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1563 London Road, London, England, SW16 4AD


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ByBitProfit · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name ByBitProfit
Registered Country/Area China
Founded year 2023
Regulation Not regulated
Market Instruments Forex, Indices, Cryptocurrency
Account Types VIP, Platinum, Gold, Silver
Minimum Deposit $5,000
Maximum Leverage 1:500
Spreads From 0 pips
Trading Platforms N/A
Customer Support Email at

Overview of ByBitProfit

ByBitProfit, founded in China in 2023, operates without regulation, posing risks for traders due to the lack of oversight and investor protection.

Despite offering a variety of trading assets, including forex, indices, and cryptocurrencies, the platform suffers from disadvantages such as limited customer support options, inaccessible educational resources, and a website prone to accessibility issues.

While it provides competitive spreads, the absence of regulatory oversight and limited transparency regarding its operations may deter traders from fully trusting the platform.

Overview of ByBitProfit

Regulatory Status

ByBitProfit operates without regulation. This means it's not overseen by any authority. This lack of oversight can lead to potential risks for investors. Without regulation, there's no guarantee of fair practices or investor protection. Users may face challenges in resolving disputes or ensuring the platform's reliability.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Various Account Types Official Website Inaccessible
Competitive Spreads as Low as 0 pips Limited Customer Support Options
High Minimum Deposit Requirement ($5000)


  1. Various Account Types: ByBitProfit offers a range of account types, including VIP, Platinum, Gold, and Silver accounts.

  2. Competitive Spreads as Low as 0 pips: ByBitProfit provides competitive spreads, with rates as low as 0 pips for certain currency pairs.


  1. Official Website Inaccessible: ByBitProfit's official website may face accessibility issues, potentially hindering users' ability to access essential information or perform necessary account functions.

  2. Limited Customer Support Options: ByBitProfit offers limited customer support options via email only, which may impede users' ability to receive timely assistance with account-related inquiries or technical issues.

  3. Unregulated: ByBitProfit operates without regulatory oversight, exposing traders to elevated risks.

  4. High Minimum Deposit Requirement ($5000): ByBitProfit imposes a substantial minimum deposit requirement of $5000, creating a significant barrier to entry for traders. The high minimum deposit may deter individuals with limited capital from accessing the platform's services, restricting opportunities for participation in trading activities.

Market Instruments

ByBitProfit offers a wide range of trading assets, including forex, indices, and cryptocurrency.

Forex, or foreign exchange, enables traders to speculate on the value fluctuations of various currency pairs. Indices represent a portfolio of stocks, allowing investors to speculate on the overall performance of a specific market. Cryptocurrencies provide opportunities to trade digital assets such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others, known for their high volatility.

Account Types

ByBitProfit offers four distinct account types: VIP, Platinum, Gold, and Silver.

The VIP account stands out as the most exclusive option, accessible only by invitation. With a maximum leverage of 1:500 and the absence of a minimum deposit requirement, it's tailored for seasoned traders with significant capital and a high tolerance for risk. The VIP account provides access to tight spreads from 0, facilitating potentially high-profit margins for sophisticated investors who actively engage in the market.

In contrast, the Platinum account targets experienced traders with a substantial minimum deposit of $100,000. With a leverage ratio of 1:400 and spreads starting from 0.8, this account type offers competitive trading conditions suitable for individuals seeking enhanced opportunities for profit generation while maintaining a relatively lower risk profile than the VIP tier.

The Gold account, with a minimum deposit requirement of $20,000, appeals to traders with moderate experience and capital resources. Offering a leverage ratio of 1:300 and spreads from 1.5, this account type strikes a balance between risk and reward, making it suitable for traders looking to expand their portfolio without exposing themselves to excessive risk.

Lastly, the Silver account serves entry-level traders or those with limited capital, requiring a minimum deposit of $5,000. Despite offering a lower leverage ratio of 1:200 and spreads starting from 1.5, this account type provides a viable entry point into the trading world for individuals looking to gain exposure to various markets while managing risk within their financial means.

VIP Platinum Gold Silver
Maximum Leverage 1:500 1:400 1:300 1:200
Minimum Deposit Invitation only $100,000 $20,000 $5,000
Minimum Spread from 0 from 0.8 from 1.5 from 1.5
Account Types


ByBitProfit offers varying maximum leverage ratios across its account types: VIP, Platinum, Gold, and Silver.

The VIP account boasts the highest leverage at 1:500, providing experienced traders with ample opportunities for potentially high returns on investment.

Platinum follows closely behind with a leverage ratio of 1:400, offering competitive trading conditions suitable for seasoned investors.

Gold offers a leverage of 1:300, striking a balance between risk and reward for traders with moderate experience.

Silver, the entry-level account, provides a leverage ratio of 1:200.

Spreads & Commissions

ByBitProfit imposes spreads and commissions across its account types.

The VIP account offers the tightest spreads, starting from 0, providing experienced traders with potentially higher profit margins.

Platinum and Gold accounts offer competitive spreads, starting from 0.8 and 1.5, respectively, suitable for traders seeking a balance between cost-effectiveness and trading conditions.

Silver account holders, with spreads also starting from 1.5, may find this option more suitable for entry-level traders or those prioritizing lower fees over tighter spreads.

Deposit & Withdrawal

ByBitProfit sets varied minimum deposit requirements across its account types.

Platinum demands $100,000, serving experienced traders with substantial capital. Gold, with a $20,000 minimum deposit, balances accessibility and favorable trading conditions, appealing to traders with moderate experience and resources. The Silver account, requiring $5,000, serves as an entry-level option, accessible to novice traders or those with limited capital.

Customer Support

ByBitProfit offers customer support via email at

Customer Support


In conclusion, while ByBitProfit offers competitive spreads and a wide range of account types, its shortcomings present significant challenges for traders. The inaccessible official website, coupled with limited customer support options, hampers users' ability to access essential information and resolve issues promptly.

Moreover, the platform's lack of comprehensive educational resources and regulatory oversight raises risks about trader education and investor protection.


Question: What account types does ByBitProfit offer?

Answer: ByBitProfit offers VIP, Platinum, Gold, and Silver accounts.

Question: What are the minimum deposit requirements for ByBitProfit accounts?

Answer: Minimum deposits range from invitation-only for VIP accounts to $5,000 for Silver accounts, accommodating traders with different financial capacities.

Question: What is the maximum leverage offered by ByBitProfit?

Answer: ByBitProfit provides leverage ratios ranging from 1:500 for VIP accounts to 1:200 for Silver accounts, allowing traders to amplify their positions.

Question: Does ByBitProfit provide competitive spreads?

Answer: Yes, ByBitProfit offers competitive spreads starting as low as 0 pips for certain currency pairs, reducing trading costs for traders.

Question: How can I contact customer support at ByBitProfit?

Answer: ByBitProfit offers limited customer support options, with inquiries primarily addressed via email or phone support during specified hours.

Question: Is ByBitProfit regulated?

Answer: No, ByBitProfit operates without regulatory oversight, potentially exposing traders to higher risks due to the lack of investor protection measures.

Broker Information

Company Name


Company Abbreviation


Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region


Company website
Phone of the company










Company address
  • 1563 London Road, London, England, SW16 4AD









Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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