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Fake GKFXPrime

Entry Time 2020-12-28

Time Machine

2021 years 2 Month
Time2021 years 2 Month
Time2021 years 2 Month

Fake GKFXPrime · Company Summary

General Information & Regulation

This Fake GKFXPrime is scam broker registered in China, purely aiming to scam lots of forex investors. This fake GKFXPrime is obviously not subject to any regulation. Please stay away from this broker!

Market Instruments

Since this fake GKFXPrimes official website cannot be opened, we have no idea about tradable instruments it offers.

Minimum Deposit

The minimum deposit requirement is not disclosed, for this brokers website cannot be opened. However, since this broker is an unregulated broker, traders should stay away from it anyway.


Still, trading leverage information cannot be known. However, since leverage, can amplify both profits as well as losses, choosing the right amount is a key risk determination for traders.

Spreads & Commissions

Spread is essentially the difference between the bid and the ask price. Fake GKFXPrime doesnt provide us any detailed spread and commission information.

Scam Warning

Online scam is trending nowadays with fraudulent websites popping up literally every day. The financial authorities increase the number of warnings issued year after year, but the dangers are still out there and growing exponentially. Unregulated and scam brokers like this Expert-Earners is what traders should stay away from.


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