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229 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

TR, since everyone TRansferred to nft

in 2023, there will be no one to manage it, and no money will be withdrawn. hundreds of thousands of investors across the coun TRy will lose all their money. i heard that they are still building a shopping mall recently, and they will start to at TRact people again.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-12-22 17:18
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-12-22 17:18

The platform has been exposed in 2022

Customers were played for suckers in 2022, so why are there still people being deceived in 2023?

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-12-05 22:21
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-12-05 22:21

TR Forex Ponzi Scheme

It induces and deceives victims and promotes it under the guise of legality. It claims to be regulated by the British FCA and is the world's first margin trade with a high rate of return. It cannot withdraw money for exchange for various reasons. It keeps changing the website and server for various reasons. The victims are waiting hard, unable to exchange, and have suffered heavy losses. The impact of this incident is terrible, with so many victims and the amount of money. We hope that the origin and location of the source can be investigated in time, the fraud leader Chen Rizun can be caught, and the victims' hard-earned money can be returned!

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-09-13 11:30
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-09-13 11:30
Unable to Withdraw

Don't buy it, don't be fooled

I have been unable to withdraw money, and then I cannot log in to the platform. It has been more than a year. Everyone, be careful of being deceived. I can’t withdraw the 140,000 yuan. Don’t be fooled again!

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-08-31 06:54
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-08-31 06:54

What is said that the AB Book has safe hedging and will never lose money. Now I directly lost the B-book, and the data returned to me in the A-book is still a piece of data, and don’t give me a channel to exchange it for money

What is said that the AB Book has safe hedging and will never lose money. Now I directly lost the B-book, and the data returned to me in the A-book is still a piece of data, and don’t give me a channel to exchange it for money

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-08-13 19:51
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-08-13 19:51
Unable to Withdraw

A scam defrauded my feelings and salary and hoped to be caught.

It deleted his IG conversation before it was too late! There are really many and rampant love scams nowadays, everyone should pay attention. Don't trust people who talk to you about true feelings in two or three days, and they are also very handsome. They are all from China mainland and create a luxurious life. During the process, he also told me that his father passed away, which aroused my sympathy, and in the middle, he would say that he had some trauma in his heart and could not answer my phone calls. I have been talking to you about foreign exchange trading since then, and brainwashed me by saying how profitable it is, so that I can make money during the process of entering market, so I am also very relieved. Until yesterday, I still had a remittance, but today the boy disappeared, and the platform was unable to withdraw money. I am now telling everyone to be careful, not to be scammed.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-07-10 17:31
 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-07-10 17:31
Unable to Withdraw


I haven't withdrawn funds for more than half a year, and you keep saying that I can't withdraw funds because the case has not been closed and forcibly converted the funds into NFT. Using Various inducements to invest in loans.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-06-26 13:33
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-06-26 13:33

Now we can't get back the money we were cheated out of

I don't even know how I got cheated, their scheme is too deep, I am still falling into this trap despite all the precautions.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-06-13 07:10
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-06-13 07:10
Unable to Withdraw

TR Chongqing Pib Wang Jing

Doesn't it hurt your conscience to spend other people's money, and you still pretend to be charitable, because you are afraid of retribution?

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-05-21 14:10
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-05-21 14:10
Unable to Withdraw

Fraud platform

TR is a purely fraud platform. In most regions of Hubei and other provinces, hundreds of thousands of people have been deceived, and their money has been lost. The money owed to banks has been overdue for a long time, and the police have called the police, but they still let the fraudsters go unpunished. We should take it seriously, and they don't know what the law is for. They always remind the people how to prevent it. The saying goes that the law is one foot high, the devil is one foot high, and the fraudsters are all elites, There are many tricks, how can ordinary people find a way out? The sadness of society.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-05-07 08:55
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-05-07 08:55
Unable to Withdraw

TR Forex's newly opened fraudulent fund-raising platform induces people's fund and engages in pyramid schemes

Unable to withdraw. Isn’t this the new platform that TR’s foreign exchange fraud funds reopened and continued to scam money? Since last July, I can’t withdraw money until now, and I plan to call the police.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-03-01 03:37
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-03-01 03:37
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

Cannot withdraw since Jun 2022. Keep delaying it. The bank loan is also overdue and there is no updates now.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-02-28 01:40
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-02-28 01:40

Rock west is a scam broker and don't withdraw profit.

I'm writing a review about Rock-west broker. I got 40 usd bonus by depositing 10 usd. They gave me only one 44 usd withdrawal and when i generated 40 usd profit againand request withdraw 2nd time, they did not withdraw my profit and blocked my account's withdrawal. Then they offered me a 2nd account with 40 usd which Igenerated from bonus funds and closing of bonus account but they did not fulfil their promise and just put 10.62 usd in my 2nd account and close my 1st deposit bonus account. This broker is a scam and cheater. Don't invest with this broker.

Netherlands Netherlands 2023-02-03 04:23
Netherlands Netherlands 2023-02-03 04:23
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw. Cannot withdraw once you deposit

Unable to withdraw. Keep waiting siince April and it has not been sovled till now. It is clearly a fraud.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-11-28 01:19
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-11-28 01:19
Unable to Withdraw

Swiss Exchange

It is a romance scam that induce people to invest and deny your withdrawal

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-11-09 10:16
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-11-09 10:16
Unable to Withdraw

Expose Chongqing TR Foreign Exchange Leader Wang Jing (Episode 2)

Investors, stop being brainwashed, wake up! Flaunt wealth by various means such as take investor's money to drive a luxury car, live in palatial villa, go on vacation, being exploited once and once again, still insanely brainwashed by him. and re-purchase the identity. Obviously, it was already impossible to withdraw money on April. but he encourage investors to borrow millions of dollars for six or seven loans by blocking the news! What is your intention? Where is the conscience? Do whatever it takes for hedging, even use own money. Truely lost his conscience.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-10-05 17:35
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-10-05 17:35
Unable to Withdraw

The first person to expose TR foreign exchange in Chongqing, Wang Jing PIB

Wang Jing, you know that you can't withdraw money, but you also deliberately blocked the news and let investors take out a lot of loans and deposit money to hedge against you! Where is your conscience? When you ask people to participate in investment, you give them a pat on the chest to assure them that you have visited Malaysia many times, it is true and safe, and you take the simple trust of your old family in you, how do you treat everyone's trust in you? I will gradually expose your ugly deeds step by step! Don't be fooled anymore! wake up……

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-09-30 09:24
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-09-30 09:24
Unable to Withdraw

TR Forex,

It has been more than two months, and I can't withdraw the money. I asked the regulatory authorities for help.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-09-06 00:12
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-09-06 00:12
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

Completely screwed. If you can't withdraw, you're a liar, pay me back my hard-earned money

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-08-31 15:53
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-08-31 15:53
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

Forced join into the NFT and will not allow you to withdraw , and the B position has not been traded back to the B position for 3 months. No matter what, you will not be allowed to withdraw. It is a complete fraud.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-08-28 07:14
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-08-28 07:14
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