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26 pieces of exposure in total



Wu Baoyue cheated people and led them to deposit. The company he held was also a fraud company.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-08-29 15:32
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-08-29 15:32
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

The withdrawal took more than 1 month. The customer service did not reply me.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-08-25 23:44
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-08-25 23:44

There is some problem with the official website

I can’t log on to the official website. I have logged in a few times, and then I can’t log in again. It’s so annoying.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-06-13 17:50
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-06-13 17:50

Unable to withdraw

无法出金 其他曝光 网页打不开,账户登陆错误.换了好几个网站还是登不上.客服网页也打不开

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-05-27 14:03
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-05-27 14:03

My bank account has been closed because of the withdrawal

Millennium Alpha transferred my withdrawal via an account of a fraud, making my bank account blocked. But I have bound some other payments with this card. It makes me upset... It’s just 1,100 yuan

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-05-20 00:30
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-05-20 00:30
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw in Millennium Alpha

I invested in Millennium Alpha in 2018. At that time, I was able to withdraw funds. At the end of 2020, I won't let me withdraw funds. My account was blocked. Very sad, contacting customer service will not solve it. I hope that all friends will learn from it.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-04-23 16:42
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-04-23 16:42
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

It shows that the withdrawal is done. But I haven't received the money.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-01-26 19:39
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-01-26 19:39

Unable to withdraw

It shows that the withdrawal is completed, but the money hasn't arrived, it is said that it took two days, there is still no news

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-01-23 10:56
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-01-23 10:56
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

The website can’t be opened now. Unable to withdraw. I’ve tried several times and I can’t log in.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-10-28 15:39
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-10-28 15:39

Unable to withdraw

Unable to withdraw. The website is disabled. They use the method of recruitment to induce depositing. You can’t withdraw and the official website is disabled.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-08-31 11:27
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-08-31 11:27
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw in Millennium Alpha

There are high handling fee and ridiculous spread with the scam platform. Stay away.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-03-04 10:19
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-03-04 10:19
Unable to Withdraw

Millennium Alpha

The withdrawal is unavailable. The website is disabled.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-01-06 08:15
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-01-06 08:15

Induced fraud

The platform induced me to deposit fund by the bait of high commission continuously.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-12-30 19:42
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-12-30 19:42

Induced scam

The platform induced clients to deposit fund and made their accounts forced liquidation by giving wrong recommendations.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-12-26 14:35
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-12-26 14:35
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

I deposited in a company which recruits traders specially.But now the withdrawal website is disabled.There is high service charge and spread with the platform!

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-11-11 10:08
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-11-11 10:08

Page can not open!

Since October 10th, the official website of Midland Financial cannot be opened. Is there any problem? bankrupt? Or run away?

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-10-31 13:51
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-10-31 13:51

The website is disabled

The withdrawal is unavailable.The system showed that a Knicks server needs to be installed.But I have tried for many times.It was still unavailable.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-10-25 12:12
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-10-25 12:12
Unable to Withdraw

The website was disabled.

I have traded in Millennium Alpha for some time.Recently,I wanted to withdraw fund,while the website was disabled.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-10-19 10:19
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-10-19 10:19

The website id disabled

I having trading in Millennium Alpha for half years.I wanted to withdraw,while the website was always disabled.I don’t know what happened.It depends on fortune to open it.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-10-16 08:56
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-10-16 08:56

A green hand in Forex was cheated with an excuse of job offer

I am a green hand in forex. I have been trained in the company for a week and took part in the exam. If I don’t pass the exam, I can choose to trade with my won money. If I pass the exam, I have to respond for losses. I was required to trade twice a day on my own with 30% of standard hand. For a green hand in forex, it turned out to be a trick. With a great slippage and invisible positive swap short, I, a green hand, still don't know how to trade even though I was trained before. When you lost, they said you didn’t trade according to the trading plan. The minimum of opening a position is the same as the minimum of closing a position amounted to 0.1kg. Company’s EA only are allowed to open at 0.01kg.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-07-30 20:17
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-07-30 20:17
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