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275 pieces of exposure in total



Hello. BlaFX is the site I have been investing in for a while. In the first days of July, they said that they would pay the promotion as much as we deposited into our account under the name of the promotion. Of course, they restricted withdrawals during this promotional period. I have not been able to receive my money from this site since August 18 last year. The money belongs to me and I can't get it.. the company is under the name of changing hands. They told us we couldn't withdraw any money. They said that if I made another 10% investment after August 18th, my account would be verified. this figure was 15 percent. BlaFX increased it to 27% a few days later. I want my money back. What is done here is unethical. People are suffering. In this environment, some people use bank loans to sell their homes or cars.

Turkey Turkey 2024-02-19 20:47
Turkey Turkey 2024-02-19 20:47
Unable to Withdraw


I cannot withdraw my money. And I could not get it back in any way, the company confiscated the money from my account and that of many of my friends. We have been defrauded and we urgently request support.

Turkey Turkey 2024-02-19 20:28
Turkey Turkey 2024-02-19 20:28


They scammed me, I had $2268 in my account and it was impossible to withdraw.

Uzbekistan Uzbekistan 2023-10-10 01:06
Uzbekistan Uzbekistan 2023-10-10 01:06

Blaxf changed their broker now they pretend to be another one

The blaxf platform stole our money a month ago now they pose as cloud bridge a currency trading platform there are people who still join this great scam I leave a photo of the broker so you can be careful

Mexico Mexico 2023-09-22 07:50
Mexico Mexico 2023-09-22 07:50
Unable to Withdraw

Scam scammers

The trader carried out the promotion through deception from 08/18/2023. Without warning users of copy traders, the promotion was +100% to the replenished deposit and the withdrawal of funds was blocked until the end of 08/25/20023. On August 22, 2023, trading operations were stopped in Meta Trader 4 and the withdrawal of funds was blocked in the status subject to review. my deposit amount is 4411 US dollars, 500 of them are bonus.

Russia Russia 2023-09-12 12:22
Russia Russia 2023-09-12 12:22
Unable to Withdraw


All the deposits I made are proof that they never responded to me after making the payment they asked me for, proof that they never unlocked my account, I need help, please, I beg you.

Mexico Mexico 2023-09-09 11:23
Mexico Mexico 2023-09-09 11:23
Unable to Withdraw

Scammers do not allow to withdraw money

Hello! It all started when a girl from China wrote to me on Instagram in the spring of this year; she introduced herself as Liu Tingting; After several days of communication, she offered me to earn money using her signals on a trading platform called DeFi. Everything went well, I made a small profit, after which she told me to withdraw my money and move on to the next project that she created together with traders who gave signals to the Ark Community called BLaFX, claiming that this project would be more large-scale and profitable. I immediately invested there all the money that I had withdrawn from DeFi and at first everything went well, I copied traders’ transactions, made a profit, and could withdraw money. Throughout the entire time, the girl from China who invited me actively wrote to me that I should invite friends and relatives, telling them to take out loans because... it guarantees that we will not lose our money. Suddenly BLaFX announced a promotion of +100% to the deposit and throughout the entire promotion there will be a ban on the withdrawal of funds, before this promotion there were no announcements either by email or on the website that withdrawal of money would be prohibited, this is a gross violation 19.08 Liu Tintin persuades me to deposit $2000 to get a bonus. 08/22 I learned from support that it is prohibited to withdraw money while the promotion is ongoing. A couple of days after this, support said that there were suspicious actions on my account and that to withdraw funds I needed to deposit the amount of 15% of the total deposit, a little later an announcement appeared on the site that the site was ceasing its activities and to withdraw funds you need to deposit 27 %, On the website, support wrote that you need to contact their telegram @Blafx967 when communicating with support, they started insulting me and did not give any normal explanation about the suspicious actions from my account. Please help me get my money back.

Russia Russia 2023-09-07 23:04
Russia Russia 2023-09-07 23:04
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

Unfortunately I invested in copy trading on the blafx platform for about 2 months. Lately they had some campaign where they said they will double the assets so clients get more profit, at the beginning of that campaign I tried to make withdrawal for my money and they said I can’t do it during the campaign. After campaign was done, I tried to withdraw my money but nothing happens, I contacted their customer support and they said I need to pay 27 % of my assets as taxes. I told them that I will file complaints on all regulatory bodies and their pages on the internet as well, if they don’t accept my withdrawal in the next 24 hours and they did nothing. The account linked to blafx to receive my funds is a Binance account. I appreciate if you tell me what steps can I take to handle that fraud please.

Egypt Egypt 2023-09-07 16:12
Egypt Egypt 2023-09-07 16:12
Unable to Withdraw

Scammers. it is impossible to withdraw money.

Scammers. it is impossible to withdraw money.

Russia Russia 2023-09-06 01:39
Russia Russia 2023-09-06 01:39
Unable to Withdraw

We can't withdraw our assets.

We are unable to withdraw our money. A forex company named bethle aster freezed our accounts and not allowing us to withdraw our assets. On 25 august they put a notice in their site and in telegram group that blafx is going to be suspended. Pay 27% more tax then we will open accounts. Some people paid and then too they did not open. Then after they closed their customer support and also are offline from that day. I made a complaint against bethle aster in CFTC website and SEC website. yesterday on 4 September that girl came online my team leader. tong yang. she replied my message of 25 august ..then she says. I won't give you a dollar. add more money for next project and we will recover. she said false things like she lost millions dollars she lost car house etc lies to convince that she was not part of that fraud. I have screenshots of everything. she forced me yesterday that add money or I shall delete our message chat in tele. I have her pic too

India India 2023-09-05 17:31
India India 2023-09-05 17:31
Unable to Withdraw

The deposit cannot be withdrawn

I started the withdrawal a while ago, and it was under review, and nothing arrived in my virtual wallet, please return my investment. Thank you

Argentina Argentina 2023-09-05 11:10
Argentina Argentina 2023-09-05 11:10

We were all very nicely cheated [d83d][de33]

Hello. My name is Alexander and I am also one of those people who are cheated in Blafx. It all started with the fact that a girl named Zola wrote to me on Instagram (she also introduced herself to others later as Nancy) and offered to earn money on the Defi platform, said that she was a trader with many years of experience and she had signals for trading. According to her, she just wanted to help me learn how to make good money. I started working and communicating with her, everything went well, I started earning, of course, not a lot, but I was surprised that everything was working out for me. I worked with her for more than a year and she constantly helped me, that's how we became friends and I began to believe and trust her. After some time, she told me that with her Ark Community team she created a project called Blafx and suggested that I go into it for more successful earnings and trading. Without hesitation, I followed her link, registered, deposited the first $25, and started copying the master trader. After all this, she said that I need to share this project with my friends by sending them a referral link. I began to bring people, many who did not believe in all this, and she began to throw off money for me so that I would bring my friends and acquaintances as much as possible. Even later, she offered to open an office and was ready to sponsor this whole thing, thank God that I did not have time to do this. She constantly told me that I need to invite more friends, the more the better for my earnings, fortunately I brought few people to this project, no one simply believed in it and everyone told me that we would all be thrown. I didn't trust anyone.

Ukraine Ukraine 2023-09-04 19:30
Ukraine Ukraine 2023-09-04 19:30
Unable to Withdraw


Does not withdraw money, wrote for support, at first they said about some taxes, then they stopped answering, it’s much easier than to solve the problem.

Russia Russia 2023-09-04 17:08
Russia Russia 2023-09-04 17:08
Unable to Withdraw

It no longer allows me to log into my account

I can't log into my account to withdraw my money, it won't even let me enter the page

Mexico Mexico 2023-09-04 05:27
Mexico Mexico 2023-09-04 05:27
Unable to Withdraw

Impossible to withdraw money

Trader fraudulently held a promotion from 08/18/2023 without warning or consent of users (copy traders) promotion + 100% To the replenished deposit and blocked the withdrawal of funds until the end of the promotion on 08/25/2023. 08/22/2023 Blafx.c stopped trading operations with Meta Trader 4 and blocked the withdrawal of funds in the status (there are currently unprocessed orders for withdrawal or transfer, and the last operation cannot be completed, please wait for processing) from the account. The amount of my deposit is $7531, I am attaching screenshots from the account. On August 25, 2023, a message appeared on the site about restructuring and the payment of a tax (deposit) of 27% of the existing deposit if we want to withdraw our funds. After 08/25/2023 At the end of the promotion, the withdrawal policy did not change. Starting from 08/25/2023, it is impossible to withdraw funds; it says that the funds are in the “under consideration” status. Hope you help and support!

Ukraine Ukraine 2023-09-04 02:17
Ukraine Ukraine 2023-09-04 02:17
Unable to Withdraw


I can’t withdraw my funds. Is there at least some kind of compensation?

Russia Russia 2023-09-04 02:05
Russia Russia 2023-09-04 02:05

Inability to withdraw funds

I am unable to withdraw my funds, since the 100% deposit bonus gift started. More than $1,000 MXN. In copy trading. And approximately $15,000 MXN. (What I did to receive the bonus) In the account (without operating) - they did not tell me the bonus, I clarify - I made my withdrawal and it remained "under review" on August 26, 2023 and until today, September 3 of 2023 has not been reflected in my account :( Now the page no longer loads. What will happen to my money? Didn't we have insurance for $2,000 USD? This is terrible and those responsible cannot go unpunished!

Mexico Mexico 2023-09-03 16:10
Mexico Mexico 2023-09-03 16:10
Unable to Withdraw


The account has been frozen, it is impossible to withdraw money, what a day!

Spain Spain 2023-09-02 23:59
Spain Spain 2023-09-02 23:59


The trader fraudulently held the promotion from 08/18/2023 without the warning and consent of the user (copytraders) of the promotion + 100% To the replenished deposit and blocked the withdrawal of funds until the end of the promotion on 08/25/2023. On 08/22/2023, Blafx. They stopped trading with Meta Trader 4 and blocked the withdrawal of funds in the status (currently there are pending withdrawal or transfer orders, and the last operation cannot be completed, please wait for processing) from the account. The amount of my deposit is $ 15761 I am attaching screenshots from the account From 08/25/2023, a message appeared on the site about restructuring and paying a tax (collateral) of 27% of the existing deposit if we want to withdraw our funds. After 08/25/2023 At the end of the promotion, the withdrawal policy has not changed. Starting from August 25, 2023, it is not possible to withdraw funds, it says that the funds are in the status of "under consideration". Hope you help and support!

Norway Norway 2023-09-02 16:22
Norway Norway 2023-09-02 16:22
Unable to Withdraw


Blafx asked its clients to deposit money in order to make withdrawals, and so far they have not done so

Mexico Mexico 2023-09-02 11:24
Mexico Mexico 2023-09-02 11:24
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