Global Broker Regulation & Inquiry App
Regulatory Level


The Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Society(CGSE)

Hong Kong ChinaEstablished in 1910 Regulated by Government


License application
Regulatory Level
Regulatory Info

NBP: --

Inv Prot: --

Members: 49

Established: Established in 1910

Accts Mngd Sep: --

Not a member of IOSCO (International Organization of Securities Commissions)

Customer service




CGSE Organization Introduction

Founded in 1910, the Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society (“CGSE”) is the sole exchange in Hong Kong which trades physical gold and silver, and operates in pursuance of section 3 of Chapter 82 of Laws of Hong Kong, under which its operation as a commodity exchange is legally exempted. Run on a membership-based system, CGSE's mission is to provide an exchange, facilities and related services to its members for transaction of precious metals, such as gold and silver. CGSE trades 99 Tael Gold and Kilobar through an open outcry system; and Loco London Gold / Silver Contract, RMB Kilobar Gold, HK Dollar 999.9 Tael Gold and HK Dollar Loco Silver 1 through “Electronic Trading Platform”.“Transaction Code” is also provided to parties in the transactions.

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consumer hotline:006531290538
Mobile Phone Number:234 706 777 7762;61 449895363
Telegram:+60 103342306
Whatsapp:+852-6613 1970;
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