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Unable to Withdraw

Find excuses to deny withdrawal

The customer service staff recommends a position opening activity. During the activity, there will be 1% interest on the principal every day, but the deadline for completing the activity is not informed. After inquiring, we know that the activity will be completed within 1 month. 2% is used as a punishment. After completing the activity, the withdrawal business can be processed. I also asked if there are other taxes, liquidated damages, etc. in addition to the deduction of 2% of the principal. The customer service also answered no, but before the completion of the opening Without notification, the deposit of 6699usdt was directly deducted and said to be the liquidated damages. When the deposit was completed and the withdrawal business was completed, the customer service informed that it would require a 7-day review period because the warehouse was not completed within the time limit. Wait a minute, when I processed the gold withdrawal business again, the customer service informed the remittance record that there was a sum of money involved in money laundering, and I had to pay 50% of the principal as a security deposit to handle the gold withdrawal business. Jin, where is the suspicion of money laundering? This reason is a bit outrageous. I believe that there will be other reasons to block the withdrawal business after paying the deposit. I hope everyone will not be deceived again. The content of the dialogue with the customer service is attached with the article.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-07-28 01:52
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-07-28 01:52
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

Keep asking me for transactions and tax payment. Cannot withdraw.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-07-19 23:42
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-07-19 23:42
Unable to Withdraw

Find various reasons to deny withdrawal

Participated in the platform's opening activity in early April. The customer service informed that there would be 1% interest on the principal every day during the opening activity, but did not clearly inform the completion time of the opening. After 1 month, 2% of the principal will be deducted every day. The answer is that 2% of the principal will be deducted as liquidated damages after the completion of the opening of the position, and the funds will be withdrawn until the opening of the position is completed. At the same time, I also asked the customer service if there will be any follow-up liquidated damages or withholding of other taxes after the completion of the opening of the position? The customer service replied that you can withdraw money immediately after completing the position opening without incurring any costs, so I accept the reason for deducting the liquidated damages. After all, I did not complete it in time, but when I want to complete the position opening later, the platform will deposit my money (200000TWD) I directly deducted the liquidated damages that I had to pay. In order to quickly release the deposit, I completed the deposit of the last 30,000 TWD. At this time, I asked the customer service for the deposit, but the customer service replied that I had breached the contract and completed the opening, so the company had to review it. It took 1 week for me to withdraw the money, and I waited for 1 week. I asked the customer service again to inform the withdrawal, but the customer service said that I had a fund that was suspected of money laundering, and I had to pay a deposit of 50% of the principal before I could withdraw. A sum of money is all deposited by me, and I can only go in but not out, and there is no transaction. How do I launder money? The platform tries its best to use the event to induce investors to deposit funds. After the event is completed, it refuses to handle the withdrawal business for various reasons. Please don't be fooled again. Attach the dialogue record with the customer service.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-07-19 00:43
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-07-19 00:43
Unable to Withdraw

Try too much for withdrawal

Can't withdraw money .. balance shown but can't withdraw money

India India 2022-07-09 01:12
India India 2022-07-09 01:12

Scam and unable to withdraw

Traded ETH on this platform for three weeks. You can withdraw coins at first but not after that. Doing activities let us deposit money, but when it comes to withdrawing money, we will pay a 5% handling fee. After paying, what kind of illegal bets will be paid for liquidated damages. It is a bureau that can only put coins and cannot withdraw.

Malaysia Malaysia 2022-06-27 15:03
Malaysia Malaysia 2022-06-27 15:03
Unable to Withdraw

Biggest scammer! Can’t withdraw your money out!

When I requested to withdraw money, they just ignored my request and after many attempts, they taken out money from my account but I never received the money. I googled their company location, the location is fake Unit 12, Ravenswood Industrial Estate, Shernhall St, London E17 9HQ, United Kingdom. It’s a junkyard! This is biggest scammer. They have a big team to keep asking people to make deposit and do fake trading in the account to pretend making profit.

Canada Canada 2022-06-21 08:06
Canada Canada 2022-06-21 08:06
Unable to Withdraw

Can’t withdraw, fake trading and profit

They promoted to help you to double your money within one month, the Asian lady pretend to be nice and kept asking me to deposit more funds and refer more investors for commission sharing. When I wanted to make the withdrawal, the customer kept delaying the process and ended up making the fake transaction record to show me the funds has withdrawn from my account y successfully. Never trust and deposit to this Bohua, they are same team from Kraemfx Trading Co and Big uncle and many more FX broker

Canada Canada 2022-06-20 02:35
Canada Canada 2022-06-20 02:35
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