Global Broker Regulation & Inquiry App

4 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

The money in my account is withdrawn by others

I have been using this platform for nearly 6 years. Although the delay has been fixed for more than 3 seconds, but I don’t trade much, I deposit and withdraw funds occasionally, and use it as a stock hedging. I lost a total of 30,000 US dollars on this platform, and it doesn’t matter if I lose. Recently, I used EA to place orders with friends. I only traded once every 20-30 minutes, and I got a few thousand dollars back. Last week, 2 accounts closed with more than $10,000. Yesterday Monday night, I found out that the funds in my account were applied for withdrawal. A total of $11,100, and now there are only a few thousand left. I checked the records and asked about customer service. He said that the funds were withdrawn to the BTC wallet, but I clearly did not apply for deposits in BTC or other digital currencies before, and I did not accept the withdrawal of funds in this way. They just said my member center password, they didn't give me the record IP of the application, they just said it was a different country. I have 100,000 doubts in my heart, why would someone withdraw money from my account if I recover a little bit? Why did the platform process the withdrawal application without confirming the wallet address? Emailed them CS, but still no reply ‧ Even if the password was stolen, reset should be fine, now they suspended my login and didn't send me daily transaction records. I am very concerned about the safety of my funds.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-04-19 08:04
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-04-19 08:04

Deposited for the bonus, but account was blocked immediately

I opened a live account with this broker and funded my account via WebMoney with an amount of $2,000, and then I received a $600 bonus. After only 12 hours, I found out that my account had been blocked and received an email claiming that my account had been closed because of Arbitrage! But I did not open any trade on my account at all. The most important note, in this case, is that the Broker blocked my whole balance and they did not allow me to withdraw my initial deposit ($2,000). They referred me to section 5.2 of the client agreement and claimed that they had the right to block my account, ALL of my balance, and even my INITIAL DEPOSIT! I really can not understand what is going on here...I even did not open any trade on my account. This clearly is a SCAM!!!

Malaysia Malaysia 2021-09-14 16:52
Malaysia Malaysia 2021-09-14 16:52

Scammed $2,000 out of me!

I opened a live account with this broker and funded my account via WebMoney with an amount of $2,000 , and then I received a $600 bonus. After only 12 hours, I found out that my account had been blocked and received an email claiming that my account had been closed because of Arbitrage! But I did not open any trade on my account at all. The most important note, in this case, is that the broker has blocked my whole balance and they did not allow me to withdraw my initial deposit ($2,000). They referred me to section 5.2 of the client agreement and claimed that they had the right to block my account, ALL of my balance, and even my INITIAL DEPOSIT! I really can not understand what is going on here...I even did not open any trade on my account. This clearly is a SCAM!!!

Malaysia Malaysia 2021-09-02 17:53
Malaysia Malaysia 2021-09-02 17:53



Japan Japan 2020-08-01 13:27
Japan Japan 2020-08-01 13:27
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