to acknowledge these risks fully before engaging in any trading activity. Please be aware that the details provided in this review might change due to updates in the company's services and policies. Additionally, the date of this review's generation is crucial, as information may have evolved since then. Hence, it's recommended that readers always verify the latest information directly from the company before making any decisions or taking action. Ultimately, the reader is solely responsible for using the information provided in this review.

Broker Information

Company Name


Company Abbreviation


Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

United Kingdom

Company website
Phone of the company
  • +44 203 974 51 42









Company address
  • Finsbury Business Centre, 40 Bowling Green Ln, London









Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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